Example #1
        static void updateRankInList(ref LinkedList <WordStructre> list)
            int Rank = 1;
            LinkedListNode <WordStructre> currentNode = list.First;

            while (currentNode != null)
                WordStructre node = currentNode.Value;
                node.Rank         = Rank++;
                currentNode.Value = node;
                currentNode       = currentNode.Next;
Example #2
        //static string input = @"Devise and implement, in the programming language of your choice, an efficient algorithm that reports a requested
        //number of top, i.e. 100, smallest value value distinct words language and their total occurrence across a given number of lists
        //containing words ordered as per Exercise ";
        //static string input = "Bbn Bcn Ben Bdn Bfn Ban Ban aaa aaaa";
        //static string input = " z y y q l  t b a t r w q l k j h g f d s a z x c v b n m  p o i u y t r e w q 1  c j f e aa ad ab aaa a ";
        //static string input = "hi hello";
        //static string input = "I’am Iam iam, you’re Youre,";
        //static string input = "boat born";

        //   static string input = "car cat";
        // static string input = "boat born";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string filePath   = string.Empty;
            int    printCount = 10;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.Write("\n Enter input file path ");
                filePath = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("This number is only using for display purpose. Full list get serialize in the bin file for future Use in Exercise 2 ");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Required Number  ");
                int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out printCount);
            if (args.Length > 0)
                filePath = args[0];
                if (args.Count() > 1)
                    int.TryParse(args[1], out printCount);
            if (!IsInputFileIsValid(filePath))
                Console.Write("\n invalid File Pathe. Press Any key to Exit ");

            input = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
            string[] inputArray = input.Split(new char[0], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            LinkedList <WordStructre> waitedList = new LinkedList <WordStructre>();

            foreach (String st in inputArray)
                String word  = st;
                char[] array = word.ToArray();

                RemoveUnWantedCharBetweenWord_ToLower(ref word);

                // If only number in the word. No need to count,
                if (word == "")
                #region Adding First Word into the list
                if (waitedList.Count == 0)
                    waitedList.AddLast(new WordStructre {
                        word = word, Occurrence = 1
                    LinkedListNode <WordStructre> currentNode = waitedList.First;
                    while (currentNode != null)
                        bool loopBreak = false;

                        #region only case when we add less level word to the list     currentNode.Value.word.Length > word.Length
                        if (currentNode.Value.word.Length > word.Length)
                            waitedList.AddBefore(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                word = word, Occurrence = 1
                            loopBreak = true;
                        #region If the same level word
                        if (currentNode.Value.word.Length == word.Length)
                            // If mor than one Occurrence of a same word
                            if (CompareWord.Equal == StrcmpNext(currentNode.Value.word, word))
                                WordStructre updatedNode = currentNode.Value;
                                updatedNode.Occurrence += 1;
                                currentNode.Value       = updatedNode;
                                loopBreak = true;
                            //if new word is Small  we can simply add new in the begin Since it a sorted list
                            if (CompareWord.NewWordSmallThanCurrentNodeAddBefore == StrcmpNext(currentNode.Value.word, word))
                                    waitedList.AddBefore(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                        word = word, Occurrence = 1
                                    loopBreak = true;
                            //Add New is Large so add after the current node
                                if (currentNode.Next != null)
                                    //Check for the next node in the list,add if next node word is small the word
                                    if (CompareWord.NewWordSmallThanCurrentNodeAddBefore == StrcmpNext(currentNode.Next.Value.word, word))
                                        waitedList.AddAfter(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                            word = word, Occurrence = 1
                                        loopBreak = true;
                                    // Add next level word for frist time
                                    else if (CompareWord.CountLargerThan == StrcmpNext(currentNode.Next.Value.word, word))
                                        waitedList.AddAfter(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                            word = word, Occurrence = 1
                                        loopBreak = true;
                                    waitedList.AddAfter(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                        word = word, Occurrence = 1
                                    loopBreak = true;
                        #region Add next level word if current node next is null
                            if (currentNode.Next == null)
                                waitedList.AddAfter(currentNode, new WordStructre {
                                    word = word, Occurrence = 1
                                loopBreak = true;
                        if (loopBreak)
                        currentNode = currentNode.Next;
                        //Reach the requested Rank
            updateRankInList(ref waitedList);
            SaveResultInTextFile(waitedList, printCount, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath));
            serializerLinkedList(waitedList, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath));
            //PrintResult(waitedList, printCount);