private ExchangeKuCoinAPI() { RequestContentType = "application/json"; NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMilliseconds; NonceEndPoint = "/timestamp"; NonceEndPointField = "data"; NonceEndPointStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMilliseconds; MarketSymbolSeparator = "-"; RateLimit = new RateGate(20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60.0)); }
private ExchangeDigifinexAPI() { MarketSymbolSeparator = "_"; MarketSymbolIsReversed = false; MarketSymbolIsUppercase = true; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas; NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixSeconds; RateLimit = new RateGate(240, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); GetFastestUrl(); }
// public override string BaseUrl { get; set; } = ""; // public override string BaseUrlWebSocket { get; set; } = "wss://"; private ExchangeBybitAPI() { NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMilliseconds; NonceOffset = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0); MarketSymbolSeparator = string.Empty; RequestContentType = "application/json"; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas; RateLimit = new RateGate(100, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); }
public ExchangeBL3PAPI() { MarketSymbolIsUppercase = true; MarketSymbolIsReversed = true; MarketSymbolSeparator = string.Empty; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookAlways; RequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; RequestMethod = "POST"; RateLimit = new RateGate(600, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); converterToEight = new FixedIntDecimalConverter(8); converterToFive = new FixedIntDecimalConverter(5); }
public ExchangeBitMEXAPI() { RequestWindow = TimeSpan.Zero; NonceStyle = NonceStyle.ExpiresUnixSeconds; // make the nonce go 10 seconds into the future (the offset is subtracted) // this will give us an api-expires 60 seconds into the future NonceOffset = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-60.0); SymbolSeparator = string.Empty; RequestContentType = "application/json"; RateLimit = new RateGate(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0)); }
public ExchangeBitMEXAPI() { RequestWindow = TimeSpan.Zero; NonceStyle = NonceStyle.ExpiresUnixSeconds; // make the nonce go 60 seconds into the future (the offset is subtracted) // this will give us an api-expires 60 seconds into the future NonceOffset = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-60.0); MarketSymbolSeparator = string.Empty; RequestContentType = "application/json"; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas; RateLimit = new RateGate(300, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); }
private ExchangeCoinbaseAPI() { RequestContentType = "application/json"; NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixSeconds; NonceEndPoint = "/time"; NonceEndPointField = "iso"; NonceEndPointStyle = NonceStyle.Iso8601; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.FullBookFirstThenDeltas; /* Rate limits from Coinbase Pro webpage * Public endpoints - We throttle public endpoints by IP: 10 requests per second, up to 15 requests per second in bursts. Some endpoints may have custom rate limits. * Private endpoints - We throttle private endpoints by profile ID: 15 requests per second, up to 30 requests per second in bursts. Some endpoints may have custom rate limits. * fills endpoint has a custom rate limit of 10 requests per second, up to 20 requests per second in bursts. */ RateLimit = new RateGate(9, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // set to 9 to be safe }
public ExchangeBitfinexAPI() { NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMillisecondsString; RateLimit = new RateGate(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6.0)); // List is from "Withdrawal Types" section this.DepositMethodLookup = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { ["AID"] = "aid", ["AVT"] = "aventus", ["BAT"] = "bat", ["BCH"] = "bcash", ["BTC"] = "bitcoin", ["BTG"] = "bgold", ["DASH"] = "dash", // TODO: Bitfinex returns "DSH" as the symbol name in the API but on the site it is "DASH". How to normalize? ["EDO"] = "eidoo", ["ELF"] = "elf", ["EOS"] = "eos", ["ETC"] = "ethereumc", ["ETH"] = "ethereum", ["FUN"] = "fun", ["GNT"] = "golem", ["LTC"] = "litecoin", ["MIOTA"] = "iota", ["MNA"] = "mna", ["NEO"] = "neo", ["OMG"] = "omisego", ["QASH"] = "qash", ["QTUM"] = "qtum", ["RCN"] = "rcn", ["REP"] = "rep", ["RLC"] = "rlc", ["SAN"] = "santiment", ["SNG"] = "sng", ["SNT"] = "status", ["SPK"] = "spk", ["TNB"] = "tnb", ["TRX"] = "trx", //["?USDTO?"] = "tetheruso", // Tether on OMNI - Don't use until it's clear how this works //["?USDTE?"] = "tetheruse", // Tether on Ethereum - Don't use until it's clear how this works ["XMR"] = "monero", ["XRP"] = "ripple", ["YYW"] = "yoyow", ["ZEC"] = "zcash", ["ZRX"] = "zrx", }; }
public ExchangeBitfinexAPI() { NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMillisecondsString; RateLimit = new RateGate(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6.0)); // TODO: Bitfinex supports deposits of more than these but the API docs don't specify what nouns to use this.DepositMethodLookup = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { ["BCH"] = "bcash", ["BTC"] = "bitcoin", ["ETC"] = "ethereumc", ["ETH"] = "ethereum", ["LTC"] = "litecoin", ["MIOTA"] = "iota", ["USDT"] = "tetheruso", // didn't work for me but my account isn't verified. Docs say this is correct ["XMR"] = "monero", ["XRP"] = "ripple", ["ZEC"] = "zcash", }; }
public ExchangeBittrexAPI() { // (Same counts for the V3 API) RateLimit = new RateGate(60, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); TwoFieldDepositCoinTypes = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "BITSHAREX", "CRYPTO_NOTE_PAYMENTID", "LUMEN", "NEM", "NXT", "NXT_MS", "RIPPLE", "STEEM" }; OneFieldDepositCoinTypes = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "ADA", "ANTSHARES", "BITCOIN", "BITCOIN_PERCENTAGE_FEE", "BITCOIN_STEALTH", "BITCOINEX", "BYTEBALL", "COUNTERPARTY", "ETH", "ETH_CONTRACT", "FACTOM", "LISK", "OMNI", "SIA", "WAVES", "WAVES_ASSET", }; MarketSymbolIsReversed = true; WebSocketOrderBookType = WebSocketOrderBookType.DeltasOnly; }
private ExchangeGeminiAPI() { MarketSymbolIsUppercase = false; MarketSymbolSeparator = string.Empty; RateLimit = new RateGate(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); }
public ExchangeBitfinexAPI() { NonceStyle = NonceStyle.UnixMillisecondsString; RateLimit = new RateGate(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6.0)); }
public ExchangeGateIoAPI() { MarketSymbolSeparator = "_"; RateLimit = new RateGate(300, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); RequestContentType = "application/json"; }
private ExchangeOKExAPI() { RateLimit = new RateGate(20, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); }