Example #1
        public void testQmagic()
            var a = new HTMLParser(@"C:\Users\Akhand\Downloads\DealReport.xls").Process().ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Num of tables extracted : " + a.Count);

            var data = new DataTable("ICE Data");

            MergeTables(a, data);

            var res = from t1 in data.AsEnumerable()
                      where t1.Field <String>("TableName") == "Cleared Deals"
                      select t1;
            var res2 = data.Select(@"TableName like '%Cleared Deals%' and RowNum in (2,4,6)");
            var res3 = data.Select(@"TableName like '%Cleared Deals%' and RowNum in (2,4,7)");
            var res4 = from q1 in res2
                       join q2 in res3 on q1["RowNum"] equals q2["RowNum"]
                       where q1.Field <String>("Deal ID").Contains("24") && q1.Field <String>("RowNum") == "4"
                       select q1;
            var res5 = res2.Except(res3);
            //dataGridView1.DataContext = res2.CopyToDataTable();
            string     testFile   = @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Queues.csv";
            ReconQueue queuesData = new ReconQueue(

            Console.WriteLine("Idhar Hu");
            DataView dgv = new DataView(queuesData.QData);

            //listView.ItemsSource = queuesData.QData.Rows;
            //listView.ItemsSource = dgv;
            dataGridView1.ItemsSource = dgv;
            Console.WriteLine("Ab Yahan");
            Dictionary <string, ReconQueue> queues = new Dictionary <string, ReconQueue>();

            Console.WriteLine("Le yahan bhi aa gaya");
            foreach (DataRow r in queuesData.QData.Rows)
                queues.Add(r["QueueName"].ToString(), new ReconQueue(r["AttachedFile"].ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine(r["QueueName"].ToString() + " Queue added");

            ReconQueue comparisons = new ReconQueue(
                @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Comparer3.csv");

            foreach (DataRow comp in comparisons.QData.Rows)
                queryTrials(comp, queues);
            Console.WriteLine("Analysis done");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ReconQueue> q in queues)
            Console.WriteLine("Sab ho gaya");
Example #2
 //Class Methods
 public void ToCSV()
     if (filepath.Length > 0 && QData != null)
         Console.WriteLine("Converting to CSV : " + filepath);
         File.WriteAllLines(filepath, ReconQueue.ToCSV(QData));
         Console.WriteLine("Converted to CSV : " + filepath);
Example #3
        private void reconSchedulerMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ICEDownloaderSwitch.Value == 1)
                var a = new HTMLParser(@"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Download Data\ICE_CBNA.xls").Process().ToList();
                var b = new HTMLParser(@"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Download Data\ICE_CGML.xls").Process().ToList();
                foreach (DataTable t in b)
                Console.WriteLine("Num of tables extracted : " + a.Count);

                var data = new DataTable("ICE Data");
                MergeTables(a, data);
                ICEqueues["ICE Raw Collated"].QData = data;
                ICEqueues["ICE Raw Collated"].ToCSV();
            Console.WriteLine("Chal gaya hu");
            if (ReconSwitch.Value == 1)
                ICEReconStatus.Content = "Running";
                // Add the Recon Method
                ReconQueue comparisons = ICEqueues["Comparisons"];
                foreach (DataRow comp in comparisons.QData.Rows)
                    queryTrials(comp, ICEqueues);
                Console.WriteLine("Analysis done");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ReconQueue> q in ICEqueues)
                DateTime now = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(System.DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
                ICEReconStatus.Content = "Last executed at " + now.ToString("dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss");
Example #4
        public ReconQueue(string inFile, string sheetName, string outFile)
            if (File.Exists(inFile))
                if (String.Compare(inFile.Substring(inFile.IndexOf('.')), ".csv", true) == 0)
                    QData = ReconQueue.FromCSV(inFile);
                else if (sheetName.Length > 0 && String.Compare(inFile.Substring(inFile.IndexOf('.')), ".xls", true) == 0)
                    OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(
                        "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" + inFile
                        + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;'");
                    //    "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = "
                    //    + filepath + "; Extended Properties = Excel 12.0; ");
                    //@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;'"
                    StringBuilder stbQuery = new StringBuilder();
                    stbQuery.Append("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "]");
                    OleDbDataAdapter adp = new OleDbDataAdapter(stbQuery.ToString(), con);

                    DataSet dsXLS = new DataSet();
                    QData = dsXLS.Tables[0];
                    QData = new DataTable();
                QData = new DataTable();

            filepath = outFile;
Example #5
        public void initializeExchanges()
            //Initialize ICE
            ReconQueue ICEqueuesData = new ReconQueue(
                @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Queues.csv");

            webPagePreview.DownloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();
            webPagePreview.Address         = @"https://www.theice.com/reports/DealReport.shtml?";

            ICEqueues = new Dictionary <string, ReconQueue>();
            foreach (DataRow r in ICEqueuesData.QData.Rows)
                ICEqueues.Add(r["QueueName"].ToString(), new ReconQueue(r["AttachedFile"].ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine(r["QueueName"].ToString() + " Queue added");
            QueueSelector.ItemsSource       = ICEqueues;
            QueueSelector.DisplayMemberPath = "Key";
            QueueSelector.SelectedValuePath = "Key";
            QueueSelector.SelectedItem      = ICEqueues["Queues"];

            ICEOLQuery = "SELECT (NVL(SUBSTR(a.reference , 0, INSTR(a.reference , '.')-1), a.reference ))  AS ICEdealID," +
                         " a.tran_num, a.deal_tracking_num, a.reference, a.trade_date, a.position, price, '' as Contract " +
                         " FROM ceiolfprod.ab_tran a   inner join ceiolfprod.header h on a.ins_num = h.ins_num " +
                         " WHERE book IN ( 'ICEGateway','CommStpGateway 1:ICE-OTC' ) AND trade_date=  '%TRADEDATE%' " +
                         " AND trade_flag = 1 AND tran_type NOT IN (27, 41) AND tran_status IN (2, 3) AND asset_type = 2";

            ICEScheduler          = new DispatcherTimer();
            ICEScheduler.Tick    += new EventHandler(ICEScheduleMethod);
            ICEScheduler.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

            ICEReconTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            ICEReconTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(reconSchedulerMethod);
            ICEReconTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 6);

            ICEOLImporterTimer          = new DispatcherTimer();
            ICEOLImporterTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(ICEOLImportSchedulerMethod);
            ICEOLImporterTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 6);

            ICEReconStatus.Content      = "Not Started";
            ICEOLImporterStatus.Content = "Not Started";
            ICEDownloaderStatus.Content = "Not Started";
            ICESchedulerStatus.Content  = "Not Started";

            //Initialize CME
            ReconQueue CMEqueuesData = new ReconQueue(
                @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Queues.csv");

            CMEwebPagePreview.DownloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();
            CMEwebPagePreview.Address         = @"https://login.cmegroup.com/sso/ssologin.action";

            CMEqueues = new Dictionary <string, ReconQueue>();
            foreach (DataRow r in ICEqueuesData.QData.Rows)
                CMEqueues.Add(r["QueueName"].ToString(), new ReconQueue(r["AttachedFile"].ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine(r["QueueName"].ToString() + " Queue added");
            CMEQueueSelector.ItemsSource       = CMEqueues;
            CMEQueueSelector.DisplayMemberPath = "Key";
            CMEQueueSelector.SelectedValuePath = "Key";
            CMEQueueSelector.SelectedItem      = CMEqueues["Queues"];
Example #6
        public void tempGrid2()
             * Load Exchange Pages
             * Download the results at certain intervals

            var a = new HTMLParser(@"C:\Users\Akhand\Downloads\DealReport.xls").Process().ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Num of tables extracted : " + a.Count);

            var data = new DataTable("ICE Data");

            MergeTables(a, data);

            var res = from t1 in data.AsEnumerable()
                      where t1.Field <String>("TableName") == "Cleared Deals"
                      select t1;
            var res2 = data.Select(@"TableName = 'Cleared Deals'");

            webPagePreview.Address = @"https://www.theice.com/reports/DealReport.shtml?";

            //DataView dgv = new DataView(res2.CopyToDataTable());
            //dataGridView1.ItemsSource = dgv;
            //dataGridView1.DataContext = res2.CopyToDataTable();

            ReconQueue t          = new ReconQueue(data, @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\CollatedData.csv");
            ReconQueue queuesData = new ReconQueue(
                @"C:\Users\Akhand\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ExchangeRecon\ExchangeRecon\AppFiles\Queues.csv");

            //dataGridView1.ItemsSource = new DataView(queuesData.QData);
            webPagePreview.DownloadHandler = new DownloadHandler();

            //queuesData.QData.RowChanged += ReconQueue.Equals();

            ICEqueues = new Dictionary <string, ReconQueue>();
            foreach (DataRow r in queuesData.QData.Rows)
                ICEqueues.Add(r["QueueName"].ToString(), new ReconQueue(r["AttachedFile"].ToString()));
                Console.WriteLine(r["QueueName"].ToString() + " Queue added");
            QueueSelector.ItemsSource       = ICEqueues;
            QueueSelector.DisplayMemberPath = "Key";
            QueueSelector.SelectedValuePath = "Key";
            QueueSelector.SelectedItem      = ICEqueues["Queues"];
            //webPagePreview.Address = "www.theice.com";
            //webPagePreview.DownloadHandler = IDownloadHandler p;

             * 1. GET Data : ICE, CME, OL
             * 2. Store this data to Queue Objects
             * 3. Update Queues File
             * 4. Read and compare Queues

             * ReconQueue t = new ReconQueue();
             * Console.WriteLine("********************REACHED HERE***********************");
             * //t.filepath = @"C:\Users\Akhand\Downloads\DealReport.xlsx";
             * //t.sheetname = "Collated";
             * t.QData.Rows[2]["Type"] = "Modified";
             * Console.WriteLine("********************LAST LAP***********************");
             * t.adp.Update(t.dsXLS);
             * //t.adp.Update(t.QData);
             * //t.adp.Update()
             * Console.WriteLine("********************PHEWWW***********************");