Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a model of the rows within this entity.
        /// </summary>
        internal override RowOrColumnsModel BuildRowsModel()
            var rowsModel = new RowOrColumnsModel(true);

            // Consider all elements in the container on a column-by-column basis.
            for (uint colIdx = 1; colIdx <= this.mapColumnCount; colIdx++)
                // Create a RowsModel for the column
                var columnRowsModel = new RowOrColumnsModel(true);

                for (uint rowIdx = 1; rowIdx <= this.mapRowCount; rowIdx++)
                    // Use System.Drawing.Point as key as it has a very efficient hashing algorithm
                    var cellListKey = new System.Drawing.Point((int)colIdx, (int)rowIdx);
                    if (this.cells.ContainsKey(cellListKey))
                        ExcelMapCoOrdinate element          = this.cells[cellListKey];
                        RowOrColumnsModel  elementRowsModel = element.BuildRowsModel();


                // Merge the columns model generated for the row with the model for the container.

                // Add this container into the column (if not already there)
                RowOrColumnInfo rowInfo = rowsModel.First;
                while (rowInfo != null)
                    rowInfo = rowInfo.Next;
