Example #1
        GetRates(IObservable <string> pairs)
            var retrievedRemotely = new Subject <(string Pair, decimal Rate)>();

            var cacheStates = retrievedRemotely
                              .Scan(CcyCache.Empty, (cache, result) => cache.Add(result.Pair, result.Rate))
                              .StartWith(CcyCache.Empty); // must give it a starting value, otherwise inputs never signals

            var inputs = pairs.WithLatestFrom(cacheStates
                                              , (pair, cache) => (Pair: pair, Cache: cache));

            var(finds, misses) = inputs.Partition(t => t.Cache.ContainsKey(t.Pair)
                                                  , t => Exceptional((Pair: t.Pair, Rate: t.Cache[t.Pair])) // create a successful Exceptional for pairs whose rate is found in the cache
                                                  , t => t.Pair);                                           // keep the names of the pairs we must look up remotely

            var remoteLookups = misses.SelectMany(pair =>
                                                  Observable.FromAsync(() =>
                                                                           ex => ex,
                                                                           rate => Exceptional((Pair: pair, Rate: rate)))));

                   .Do(exc => exc.ForEach(result => retrievedRemotely.OnNext(result)))
Example #2
 public Task <IActionResult> Convert(decimal amount, string from, string to)
 => Yahoo.GetRate(from + to)
 .OrElse(() => CurrencyLayer.GetRate(from + to))
 .Map(rate => amount * rate)
     Faulted: ex => StatusCode(500, Errors.UnexpectedError),
     Completed: result => Ok(result) as IActionResult);
Example #3
        public static void _main()
            var inputs = new Subject <string>();

            var accumulator = (Cache : CcyCache.Empty, Message : string.Empty);

            var lookups = inputs.Scan(accumulator
                                      , (tpl, pair) => tpl.Cache.ContainsKey(pair)
               ? (tpl.Cache, tpl.Cache[pair].ToString())
               : Yahoo.GetRate(pair)
                                      .Map(rate => (tpl.Cache.Add(pair, rate), rate.ToString()))
                                      .Recover(ex => (tpl.Cache, ex.Message))

            // verbose version of the above
            //var main = inputs.Scan(Tuple(ImmutableDictionary.Create<string, decimal>(), string.Empty)
            //   , (tpl, pair) =>
            //   {
            //      if (tpl.Item1.ContainsKey(pair))
            //      {
            //         WriteLine("reusing cached value");
            //         return (tpl.Item1, tpl.Item1[pair].ToString());
            //      }
            //      else
            //      {
            //         WriteLine("fetching remotely...");
            //         return Yahoo.GetRate(pair)
            //            .Map(rate => (tpl.Item1.Add(pair, rate), rate.ToString()))
            //            .Recover(ex => (tpl.Item1, ex.Message))
            //            .Result;
            //      }
            //   });

            var outputs = lookups.Select(t => t.Message)
                          .StartWith("Enter a currency pair like 'EURUSD' to get a quote, or 'q' to quit");

            using (outputs.Subscribe(WriteLine))
                for (string input; (input = ReadLine().ToUpper()) != "Q";)
Example #4
        public static void Run()
            var inputs = new Subject <string>();

            //var rates =
            //   from pair in inputs
            //   from rate in Observable.FromAsync(() => Yahoo.GetRate(pair))
            //   select rate;

            var rates =
                from pair in inputs
                from rate in Yahoo.GetRate(pair)
                select rate;

            var outputs = from r in rates select r.ToString();

            using (inputs.Trace("inputs"))
                using (rates.Trace("rates"))
                    using (outputs.Trace("outputs"))
                        for (string input; (input = ReadLine().ToUpper()) != "Q";)
Example #5
 public static Task <decimal> GetRate(string ccyPair) =>
 .OrElse(() => Yahoo.GetRate(ccyPair));