RemoveAllResources() public method

public RemoveAllResources ( HashSet resources_to_remove = null ) : void
resources_to_remove HashSet
return void
Example #1
        // =====================================================================================================================================================
        // UI Functions

        private void UseResources(Vessel craft)
            VesselResources craftResources = new VesselResources(craft);

            // Remove all resources that we might later fill (hull resources will not be touched)
            HashSet <string> resources_to_remove = new HashSet <string>(uis.requiredresources.Keys);


            // remove rocket parts required for the hull and solid fuel
            padResources.TransferResource("RocketParts", -uis.hullRocketParts);

            // use resources
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources)
                // If resource is "JetFuel", rename to "LiquidFuel"
                string res = pair.Key;
                if (pair.Key == "JetFuel")
                    res = "LiquidFuel";
                    if (pair.Value == 0)
                if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                    Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] missing slider {0}", pair.Key));
                // Calculate resource cost based on slider position - note use pair.Key NOT res! we need to use the position of the dedicated LF slider not the LF component of LFO slider
                double tot = pair.Value * uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
                // Transfer the resource from the vessel doing the building to the vessel being built
                padResources.TransferResource(res, -tot);
                craftResources.TransferResource(res, tot);
        // =====================================================================================================================================================
        // UI Functions
        private void UseResources(Vessel craft)
            VesselResources craftResources = new VesselResources(craft);

            // Remove all resources that we might later fill (hull resources will not be touched)
            HashSet<string> resources_to_remove = new HashSet<string>(uis.requiredresources.Keys);

            // remove rocket parts required for the hull and solid fuel
            padResources.TransferResource("RocketParts", -uis.hullRocketParts);

            // use resources
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> pair in uis.requiredresources) {
            // If resource is "JetFuel", rename to "LiquidFuel"
            string res = pair.Key;
            if (pair.Key == "JetFuel") {
                res = "LiquidFuel";
                if (pair.Value == 0)
            if (!uis.resourcesliders.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) {
                Debug.Log(String.Format("[EL] missing slider {0}", pair.Key));
            // Calculate resource cost based on slider position - note use pair.Key NOT res! we need to use the position of the dedicated LF slider not the LF component of LFO slider
            double tot = pair.Value * uis.resourcesliders[pair.Key];
            // Transfer the resource from the vessel doing the building to the vessel being built
            padResources.TransferResource(res, -tot);
            craftResources.TransferResource(res, tot);