Example #1
        private void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (_disposed)
            var scriptHandle = _script;

            _script = IntPtr.Zero;
            _disposed = true;
Example #2
        public static void CheckResult(IntPtr scriptHandle, bool terminated, bool disposeScriptOnException)
            if (terminated)
                throw new Js1Exception(
                          -2, "Failed to compile script. Script execution terminated.  Timeout expired. (1)");
            if (scriptHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Js1Exception(
                          -1, "Failed to compile script. Script execution terminated.  Timeout expired. (2)");
            int?   errorCode    = null;
            string errorMessage = null;

            _reportErrorCallback =
                // NOTE: this local delegate must go to a field to keep references while ReportErrors is being executed
                (code, message) => {
                //NOTE: do not throw exceptions directly in this handler
                // let the CPP code clean up
                errorCode    = code;
                errorMessage = message;
            Js1.ReportErrors(scriptHandle, _reportErrorCallback);
            if (errorCode != null)
                if (disposeScriptOnException)

                if (errorCode == 2)
                    throw new Js1Exception(
                              "Failed to compile script. Script execution terminated.  Timeout expired. (3)");
                throw new Js1Exception(errorCode.Value, errorMessage);
Example #3
        public static void CheckResult(IntPtr scriptHandle, bool disposeScriptOnException)
            int?   errorCode    = null;
            string errorMessage = null;

            _reportErrorCallback =
                // NOTE: this local delegate must go to a field to keep references while ReportErrors is being executed
                (code, message) =>
                //NOTE: do not throw exceptions directly in this handler
                // let the CPP code clean up
                errorCode    = code;
                errorMessage = message;
            Js1.ReportErrors(scriptHandle, _reportErrorCallback);
            if (errorCode != null)
                if (disposeScriptOnException)
                throw new Js1Exception(errorCode.Value, errorMessage);