Example #1
        // Get attack animation frames
        public static List <Bitmap> UnitAttack(CombatEventArgs e)
            var animationFrames = new List <Bitmap>();

            var map = e.Defender.Location.Map;
            // Which squares are to be drawn
            var coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn = new List <int[]>
                new[] { -2, -4 },
                new[] { 0, -4 },
                new[] { 2, -4 },
                new[] { -3, -3 },
                new[] { -1, -3 },
                new[] { 1, -3 },
                new[] { 3, -3 },
                new[] { -2, -2 },
                new[] { 0, -2 },
                new[] { 2, -2 },
                new[] { -3, -1 },
                new[] { -1, -1 },
                new[] { 1, -1 },
                new[] { 3, -1 },
                new[] { -2, 0 },
                new[] { 0, 0 },
                new[] { 2, 0 },
                new[] { -3, 1 },
                new[] { -1, 1 },
                new[] { 1, 1 },
                new[] { 3, 1 },
                new[] { -2, 2 },
                new[] { 0, 2 },
                new[] { 2, 2 },
                new[] { -3, 3 },
                new[] { -1, 3 },
                new[] { 1, 3 },
                new[] { 3, 3 },
                new[] { -2, 4 },
                new[] { 0, 4 },
                new[] { 2, 4 }

            var defenderX = e.Defender.Location.X;
            var defenderY = e.Defender.Location.Y;

            var attackerX = e.Attacker.Location.X;
            var attackerY = e.Attacker.Location.Y;

            // First draw main bitmap with everything except the moving unit
            int[] coordsOffsetsPx;
            var   mainBitmap = new Bitmap(6 * map.Xpx, 7 * map.Ypx, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgba);

            using (var g = new Graphics(mainBitmap))
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(0, 0, 6 * map.Xpx, 7 * map.Ypx));    // Fill bitmap with black (necessary for correct drawing if image is on upper map edge)

                foreach (int[] coordsOffsets in coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn)
                    // Change coords of central offset
                    int x = attackerX + coordsOffsets[0];
                    int y = attackerY + coordsOffsets[1];
                    coordsOffsetsPx = new[] { (coordsOffsets[0] + 2) * map.Xpx, (coordsOffsets[1] + 3) * map.Ypx };

                    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map.XDimMax || y >= map.YDim)
                        continue;                                                         // Make sure you're not drawing tiles outside map bounds
                    // Tiles
                    var tile  = map.TileC2(x, y);
                    int civId = map.WhichCivsMapShown;
                    if (map.MapRevealed || tile.Visibility[civId])
                        Draw.Tile(g, x, y, map.Zoom, new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0], coordsOffsetsPx[1]));

                        // Implement dithering in all 4 directions if necessary
                        if (!map.MapRevealed)
                            for (int tileX = 0; tileX < 2; tileX++)
                                for (int tileY = 0; tileY < 2; tileY++)
                                    int[] offset = { -1, 1 };
                                    var   xNew   = x + offset[tileX];
                                    var   yNew   = y + offset[tileY];
                                    if (xNew >= 0 && xNew < map.XDimMax && yNew >= 0 && yNew < map.YDim) // Don't observe outside map limits
                                        if (!map.IsTileVisibleC2(xNew, yNew, civId))                     // Surrounding tile is not visible -> dither
                                            Draw.Dither(g, tileX, tileY, map.Zoom, new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0] + map.Xpx * tileX, coordsOffsetsPx[1] + map.Ypx * tileY));

                    // Units
                    // If tile is with attacking & defending unit, draw these two first
                    // TODO: this won't draw correctly if unit is in city
                    if (x == attackerX && y == attackerY)
                        Draw.Unit(g, e.Attacker, e.Attacker.IsInStack, map.Zoom, new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0], coordsOffsetsPx[1] - map.Ypx));
                    else if (x == defenderX && y == defenderY)
                        Draw.Unit(g, e.Defender, e.Defender.IsInStack, map.Zoom, new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0], coordsOffsetsPx[1] - map.Ypx));
                    else if (tile.CityHere == null && tile.UnitsHere.Count > 0) // Other units
                        var unit = tile.GetTopUnit();
                        Draw.Unit(g, unit, unit.IsInStack, map.Zoom,
                                  new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0], coordsOffsetsPx[1] - map.Ypx));

                    // Cities
                    if (tile.CityHere != null)
                        Draw.City(g, tile.CityHere, true, map.Zoom, new Point(coordsOffsetsPx[0], coordsOffsetsPx[1] - map.Ypx));

                // City names
                // Add additional coords for drawing city names
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { -3, -5 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { -1, -5 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { 1, -5 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { 3, -5 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { -4, -2 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { 4, -2 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { -4, 0 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { 4, 0 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { -4, 2 });
                coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn.Add(new[] { 4, 2 });
                foreach (int[] coordsOffsets in coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn)
                    // Change coords of central offset
                    int x = attackerX + coordsOffsets[0];
                    int y = attackerY + coordsOffsets[1];

                    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= map.XDimMax || y >= map.YDim)
                        continue;                                                        // Make sure you're not drawing tiles outside map bounds
                    var tile = map.TileC2(x, y);
                    if (tile.CityHere != null)
                        Draw.CityName(g, tile.CityHere, map.Zoom, new[] { coordsOffsets[0] + 2, coordsOffsets[1] + 3 });

            // Now draw the battle animation on top of attacking & defending unit
            // Number of battle rounds / 5 determines number of explosions (must be at least one). Each explosion has 8 frames.
            Point point;

            for (int explosion = 0; explosion < e.CombatRoundsAttackerWins.Count / 5; explosion++)
                for (int frame = 0; frame < 8; frame++)
                    // Make a clone of the main bitmap in order to draw frames with unit on it
                    var bitmapWithExplosions = new Bitmap(mainBitmap);
                    using (var g = new Graphics(bitmapWithExplosions))
                        // Draw changing HP of both units
                        foreach (var coordsOffsets in coordsOffsetsToBeDrawn)
                            var x = attackerX + coordsOffsets[0];
                            var y = attackerY + coordsOffsets[1];

                            if (x == attackerX && y == attackerY)
                                Draw.UnitShield(g, e.Attacker.Type, e.Attacker.Owner.Id, e.Attacker.Order, e.Attacker.IsInStack,
                                                e.Attacker.Hitpoints[explosion * 5], e.Attacker.HitpointsBase, map.Zoom,
                                                new Point(2 * map.Xpx, 2 * map.Ypx));
                                Draw.UnitSprite(g, e.Attacker.Type, false, false, map.Zoom,
                                                new Point(2 * map.Xpx, 2 * map.Ypx));
                            else if (x == defenderX && y == defenderY)
                                Draw.UnitShield(g, e.Defender.Type, e.Defender.Owner.Id, e.Defender.Order,
                                                e.Defender.IsInStack, e.Defender.Hitpoints[explosion * 5], e.Defender.HitpointsBase,
                                                new Point((2 + coordsOffsets[0]) * map.Xpx, (2 + coordsOffsets[1]) * map.Ypx));
                                Draw.UnitSprite(g, e.Defender.Type, e.Defender.Order == OrderType.Sleep,
                                                e.Defender.Order == OrderType.Fortified, map.Zoom,
                                                new Point((2 + coordsOffsets[0]) * map.Xpx, (2 + coordsOffsets[1]) * map.Ypx));

                        // Draw explosion on defender
                        point = e.CombatRoundsAttackerWins[explosion]
                            ? new Point((int)(map.Xpx * (2.5 + defenderX - attackerX)),
                                        map.Ypx * (3 + (defenderY - attackerY)))
                            : new Point((int)(map.Xpx * 2.5), map.Ypx * 3);

                        Draw.BattleAnim(g, frame, map.Zoom, point);
