Example #1

        ///Splits provided ets by GCD and applies FirstPass on each sublist.
        ///Collects OutStats from each FirstPass and returns them as single list.
        public static StatsList SplitByGcd(Zakaz ets)
            Zakaz _ets = new Zakaz(ets);

            _ets.Sort(new CompareEtsByRunMinToMax());

            List <Zakaz> groups       = new List <Zakaz>();
            Zakaz        garbageGroup = new Zakaz();

            foreach (Zakaz group in SplitByGcdToGroups(_ets))
                //Sort ets of current group from max to min run
                group.Sort(new CompareEtsByRunMaxToMin());

                //Split big groups to smaller ones
                while (group.Count >= Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET)
                    groups.Add(new Zakaz(group.Take(Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET)));
                    group.RemoveRange(0, Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET);

                //All groups of one et are merged into one 'garbage' group
                if (group.Count < 2)
            if (garbageGroup.Count > 0)

            StatsList result = new StatsList();

            foreach (Zakaz z in groups)
Example #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts given ets, splits them into two groups
        /// and optimizes these groups via rebalancing them
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ets">Ets count has to be > 2 and < 2xETS_ON_SHEET</param>
        protected static StatsList TwoPartsRebalancer(Zakaz ets)
            //Ets count has to be > 2 and < 2xETS_ON_SHEET
            if (ets.Count <= 2 || ets.Count >= Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET * 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            //Make given ets immutable
            Zakaz     _ets   = new Zakaz(ets);
            StatsList result = new StatsList();

            _ets.Sort(new CompareEtsByRunMinToMax());

            //When we have _ets less than for two sheets,
            //split them into two parts
            //Take the first ETS_ON_SHEET ets to the first part
            Zakaz part1 = new Zakaz(_ets.GetRange(0, Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET));
            //Take all remained ets to the second part
            Zakaz part2 = new Zakaz(_ets.GetRange(Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET,
                                                  _ets.Count - 1 - Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET));

            //Calculate stats for both parts
            result.Add(GetStatsForRun(part1, GetMinValidRun(part1)));
            result.Add(GetStatsForRun(part2, GetMinValidRun(part2)));

            //Try to rebalance Part1 and Part2 to obtain the best stats
            StatsList tmpResult;

            while (part2.Count < Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET)
                part2.Add(part1[part1.Count - 1]);
                part1.RemoveAt(part1.Count - 1);
                tmpResult = new StatsList();
                tmpResult.Add(GetStatsForRun(part1, GetMinValidRun(part1)));
                tmpResult.Add(GetStatsForRun(part2, GetMinValidRun(part2)));
                if (tmpResult < result)
                    result = tmpResult;

Example #3

        /// <summary>
        /// Splits given ets to groups based on GCD.
        /// </summary>
        protected static List <Zakaz> SplitByGcdToGroups(Zakaz ets)
            //Sort ets by run from max to min
            ets.Sort(new CompareEtsByRunMaxToMin());

            //Take every et and collect all other ets which runs are GCD of this et run
            List <Zakaz> gcdGroups = new List <Zakaz>();

            foreach (Etyketka et in ets)
                Zakaz group = new Zakaz(from e in ets where IsGcd(et, e) select e);
                if (group.Count > 0 && !gcdGroups.Contains(group))

            //Remove dublicated ets, so that result returned
            //would have only one instance of each et
            List <Zakaz> result  = new List <Zakaz>();
            Zakaz        garbage = new Zakaz();
            bool         present; //Indicates if current et is already present in the result

            //Take every group from gcdGroups sorted by number of ets from max to min
            foreach (Zakaz group in (from z in gcdGroups orderby z.Count descending select z))
                present = false;
                foreach (Etyketka et in group)
                    foreach (Zakaz resultGroup in result)
                        //If current et is already in the result, then drop this group
                        if (resultGroup.Contains(et))
                            present = true;
                            goto FIN; //Exit from inner and outer for-loops
                if (!present)
                    //If all ets of current group are not present in the result,
                    //add this group to the result
                    //Add current group to garbage
                    foreach (Etyketka et in group)
                        if (!garbage.Contains(et))
                } //else
            }     //foreach
            if (garbage.Count > 0)
Example #4

        ///Splits provided list of ets and applies FirstPass on each sublist.
        ///Collects OutStats from each FirstPass and returns them as single list.
        protected static StatsList SplitFromMinToMax(Zakaz ets)
            //Make given ets immutable
            Zakaz _ets = new Zakaz(ets);

            //Order ets by runs
            _ets.Sort(new CompareEtsByRunMinToMax());

            int       runIncrement   = 0;
            StatsList TheBestResult  = null;
            Zakaz     zakazForMinRun = null;
            OutStats  statsForMinRun = null;

                //Split ets to groups with the sum count on the sheet <= Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET
                //and build temporary stats list
                statsForMinRun = GetStatsForRun(_ets, _ets.MinRun + runIncrement);
                //For now statsForMinRun are not valid, but we don't bother,
                //because we would split ets later
                zakazForMinRun = statsForMinRun.Ets;

                StatsList tmpResult = new StatsList();
                Zakaz     part1;
                Zakaz     part2;
                    part1 = new Zakaz();
                    part2 = new Zakaz();
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (Etyketka et in zakazForMinRun)
                        if (count + et.CountOnSheet <= Constants.ETS_ON_SHEET)
                            //Select first ets group that fits at one sheet
                            //Add all other ets to the second group
                        count += et.CountOnSheet;
                    //Part1 is valid, as far as previous if-expression is true
                    OutStats os = GetStatsForRun(part1, part1.MinRun + runIncrement);
                    if (!os.IsValid)
                        if (TheBestResult != null)
                            throw new Exception("Invalid Algorithm!");
                    //For second group recalculating stats with its MinRun
                    if (part2.Count > 0)
                        statsForMinRun = GetStatsForRun(part2, part2.MinRun + runIncrement);
                        //For now statsForMinRun are not valid, but we don't bother,
                        //because we would split part2 in the next loop
                        zakazForMinRun = statsForMinRun.Ets;
                } while (part2.Count > 0);

                //Select the best result as the final result returned
                if (TheBestResult == null)
                    TheBestResult = tmpResult;
                if (TheBestResult > tmpResult)
                    TheBestResult = tmpResult;

                runIncrement += 100;
            } while (_ets.MinRun + runIncrement <= _ets.MaxRun);