protected void RecursiveCancel()
     if (ReturnTo != null)
         ReturnTo = null;
 public AdminModifyField(StandardHeldPrompt previous, Client client, IModifiable target, ModifiableParser parser) : base(previous, null, client)
     if (target == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
     if (parser == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("parser");
     objectToModify = target;
     fieldParser    = parser;
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempt to transition to the next prompt. This must be called during the prompt, and there must not be a next prompt yet.
 /// Caller still needs to finish processing the current prompt to continue to the next prompt.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nextPrompt"></param>
 /// <param name="setThisAsReturn">Attempts to Note: No warning is given if this fails.</param>
 /// <returns>True if this will call the next prompt, else false.</returns>
 public bool TransitionTo(StandardHeldPrompt nextPrompt, bool setThisAsReturn)
     if (TransitionTo(nextPrompt))
         if (setThisAsReturn && nextPrompt != null && nextPrompt.ReturnTo == null)
             nextPrompt.ReturnTo = this;
        public AdminSelectModify(StandardHeldPrompt previous, Client client, IModifiable target) : base(previous, null, client)
            objectToModify = target;
            Metadata meta = Metadata.LoadedClasses[target.GetType()];

            ModifiableParser[] parsers = meta.GetModifyParsers();
            string             quit    = "Quit";

            foreach (ModifiableParser parser in parsers)
                string parserName = parser.Name(target);
                if (parserName.Equals(quit, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    parserName = "Field" + parserName;
                AddOption(parser.Description(target), ModifyField, parser, parserName);
            AddOption("Finished editing this object.", EndThisPromptOption, null, quit);
Example #5
 public AdminModifyInput(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, Client user, IModifiable modifiedObject, ModifiableParser parser) : base(calledBy, null, user)
     objectToModify = modifiedObject;
     fieldParser    = parser;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a 'subprompt' that will return to the previous prompt when this one is finished.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="calledBy"></param>
 public StandardHeldPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB character, Client player)
     ReturnTo      = calledBy;
     User          = player;
     AssociatedMOB = character;
 //public StandardHeldPrompt() { }
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a 'subprompt' that will return to the previous prompt when this one is finished.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="calledBy"></param>
 public StandardHeldPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB character = null)
     ReturnTo      = calledBy;
     User          = calledBy?.User;
     AssociatedMOB = character;
Example #8
 public DeleteCharacterPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy) : base(calledBy)
Example #9
 public NewCharacterNamePrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB mob) : base(calledBy)
     newChar = mob;
Example #10
 public ConfirmNewCharacterMenu(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB mob) : base(calledBy)
     newChar = mob;
Example #11
 protected MenuPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB character, Client player) : base(calledBy, character, player)
Example #12
 protected MenuPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy, MOB character = null) : base(calledBy, character)
 public NewCharacterPrompt(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy) : base(calledBy)
     newChar = new MOB();
 public ConfirmDeleteCharacter(MOB mob, StandardHeldPrompt previous) : base(previous)
     selectedMOB = mob;
Example #15
 public LoggedInMenu(StandardHeldPrompt calledBy) : base(calledBy)