internal bool PreviewTabSelected(ScenarioNode node) { if (templateEditor.InnerHtml == null) { previewBrowser.DocumentText = ""; return true; } var topicNumber = ""; var title = ""; var tableCounter = 1; #warning Review this: eval sessions now lock the vault for reading #if VAULT_EVAL_1 using (_evalSession1 = new Esath.Eval.Ver1.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_2 using (var repo = RepositoryEditor.Repository()) using (_evalSession2 = new Esath.Eval.Ver2.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo, null)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_3 using (_evalSession3 = new Esath.Eval.Ver3.EvalSession(Scenario.VaultCompiler)) { #endif var preview = Regex.Replace(templateEditor.InnerHtml, StartUp.VFIELD_PATTERN, vpathEvaluator, RegexOptions.Compiled); if (node.Title != "") { title = node.Title; switch (node.NodeType) { case ScenarioNodeType.Topic: topicNumber = "1"; title = string.Format("<h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "1", topicNumber); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic2: topicNumber = "1.1"; title = string.Format("<h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "2", topicNumber); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic3: topicNumber = "1.1.1"; title = string.Format("<h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "3", topicNumber); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic4: topicNumber = ""; title = string.Format("<h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "4", topicNumber); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic5: topicNumber = ""; title = string.Format("<h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "5", topicNumber); break; default: break; } topicNumber += "."; // for tables only } preview = Regex.Replace(preview, @"<table\s", match => string.Format(@"<div style='text-align:right'>Таблица {1}{0}</div><table ", tableCounter++, topicNumber), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (title != "") preview = title + preview; previewBrowser.DocumentText = preview; #if VAULT_EVAL_1 } #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_2 } #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_3 } #endif return true; }
private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Scenario == null) return; if (CheckedIds == null) return; buttonGenerate.Visible = false; buttonExport.Visible = false; var levelage = new Levelage(); var mainBuffer = new StringBuilder(300*1024); var appendinxBuffer = new StringBuilder(200*1024); var cwd = new CancellableWorkerDialog { Information = "Производится генерация документа, представляющего собой типовой отчет об оценке недвижимости. \n\nВ генерируемый документ попадут только выбранные ветви дерева сценария. Продолжительность данной процедуры зависит от количества выбранных ветвей дерева сценария.", }; cwd.Worker = x => { x.UpdateProgress(0, "Обработка выбранных узлов сценария"); var nodes = from node in Scenario.Vault.GetBranchesRecursive() let sn = new ScenarioNode(node) where CheckedIds.Contains(node.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sn.Template) orderby sn.SortingWeight select new {branch = sn, sn.Name}; var total = 0; if ((total = nodes.Count()) == 0) return; var marker = 0; //#warning Review this: eval sessions now lock the vault for reading using (var repo = RepositoryEditor.Repository()) using (_evalSession2 = new Esath.Eval.Ver2.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo, CheckedIds)) { foreach (var n in nodes) { x.UpdateProgress(++marker*99/total, n.Name); if (x.CancelPending) return; var source = Regex.Replace(n.branch.Template ?? "", @"<SPAN[^>]+vpath\s*=\s*""([^""]+)""[^>]*>[^<]+</SPAN>", vpathEvaluator, RegexOptions.Compiled); //var source = Regex.Replace(n.branch.Template ?? "", StartUp.VFIELD_PATTERN, vpathEvaluator, RegexOptions.Compiled); var title = ""; if (n.branch.Title != "") { title = n.branch.Title; switch (n.branch.NodeType) { case ScenarioNodeType.Topic: levelage.Enter(1); title = string.Format("<hr><h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "1", levelage); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic2: levelage.Enter(2); title = string.Format("<hr><h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "2", levelage); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic3: levelage.Enter(3); title = string.Format("<hr><h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "3", levelage); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic4: levelage.Enter(4); title = string.Format("<hr><h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "4", levelage); break; case ScenarioNodeType.Subtopic5: levelage.Enter(5); title = string.Format("<hr><h{1}>{2} {0}</h{1}>", title, "5", levelage); break; default: break; } } source = Regex.Replace(source, @"<table\s", match => string.Format(@"<div style='text-align:right'>Таблица {0}</div><table ", levelage.AddTable()), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (title != "") source = title + source; if (n.branch.IsAppendix) appendinxBuffer.Append(source); else mainBuffer.Append(source); } x.UpdateProgress(100, "Почти все готово"); var main = mainBuffer.ToString().Replace("<hr>", "$$$newline$$$"); main = main.Replace("<HR>", "$$$newline$$$"); if (main.StartsWith("$$$newline$$$")) main = main.Substring(13); var appendix = appendinxBuffer.ToString().Replace("<hr>", "$$$newline$$$"); appendix = appendix.Replace("<HR>", "$$$newline$$$"); if (appendix.StartsWith("$$$newline$$$")) appendix = appendix.Substring(13); MainSource = "<html><head>" + Styles + "</head><body>" + main + "</body></html>"; AppendixSource = "<html><head>" + Styles + "</head><body>" + appendix + "</body></html>"; } }; if (cwd.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK) { buttonGenerate.Visible = true; buttonExport.Visible = false; return; } webBrowser.DocumentText = "<html><head>" + Styles + "</head><body>" + mainBuffer + appendinxBuffer + "</body></html>"; Application.DoEvents(); buttonGenerate.Visible = false; buttonExport.Visible = true; }