        // Overriden Package Implementation

        #region Package Members

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialization of the package; this method is called right after the package is sited, so this is the place
        /// where you can put all the initilaization code that rely on services provided by VisualStudio.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            CurrentPackage = this;

            this.GlobalSettingsWatcher.SettingsCleared   = this.OnSettingsCleared;
            this.SolutionSettingsWatcher.SettingsCleared = this.OnSettingsCleared;

            //Every 5 seconds, we check the window titles in case we missed an event.
            this.ResetTitleTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer {
                Interval = 5000
            this.ResetTitleTimer.Tick += this.UpdateWindowTitleAsync;
        //Private VersionSpecificAssembly As Assembly

        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor of the package.
        /// Inside this method you can place any initialization code that does not require
        /// any Visual Studio service because at this point the package object is created but
        /// not sited yet inside Visual Studio environment. The place to do all the other
        /// initialization is the Initialize method.
        /// </summary>
        public RenameVSWindowTitle()
            CurrentPackage = this;
            Globals.DTE    = (DTE2)GetGlobalService(typeof(DTE));
            Globals.DTE.Events.DebuggerEvents.OnEnterBreakMode  += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.DebuggerEvents.OnEnterRunMode    += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.DebuggerEvents.OnEnterDesignMode += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.DebuggerEvents.OnContextChanged  += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.SolutionEvents.AfterClosing      += this.OnIdeSolutionEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.SolutionEvents.Opened            += this.OnIdeSolutionEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.SolutionEvents.Renamed           += this.OnIdeSolutionEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.WindowEvents.WindowCreated       += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.WindowEvents.WindowClosing       += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.WindowEvents.WindowActivated     += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.DocumentEvents.DocumentOpened    += this.OnIdeEvent;
            Globals.DTE.Events.DocumentEvents.DocumentClosing   += this.OnIdeEvent;