public MainWindow() { CurrentPoint = new GetPoint(10, 20, 0); bgThread = new Thread(handle); bgThread.Start(); InitializeComponent(); }
/// <summary> /// Gives a textual representation of the object. /// </summary> /// <returns> A string representing the current state of the packet.</returns> public override string ToString() { switch (Kind) { case Command.GetPoint: return(GetPoint.ToString()); case Command.StartCalibration: return(StartCalibration.ToString()); case Command.EndCalibration: return("EndCalibration()"); case Command.ClearCalibration: return("ClearCalibration()"); case Command.AddPoint: return(AddPoint.ToString()); case Command.Unavailable: return("Unavaliable()"); case Command.Name: return(Name.ToString()); case Command.Fps: return(Fps.ToString()); case Command.KeepAlive: return("KeepAlive()"); default: return("Unknown(?)"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the hashCode of the message. /// The code depends on the content of the message. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override int GetHashCode() { switch (Kind) { case Command.GetPoint: return(1 + GetPoint.GetHashCode()); case Command.StartCalibration: return(2 + StartCalibration.GetHashCode()); case Command.EndCalibration: return(3); case Command.ClearCalibration: return(4); case Command.AddPoint: return(5 + AddPoint.GetHashCode()); case Command.Unavailable: return(6); case Command.Name: return(7 + Name.GetHashCode()); case Command.Fps: return(8 + Fps.GetHashCode()); case Command.KeepAlive: return(9); default: return(0); } }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } // If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false. GetPoint other = obj as GetPoint; if ((System.Object)other == null) { return(false); } return((Math.Abs(this.X - other.X) < 0.01) && (Math.Abs(this.Y - other.Y) < 0.01) && (this.Timestamp == other.Timestamp)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if this object is by value equal to another. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">A object to compare with.</param> /// <returns>If the two objects are considered equal, true. False otherwise</returns> public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } // If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false. EriverProtocol other = obj as EriverProtocol; if ((System.Object)other == null) { return(false); } if (this.Kind != other.Kind) { return(false); } switch (Kind) { case Command.GetPoint: return(GetPoint.Equals(other.GetPoint)); case Command.StartCalibration: return(StartCalibration.Equals(other.StartCalibration)); case Command.EndCalibration: return(true); case Command.ClearCalibration: return(true); case Command.AddPoint: return(AddPoint.Equals(other.AddPoint)); case Command.Unavailable: return(true); case Command.Name: return(Name.Equals(other.Name)); case Command.Fps: return(Fps.Equals(other.Fps)); case Command.KeepAlive: return(true); default: return(false); } }
private GetPoint Henshin(IGazeDataItem gazeDataItem) { int leftValidity = gazeDataItem.LeftValidity; int rightValidity = gazeDataItem.RightValidity; Point2D left = gazeDataItem.LeftGazePoint2D; Point2D right = gazeDataItem.RightGazePoint2D; GetPoint answer = new GetPoint(); if (leftValidity == BEST_VALIDITY && rightValidity == BEST_VALIDITY) { eye_distance = new Point2D(right.X - left.X, right.Y - left.Y); } else if (leftValidity == BEST_VALIDITY) { right.X = left.X + eye_distance.X; right.Y = left.Y + eye_distance.Y; } else if (rightValidity == BEST_VALIDITY) { left.X = right.X - eye_distance.X; left.Y = right.Y - eye_distance.Y; } else { } answer.X = (left.X + right.X) / 2; answer.Y = (left.Y + right.Y) / 2; return answer; }
public void RegisterOnETEventTest() { ManualResetEvent recieved = new ManualResetEvent(false); GetPoint point = new GetPoint(-1, -1, -1); Assert.AreEqual(-1, point.X); Assert.AreEqual(-1, point.Y); Assert.AreEqual(-1, point.Timestamp); tracker.RegisterOnETEvent(delegate(GetPoint p) { point = p; recieved.Set(); } ); tracker.Enable(null); recieved.WaitOne(); Assert.IsTrue(point.X >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(point.X <= 1); Assert.IsTrue(point.Y >= 0); Assert.IsTrue(point.Y <= 1); // Beware of this test. Depending on the implementation, // the "zero" point might be in the future. // No implementation I know of has this, but the possibility exists. // If this is the case, disregard this test. Assert.IsTrue(point.Timestamp > 0); }