/// <summary> /// Awake this instance. /// </summary> void Awake() { Debug.Log("<color=cyan>"+gameObject.name+"</color> AWAKEN"); if (bgScreen == null) Debug.LogError("No bgScreen assigned to:"+gameObject.name); if (btnBye == null) Debug.LogError("No btnBye assigned to:"+gameObject.name); //use static creation for now uiManager = UIManager.Instance; //uiManager.AddButton(btnBye, "Sprites/btnBye", nextScreen, null, null); UIButton b = (UIButton)uiManager.Add(UIType.Button, btnBye, "Sprites/btnBye"); b.Register(UIEvent.Click, nextScreen); }
/// <summary> /// Awake this instance. /// </summary> void Awake() { Debug.Log("<color=cyan>"+gameObject.name+"</color> AWAKEN"); //get managers uiManager = UIManager.Instance; gpm = GameManager.Instance; //TODO dynamic creation from file //uiManager.CreateFromFile("Config/screen"); if (btnMir == null) Debug.LogError("No <color=cyan>btnMir</color> assigned to:<color=cyan>"+gameObject.name+"</color>"); if (bgScreen == null) Debug.LogError("No <color=cyan>bgScreen</color> assigned to:<color=cyan>"+gameObject.name+"</color>"); //use static creation for now //uiManager.AddButton(btnMir, "Sprites/btn_erzaehls_mir", nextScreen, null /*testOnRelease*/, null /*testOnOver*/); UIButton button = (UIButton)uiManager.Add(UIType.Button, btnMir, "Sprites/btn_erzaehls_mir"); button.Register(UIEvent.Click, nextScreen); }
public override void Awake() { //Log.GameTimes ("EmailView Awake"); base.Awake(); uiManager = UIManager.Instance; i18n = I18nManager.Instance; emails = Emails.Instance; GameObject obj = null; inbox = GetChildObject("Inbox"); obj = GetChildObject("Mail/txt_Date"); obj = GetChildObject("Mail/txt_Subject"); obj = GetChildObject("Mail/txt_Message"); obj = GetChildObject("Mail/btn_Close_Mail/Text"); UIText btnCloseText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); btnCloseText.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "003"); buttons = new List<UIButton>(); }
/// <summary> /// Parse the trigger json definition /// </summary> private void Parse(Dictionary<string,object> screen) { // Log.Debug("PARSE Screen: "+screen["id"].ToString()); //TODO we might want to create the game object here? //set parameters gameObject.name = screen["id"].ToString(); nextDefaultScreenName = screen["next"].ToString(); backScreenName = screen["back"].ToString(); string layers = screen["layers"].ToString(); string[] listOfLayers = layers.Split(','); foreach(string layer in listOfLayers) { this.layerMask |= 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(layer); } //parse list of objects if(screen.ContainsKey("objects")) { uiManager = UIManager.Instance; screenObjects = uiManager.LoadResources(screen, gameObject); huds = uiManager.GetHudNames(screen); popups = uiManager.GetPopupNames(screen); hudDefaultTransforms = new List<StoreTransform>(); foreach (string hud in huds) { GameObject obj = uiManager.GetHud(hud); StoreTransform transform = new StoreTransform(obj.transform.position, obj.transform.rotation, obj.transform.localScale); hudDefaultTransforms.Add(transform); } } }
/// TODO this might goes to CTOR? /// <summary> /// Basic initialization /// </summary> public virtual void InitScreen() { Log.Assert(nextDefaultScreenName != "", "Missing nextDefaultScreenName, please set one in "+gameObject.name); uiManager = UIManager.Instance; gameManager = GameManager.Instance; audioManager = AudioManager.Instance; i18n = I18nManager.Instance; UIManager.UICamera.cullingMask = layerMask; //set every hud active, which used in this screen if(huds != null && hudDefaultTransforms != null) { Log.Assert(hudDefaultTransforms.Count == huds.Count); for (int i = 0; i < huds.Count; i++) { GameObject obj = uiManager.GetHud(huds[i]); obj.SetActive(true); obj.transform.position = hudDefaultTransforms[i].position; obj.transform.localScale = hudDefaultTransforms[i].localScale; obj.transform.rotation = hudDefaultTransforms[i].rotation; } } //set every popup inactive, which used in this screen if(popups != null) { foreach(string name in popups) { GameObject obj = uiManager.GetPopup(name); obj.SetActive(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializ the buttons and register event handler /// </summary> void Awake() { Log.Debug("Awake "+gameObject.name); childrens = new List<GameObject>(); foreach (Transform child in transform) { childrens.Add(child.gameObject); child.gameObject.SetActive(true); } uiManager = UIManager.Instance; //register handler for screen change //UIManager.ScreenChanged = ScreenChanged; }
// Use this for initialization public virtual void Awake() { Log.Debug("__________________________________ AWAKE _____________________________"); parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // if(useDBModule) // { // // StartCoroutine("xmlLoadRoutine"); // LoadAppConfigurationXml(); // } //testParameters instead of document.location.search // for testing Web Player: Variables in PHP are // $UserName and $SessionToken Log.Level = logLevel; Log.Info("Starting MainGame ... name "+this.name); ui = UIManager.Instance; ui.InitUI(gameObject); if (!GameManager.Instance.offline) GameManager.Instance.offline = offline; else offline = GameManager.Instance.offline; ui.ConfigResources = configResources; if(tooltip) ui.Tooltip = (UITooltip)Instantiate(tooltip, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity); //set ui camera to custom 2D camera Log.Assert(camera2D != null, "You have to assign a 2D camera in "+gameObject.name); UIManager.UICamera = camera2D; gm = GameManager.Instance; gm.mainGame = this; gm.debugMode = debug; gm.standaloneBetaMode = standaloneBeta; gm.standaloneSingleLevelMode = standaloneSingleLevel; gm.BalanceSheetAchievementMode = true; gm.muteSfx = muteSfx; if(gm.setTouch) gm.hidTouch = hidTouch; else hidTouch = gm.hidTouch; gm.muteSoundBackground = muteSoundBackground; //localisation i18n = I18nManager.Instance; i18n.LoadDbFile(localizatoinDB); if(i18n.Language == null || i18n.Language.Length == 0) { //first time set string lang = ""; switch(language) { case Languages.DE: lang = "DE"; break; case Languages.DEP: lang = "DEP"; break; case Languages.EN: lang = "EN"; break; case Languages.NL: lang = "NL"; break; } i18n.Language = lang; } else { //lang has already been set, //but better to set local game's language to avoid confusion switch(i18n.Language) { case "DE": language = Languages.DE; break; case "DEP": language = Languages.DEP; break; case "EN": language = Languages.EN; break; case "NL": language = Languages.NL; break; } I18nManager.Instance.SetLanguage(i18n.Language); } //Audio using localization db am = AudioManager.Instance; am.InitAudio(); try { // Log.Debug("---------- am:"+am); Log.Debug("---------- audioResources:"+audioResources); am.LoadResources("AUDIO", audioResources); am.MuteMusic = muteSoundBackground; am.MuteSfx = muteSfx; } catch { //TODO only hide when in editor mode //we hide error for now due to editor Log.Error("---------- audioResources:"+audioResources); } // DialogGame can be seen as a MainGame and a requirement GMGame game = new GMGame(this.name); gm.Add(game); gm.DialogGame = game; }
/// <summary> /// set up basic components /// </summary> void Awake() { Log.Assert(txtMessage, "Please assign the txtMessage in "+gameObject.name); Log.Assert(popup, "Please assign the popup in "+gameObject.name); uiManager = UIManager.Instance; i18n = I18nManager.Instance; decisionPopup = DecisionPopups.Instance; GameObject obj = null; popup = GetChildObject("popup"); obj = GetChildObject("popup/txt_Message"); txtMessage = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btn_Yes"); btnYes = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btn_Yes/Text"); UIText btnYesText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); btnYesText.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "001"); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btn_No"); btnNo = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btn_No/Text"); UIText btnNoText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); btnNoText.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "002"); id = "001"; Hide(); GameManager.Instance.RegisterEventHandler("POPUP_DECISION", EventHandler); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///<summary> /// ///</summary> void Awake() { Log.Debug(gameObject.name+" AWAKEN"); //get managers uiManager = UIManager.Instance; gpm = GameManager.Instance; //TODO dynamic creation from file if (mainMenu == null) LogCyan("mainMenu", gameObject.name); if (buildMenu == null) LogCyan("buildMenu", gameObject.name); if (txtBuildMenu == null) LogCyan("txtBuildMenu", gameObject.name); if (financeMenu == null) LogCyan("financeMenu", gameObject.name); if (txtFinanceMenu == null) LogCyan("txtFinanceMenu", gameObject.name); if (staticsMenu == null) LogCyan("staticsMenu", gameObject.name); if (txtStaticsMenu == null) LogCyan("txtStaticsMenu", gameObject.name); if (buildButton == null) LogCyan("buildButton", gameObject.name); if (financeButton == null) LogCyan("financeButton", gameObject.name); if (statisticsButton == null) LogCyan("statisticsButton", gameObject.name); if (cursorIcon_Pipe == null) LogCyan("cursorIcon_Pipe", gameObject.name); if (cursorIcon_Filter == null) LogCyan("cursorIcon_Filter", gameObject.name); if (btnMap == null) LogCyan("btnMap", gameObject.name); txtBuildMenu.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "004"); txtFinanceMenu.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "005"); txtStaticsMenu.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "006"); }
/// <summary> /// Create the text and set the tail on bubble /// </summary> void Awake() { //create text component origScale = gameObject.transform.localScale; tailNames = new string[] {"tail_E", "tail_N", "tail_NE", "tail_NW", "tail_S", "tail_SE", "tail_SW", "tail_W"}; tails = new GameObject[8]; for(int i = 0; i < tailNames.Length; i++) { string objname = gameObject.name + "/tails/" + tailNames[i]; tails[i] = GameObject.Find(objname); Log.Assert(tails[i], "Cannot find tail:"+objname); } //save original size scale = origScale; string path = (gameObject.transform.parent != null) ? gameObject.transform.parent.name + "/" + gameObject.name : gameObject.name; bubbleObj = GameObject.Find(path+"/bubble_scale/bubble_text"); bubbleOutline = GameObject.Find(path+"/bubble_scale/bubble_outline"); nameGroup = GameObject.Find(path+"/name_group"); nameObj = GameObject.Find(path+"/name_group/name_text"); nameOutline = GameObject.Find(path+"/name_group/name_outline"); Log.Assert(bubbleObj, "Missing BubbleObject in "+ path); Log.Assert(bubbleOutline, "Missing bubbleOutline in "+ gameObject.name); Log.Assert(nameGroup, "Missing nameGroup in "+ gameObject.name); Log.Assert(nameObj, "Missing nameObj in "+ gameObject.name); Log.Assert(nameOutline, "Missing nameOutline in "+ gameObject.name); GameObject obj; obj = GameObject.Find(path + "/Text"); if(obj != null) { //Log.Assert(obj, "Missing Text object in "+path); bubbleText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); Log.Assert(bubbleText, "Cannot find text in bubble " + obj.name); bubbleText.isLocalized = false; //bubbleText.wrapSize = 30; } else { Log.Error("OOPS1"+path+"/Text"); } //grab name obj = GameObject.Find(path + "/name_group/Text"); if(obj != null) { nameText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); Log.Assert(nameText, "Cannot find name in bubble " + obj.name); } //grab debugText obj = GameObject.Find(path + "/DebugText"); if(obj != null) { //Log.Assert(obj, "Missing Text object in "+path); debugText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); Log.Assert(debugText, "Cannot find text in bubble " + obj.name); debugText.isLocalized = false; //debugText.Text = ""; } //get managers uiManager = UIManager.Instance; gpm = GameManager.Instance; }//Awake()
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Initialize the components /// </summary> public virtual void Awake() { //Debug.Log ("AchievementsLogs Awake"); GameObject obj = null; uiManager = UIManager.Instance; hud = GetChildObject("HUD"); logPanel = GetChildObject("HUD/popup_Achievements"); obj = GetChildObject("HUD/popup_Achievements/txt_Note"); logText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); logText.wrapSize = 40; obj = GetChildObject("HUD/popup_Achievements/txt_Time"); logTime = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); //use Slots class here? slots = new List<AchievementNpc>(); slots.Add(GetChildObject(gBadge+"1").GetComponent<AchievementNpc>()); slots.Add(GetChildObject(gBadge+"2").GetComponent<AchievementNpc>()); slots.Add(GetChildObject(gBadge+"3").GetComponent<AchievementNpc>()); slots.Add(GetChildObject(gBadge+"4").GetComponent<AchievementNpc>()); obj = GetChildObject ("HUD/btn_Arrow_Achievements_left"); leftArrow = obj.GetComponent<Button> (); obj = GetChildObject ("HUD/btn_Arrow_Achievements_right"); rightArrow = obj.GetComponent<Button> (); logs = Achievements.Instance; activeSlot = -1; logPages = 0; activePage = 0; //TODO : The GameManager.Remove(EventHandler); is missing // Where to set? // As the AchievementsLog is only once set in a game it should // not be a serious issue GameManager.Instance.RegisterEventHandler( "ACHIEVEMENT", ProcessAchievementEvent, gameObject); Show(false); achievementSprite = UIManager.LoadSprite ( "Game/Sprites/Achievement/badge_Achievements"); ResetSlots (0); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ///<summary> /// ///</summary> void Awake() { Log.Debug(gameObject.name+" AWAKEN"); //get managers uiManager = UIManager.Instance; gpm = GameManager.Instance; //financeManager = F0000_FinanceManager.Instance; //TODO dynamic creation from file //if (mainMenu == null) LogCyan("mainMenu", gameObject.name); hudOpen = false; }//Awake()
//-------------------------------- basic unity API MonoBehavior class methods ----- /// <summary> /// Initialization, read childe gameobject /// and set the buttons to it's uitext components /// </summary> void Awake() { // Log.Info("Awake:" + gameObject.name); Reset(); GameObject obj; popup = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice"); // Log.Assert(popup, "Missing popup_MultipleChoice in "+gameObject.name); obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+ "popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Positive/Text"); // Log.Assert(obj, "Missing Positive button in "+gameObject.name); positiveText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); // Log.Assert(positiveText, "Missing positiveText UIText component!"); obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Negative/Text"); // Log.Assert(obj, "Missing Negative button in MultipleChoice popup!"); negativeText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); // Log.Assert(negativeText, "Missing negativeText UIText component!"); obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Neutral/Text"); // Log.Assert(obj, "Missing Neutral button in MultipleChoice popup!"); neutralText = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); // Log.Assert(neutralText, "Missing neutralText UIText component!"); multichoicePositions = new Vector3[3]; obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Neutral"); neutralButton = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); multichoicePositions[0] = neutralButton.transform.position; obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Negative"); negativeButton = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); multichoicePositions[1] = negativeButton.transform.position; obj = GameObject.Find(gameObject.name+"popup_MultipleChoice/btn_MultipleChoice_Answer_Positive"); positiveButton = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); multichoicePositions[2] = positiveButton.transform.position; bubbles = new Dictionary<string, SpeechBubble>(); ui = UIManager.Instance; gpm = GameManager.Instance; //create temp container for dynamic bubbles tmpContainer = new GameObject(); tmpContainer.name = "bubbles"; tmpContainer.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; ActivateAll(false); }
/// <summary> /// Initializa main components /// </summary> void Awake() { Log.Assert(popup, "Please assign the popup in "+gameObject.name); Log.Assert(txtMessage, "Please assign the txtMessage in "+gameObject.name); Log.Assert(btnOk, "Please assign the btnOk in "+gameObject.name); uiManager = UIManager.Instance; i18n = I18nManager.Instance; messagePopup = MessagePopups.Instance; GameObject obj = null; popup = GetChildObject("popup"); obj = GetChildObject("popup/txt_Message"); txtMessage = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btnOk"); btnOk = obj.GetComponent<Button>(); obj = GetChildObject("popup/btnOk/txt_btnOk"); txtbtnOk = obj.GetComponent<UIText>(); txtbtnOk.Text = I18nManager.Instance.Get("POPUP_BUTTON", "0031"); id = "001"; Hide(); GameManager.Instance.RegisterEventHandler("POPUP_MESSAGE", EventHandler, gameObject); }