Example #1
        public static DbExpression Convert(DynamicFilterDefinition filter, DbExpressionBinding binding, DbContext dbContext, DataSpace dataSpace)
            var visitor    = new LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor(filter, binding, dbContext, dataSpace);
            var expression = visitor.Visit(filter.Predicate) as LambdaExpression;

            var dbExpression = visitor.GetDbExpressionForExpression(expression.Body);

            if (dbExpression is DbPropertyExpression)
                //  Special case to handle a condition that is just a plain "boolFlag" or a nullable generic condition.
                //  For a nullable type, we only get here when the filter has either not specified a value for the nullable
                //  parameter or it has specified "null" - both evaluate the same as far as the method prototypes can tell
                //  since the method signature is "param = null".  This needs to generate a sql "is null" condition.
                //  Otherwise, no param value was specified so we are assuming that we need to generate a "positive"
                //  condition.  i.e. the filter just said "b.prop" which generally means "b.prop == true".
                //  To generate that condition correctly for all types (may not necessarily be a bool), we create a condition
                //  like "!(b.prop == [defaultValue])"

                if (IsNullableType(expression.Body.Type))
                    dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.IsNull(dbExpression);
                    var defaultValue = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(dbExpression.ResultType, Activator.CreateInstance(expression.Body.Type));
                    dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Not(DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(dbExpression, defaultValue));

Example #2
        public static DbExpression Convert(DynamicFilterDefinition filter, DbExpressionBinding binding, ObjectContext objectContext)
            var visitor    = new LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor(filter, binding, objectContext);
            var expression = visitor.Visit(filter.Predicate) as LambdaExpression;

Example #3
        internal static void SetSqlParameters(this DbContext context, DbCommand command)
            foreach (DbParameter param in command.Parameters)
                //  Item1 = Filter Name
                //  Item2 = Parameter/Column Name
                var filterNameAndParam = DynamicFilterDefinition.GetFilterAndParamFromDBParameter(param.ParameterName);
                if (filterNameAndParam == null)
                    continue;       //  Not dynamic filter param
                object value = context.GetFilterParameterValue(filterNameAndParam.Item1, filterNameAndParam.Item2);

                //  If not found, leave as the default that EF assigned (which will be a DBNull)
                if (value == null)

                //  Check to see if it's a collection.  If so, this is an "In" parameter
                var valueType = value.GetType();
                if (valueType.IsGenericType && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(valueType))
                    //  Generic collection.  The EF query created for this collection was an '=' condition.
                    //  We need to convert this into an 'in' clause so that we can dynamically set the
                    //  values in the collection.
                    SetParameterList(value as IEnumerable, param, command, IsOracle(context));
                    context.Database.Log(string.Format("Manually replaced single parameter value with list, new SQL=\r\n{0}", command.CommandText));
                    param.Value = value;
Example #4
        internal static void SetSqlParameters(this DbContext context, DbCommand command)
            foreach (DbParameter param in command.Parameters)
                //  Item1 = Filter Name
                //  Item2 = Parameter/Column Name
                var filterNameAndParam = DynamicFilterDefinition.GetFilterAndParamFromDBParameter(param.ParameterName);
                if (filterNameAndParam == null)
                    continue;       //  Not dynamic filter param
                object value = context.GetFilterParameterValue(filterNameAndParam.Item1, filterNameAndParam.Item2);

                //  If not found, set to DBNull.  It should already be set to that, but it's not in Postgre and we get
                //  errors if we don't do that now.
                if (value == null)
                    if (filterNameAndParam.Item2 == DynamicFilterConstants.FILTER_DISABLED_NAME)
                        //  This is the "is disabled" param and the filter is not disabled.  There are cases where
                        //  including the "OR (@DynamicFilterParam_1 IS NOT NULL)" clause causes problems with
                        //  SQL Server index usage (it may decide not to use a multi-column index where the first
                        //  column is the filtered column and another column is also included in the where clause).
                        //  See issue #53.
                        //  So we're manually removing that entire condition from the sql.  This will not remove the
                        //  parameter from being sent, but it will not be part of the sql statement.
                        RemoveFilterDisabledConditionFromQuery(command, param);

#if (DEBUG)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.CommandText) && command.CommandText.Contains(param.ParameterName))
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("CommandText still contains ParameterName {0} after RemoveFilterDisabledConditionFromQuery", param.ParameterName));
                    param.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    //  Check to see if it's a collection.  If so, this is an "In" parameter
                    var valueType = value.GetType();
                    if (valueType.IsGenericType && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(valueType))
                        //  Generic collection.  The EF query created for this collection was an '=' condition.
                        //  We need to convert this into an 'in' clause so that we can dynamically set the
                        //  values in the collection.
                        SetParameterList(value as IEnumerable, param, command, IsOracle(context), IsMySql(context));
                        if (context.Database.Log != null)
                            context.Database.Log(string.Format("Manually replaced single parameter value with list, new SQL=\r\n{0}", command.CommandText));
                        param.Value = value;
 private LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor(DynamicFilterDefinition filter, DbExpressionBinding binding, DbContext dbContext, DataSpace dataSpace)
     _Filter        = filter;
     _Binding       = binding;
     _DbContext     = dbContext;
     _ObjectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbContext).ObjectContext;
     _DataSpace     = dataSpace;
Example #6
        public DynamicFilterConvention(string filterName, Type entityType, LambdaExpression predicate,
                                        string columnName)
            var configuration = Types().Where(entityType.IsAssignableFrom);
            configuration.Configure(ctc =>
                var filterDefinition = new DynamicFilterDefinition(filterName, predicate, columnName, ctc.ClrType);

                ctc.HasTableAnnotation(filterDefinition.AttributeName, filterDefinition);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterName"></param>
        /// <param name="entityType"></param>
        /// <param name="predicate"></param>
        /// <param name="columnName"></param>
        /// <param name="selectEntityTypeCondition">If not null, this delegate should return true if the filter should be applied to the given entity Type.
        /// False if not.  Allows additional logic to be applied to determine if the filter should be applied to an Entity of type "TEntity".
        /// i.e. To apply the filter to all entities of a particular interface but not if those entities also implement another interface.</param>
        public DynamicFilterConvention(string filterName, Type entityType, LambdaExpression predicate,
                                       string columnName, Func <Type, bool> selectEntityTypeCondition)
            var configuration = Types().Where(t => entityType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && ((selectEntityTypeCondition == null) || selectEntityTypeCondition(t)));

            configuration.Configure(ctc =>
                var filterDefinition = new DynamicFilterDefinition(filterName, predicate, columnName, ctc.ClrType);

                ctc.HasTableAnnotation(filterDefinition.AttributeName, filterDefinition);
Example #8
        public DynamicFilterConvention(string filterName, Type entityType, LambdaExpression predicate,
                                       string columnName)
            var configuration = Types().Where(entityType.IsAssignableFrom);

            configuration.Configure(ctc =>
                var filterDefinition = new DynamicFilterDefinition(filterName, predicate, columnName, ctc.ClrType);

                ctc.HasTableAnnotation(filterDefinition.AttributeName, filterDefinition);
        public static EntityTypeConfiguration <TEntity> Filter <TEntity>(this EntityTypeConfiguration <TEntity> config,
                                                                         string filterName, string columnName, object globalValue = null)
            where TEntity : class
            filterName = ScrubFilterName(filterName);
            var filterDefinition = new DynamicFilterDefinition(filterName, null, columnName, typeof(TEntity));

            config.HasTableAnnotation(filterDefinition.AttributeName, filterDefinition);

            if (globalValue != null)
                SetFilterGlobalParameterValue(null, filterName, columnName, globalValue);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filterName"></param>
        /// <param name="entityType"></param>
        /// <param name="predicate"></param>
        /// <param name="columnName"></param>
        /// <param name="config">Options for how and when to apply this filter</param>
        public DynamicFilterConvention(string filterName, Type entityType, LambdaExpression predicate,
                                       string columnName, Func <DynamicFilterConfig, DynamicFilterOptions> config)
            var options = (config == null) ? new DynamicFilterOptions() : config(new DynamicFilterConfig());

            var id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var configuration = Types().Where(t => entityType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && ((options.SelectEntityTypeCondition == null) || options.SelectEntityTypeCondition(t)));

            configuration.Configure(ctc =>
                var filterDefinition = new DynamicFilterDefinition(id, filterName, predicate, columnName, ctc.ClrType, options);

                ctc.HasTableAnnotation(filterDefinition.AttributeName, filterDefinition);
        public static DbExpression Convert(DynamicFilterDefinition filter, DbExpressionBinding binding, DbContext dbContext, DataSpace dataSpace)
            var visitor    = new LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor(filter, binding, dbContext, dataSpace);
            var expression = visitor.Visit(filter.Predicate) as LambdaExpression;

            var dbExpression = visitor.GetDbExpressionForExpression(expression.Body);

            if (dbExpression is DbPropertyExpression)
                //  Special case to handle a condition that is just a plan "boolFlag" condition.
                //  In order for the sql to generate correct, we need to turn this into "boolFlag = true"
                //  Figuring out the defaultValue like this should produce the default (0, false, empty) value for the type
                //  we are working with.  So checking then generating a condition of "not (@var = defaultValue)" should produce
                //  the correct condition.
                var defaultValue = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(dbExpression.ResultType, Activator.CreateInstance(expression.Body.Type));
                dbExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Not(DbExpressionBuilder.Equal(dbExpression, defaultValue));

Example #12
 private LambdaToDbExpressionVisitor(DynamicFilterDefinition filter, DbExpressionBinding binding, ObjectContext objectContext)
     _Filter        = filter;
     _Binding       = binding;
     _ObjectContext = objectContext;