protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Int32 records = 0; if (validateData()) { Entities.Course oSubject = new Entities.Course(); = Convert.ToInt32(txtCode.Text); oSubject.description = txtName.Text; oSubject.state = Convert.ToInt16(cboState.SelectedValue); oSubject.oProgram.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboprogram.SelectedValue); if (CourseBLL.getInstance().exists( { records = CourseBLL.getInstance().modify(oSubject); } else { records = CourseBLL.getInstance().insert(oSubject); } blockControls(); loadData(); if (records > 0) { lblMessage.Text = "Datos almacenados correactamente"; } } }
public override void AddCourse(Course course) { if (course.WeeklyHours + TotalWeeklyHours() > MaxWeeklyHours) { throw new Exception("Your selection exceeds the maximum weekly hours: " + MaxWeeklyHours); } else { Courses.Add(course); } }
public override void AddCourse(Course course) { if (Courses.Count == MaxNumCourses) { throw new Exception("Your selection exceeds the maximum number of courses: " + MaxNumCourses); } else { Courses.Add(course); } }
private void insertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (courseNameTextBox.Text.Length != 0) { Course courseObj = new Course(); courseObj.NAME = courseNameTextBox.Text; CourseData courseData = new CourseData(); courseData.Insert(courseObj); populate(); } }
public void Insert(Course courseObj) { string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO Course (NAME) VALUES(@NAME)"; SqlCommand insertCommand = new SqlCommand(insertQuery); SqlParameter nameParam = new SqlParameter("@NAME", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); nameParam.Value = courseObj.NAME; insertCommand.Parameters.Add(nameParam); dataAccess.Execute(insertCommand); }
public void Update(Course courseObje) { string updateQuery = "UPDATE Course SET NAME = @NAME WHERE ID = @ID"; SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand(updateQuery); SqlParameter idParam = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int); idParam.Value = courseObje.ID; SqlParameter nameParam = new SqlParameter("@NAME", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); nameParam.Value = courseObje.NAME; updateCommand.Parameters.Add(idParam); updateCommand.Parameters.Add(nameParam); dataAccess.Execute(updateCommand); }
public override void AddCourse(Course course) { if (Courses.Count < MaxNumCourses) { if (TotalWeeklyHours() + course.WeeklyHours <= MaxWeeklyHours) { Courses.Add(course); } else { throw new Exception("Your selection exceeds the maximum weekly hours: " + MaxWeeklyHours); } } else { throw new Exception("Your selection exceeds the maximum number of courses: " + MaxNumCourses); } }
protected void gvCourse_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) { unlockControls(); Int32 code = Convert.ToInt32(gvCourse.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[0].Text); Entities.Course oSubject = CourseBLL.getInstance().getCourse(code); txtCode.Text =; txtName.Text = oSubject.description.ToString(); try { cboState.SelectedValue = oSubject.state.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { cboState.SelectedValue = "1"; } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "redirect", "$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('body').offset().top });", true); }
public List<Course> getList() { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Course"); List<Course> courseList = new List<Course>(); DataTable dt = dataAccess.Query(command); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Course courseObj = new Course(); courseObj.ID = (int)dt.Rows[i][0]; courseObj.NAME = (string)dt.Rows[i][1]; courseList.Add(courseObj); } return courseList; }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Int32 records = 0; if (validateData()) { Entities.Period oPeriod = new Entities.Period(); Entities.Program oProgram = new Entities.Program(); Entities.Course oCourse = new Entities.Course(); Entities.ClassRoom oClassRoom = new Entities.ClassRoom(); Entities.Schedule oSchedule = new Entities.Schedule(); Entities.Teacher oteacher = new Entities.Teacher(); Int32 code = Convert.ToInt32(txtCode.Text.ToString()); oPeriod.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboPeriod.SelectedValue.ToString()); oProgram.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboProgram.SelectedValue.ToString()); = Convert.ToInt32(cboCourse.SelectedValue.ToString()); Decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(txtPrice.Text.ToString()); oSchedule.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboSchedule.SelectedValue.ToString()); oClassRoom.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboRoom.SelectedValue.ToString()); oteacher.code = Convert.ToInt32(cboTeacher.SelectedValue.ToString()); Int32 hour = Convert.ToInt32(cboHours.SelectedValue.ToString()); Entities.AcademicOffer oAcademicOffer = new Entities.AcademicOffer(code, oPeriod, oProgram, oCourse, price, oClassRoom, oSchedule, oteacher, hour); if (BLL.AcademicOfferBLL.getInstance().exists(code)) { lblMessage.Text = "Esta solicitud no puede ser procesada"; } else { records = BLL.AcademicOfferBLL.getInstance().insert(oAcademicOffer); insertClasroomSchedule(oAcademicOffer); insertTeacherSchedule(oAcademicOffer); } blockControls(); loadData(); if (records > 0) { lblMessage.Text = "Datos almacenados correactamente"; } } }
public StudentsInCourse(Course course, Student student) { Course = course; Student = student; }
public AssignmentsPerCourse(Course course, Assignment assignment) { Course = course; assignmentsInCourseList.Add(assignment); }
public AssignmentsCourseStudent(Assignment assignment, Student student, Course course) { assignmentlist.Add(assignment); this.student = student; this.course = course; }
protected void submitCourse_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (db.Courses.Any()) { using (var context = new Lab7DbEntities1()) { Course course = new Course { CourseID = courseNumber.Text, CourseTitle = courseName.Text, HoursPerWeek = Int32.Parse(wklyHours.Text), Description = txtbxDesc.Text }; context.Courses.AddOrUpdate(course); context.SaveChanges(); } } else { using (var context = new Lab7DbEntities1()) { Course course = new Course { CourseID = courseNumber.Text, CourseTitle = courseName.Text, HoursPerWeek = Int32.Parse(wklyHours.Text), Description = txtbxDesc.Text }; context.Courses.AddOrUpdate(course); context.SaveChanges(); } } }
protected void submitCourse_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (db.Courses.Any()) { using (var context = new Lab7DbEntities1()) { foreach (var c in db.Courses) { if (c.CourseID == courseNumber.Text) { Title = "Course already exists"; } else { Course course = new Course { CourseID = courseNumber.Text, CourseTitle = courseName.Text, HoursPerWeek = Int32.Parse(wklyHours.Text) }; context.Courses.Add(course); context.SaveChanges(); } } } } else { using (var context = new Lab7DbEntities1()) { Course course = new Course { CourseID = courseNumber.Text, CourseTitle = courseName.Text, HoursPerWeek = Int32.Parse(wklyHours.Text) }; context.Courses.Add(course); context.SaveChanges(); } } }
public abstract void AddCourse(Course course);
public void QueryByCourse(Course courseObj) { string courseQuery = "SELECT * FROM Course WHERE ID = @ID"; string registraionQuery = "SELECT STUDENTID FROM Registraton WHERE COURSEID = @ID"; SqlCommand courseCommand = new SqlCommand(courseQuery); SqlCommand registraionCommand = new SqlCommand(registraionQuery); SqlParameter courseIDParam = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int); SqlParameter regCourseIDParam = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int); courseIDParam.Value = courseObj.ID; regCourseIDParam.Value = courseObj.ID; courseCommand.Parameters.Add(courseIDParam); registraionCommand.Parameters.Add(regCourseIDParam); Console.WriteLine("Course Info: "); Console.WriteLine("Registration Info: "); ShowStudentName(dataAccess.Query(registraionCommand)); }
public TrainersInCourse(Course course, Trainer trainer) { Course = course; trainersInCourse.Add(trainer); //Trainer = trainer; }