Example #1
        public IList<DocumentPackage> Select(DocumentPackage data)

                IList<DocumentPackage> datos = new List<DocumentPackage>();

            try {
                datos = GetHsql(data).List<DocumentPackage>();
                //if (!Factory.IsTransactional)
                //    Factory.Commit();

            catch (Exception e)

                return datos;
Example #2
 public DocumentPackage CreateNewPackage(Document document, SysUser picker, bool isOpen, DocumentPackage parent, string packageType)
     return TranMngr.CreateNewPackage(document, picker, isOpen, parent, packageType);
Example #3
 public void UpdateDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage data) { Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Update(data); }
Example #4
        public void DeleteDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage data)
                //Revisa que ese package no tenga hijos
                if (data.PackLabel.LabelID > 0)
                    IList<Label> lblList = Factory.DaoLabel()
                        .Select(new Label
                            LabelType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel },
                            FatherLabel = new Label { LabelID = data.PackLabel.LabelID }

                    if (lblList == null || lblList.Count == 0)

            catch { }

Example #5
 public DocumentPackage SaveDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage data) { return Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Save(data); }
Example #6
 public IList<DocumentPackage> GetDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage data) { return Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(data); }
        private IList<ReportDetailFormat> GetDetailsWithKitAssembly(IList<ReportDetailFormat> pkgDetails,
            Document shpDocument, DocumentPackage pkg)

            ReportDetailFormat detail = null;
            DocumentLine curLine = null;
            int kitLine;
            //IList<DocumentLine> processeKits = new List<DocumentLine>();

            //Inner join del documento contra las los pkgdetails, obteniendo los documentlines.
            IList<DocumentLine> shpLines = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(new DocumentLine { Document = shpDocument });

            //Obtiene las lineas del documento que son tocadas por los detalles del paquete a procesar.
            shpLines =
                    (from sales in shpLines
                     join pack in pkgDetails on sales.Product.ProductCode equals pack.ProductCode
                     select sales).Distinct().ToList();

            //Lleva el conteo d ela sequencia para cada Kit
            Dictionary<DocumentLine, int> countKit = new Dictionary<DocumentLine,int>();
            int nextKit = 1;
            int countComponent = 1;

            //Recorre los componentes para encontrar su Kit/Assembly Padre.
            foreach (DocumentLine dl in shpLines.Where(f => f.Note == "1").OrderBy(f => f.LinkDocLineNumber))
                    //Entrega la linea del KIT/ASSEMBLY en el Sales Order
                    kitLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(
                        new DocumentLine
                            LineNumber = dl.LinkDocLineNumber,
                            Document = new Document { DocNumber = dl.LinkDocNumber, Company = dl.Document.Company }

                    curLine = Factory.DaoDocumentLine().Select(
                        new DocumentLine
                            LineNumber = kitLine,
                            Document = new Document { DocNumber = dl.LinkDocNumber, Company = dl.Document.Company }

                    //revisa si ese kit aun no ha sido procesado. Si fue procesado va al siguiente
                    if (countKit.Where(f => f.Key.LineNumber == curLine.LineNumber).Count() > 0)
                        //A los paquetes que tiene ese producto se les pone subdetail
                        foreach (ReportDetailFormat pkgDet in pkgDetails.Where(f => f.ProductCode == dl.Product.ProductCode))
                            pkgDet.IsSubDetail = true;
                            pkgDet.AuxSequence = countKit[curLine] + countComponent++;
                            pkgDet.Custom1 = curLine.Product.Category.ExplodeKit.ToString(); //Adicionado para Maxiforce caterpillar

                        countKit.Add(curLine, 1000 * nextKit++);

                    //A los paquetes que tiene ese producto se les pone subdetail
                    foreach (ReportDetailFormat pkgDet in pkgDetails.Where(f => f.ProductCode == dl.Product.ProductCode))
                        pkgDet.IsSubDetail = true;
                        pkgDet.AuxSequence = countKit[curLine] + countComponent++;
                        pkgDet.Custom1 = curLine.Product.Category.ExplodeKit.ToString(); //Adicionado para Maxiforce caterpillar

                catch { continue; }

                //Crea una linea para el documento de shipment
                detail = new ReportDetailFormat
                    //Grouped By Pack - Label
                    BarcodeLabel = pkg.PackLabel.Barcode,
                    PackWeight = pkg.Weight,
                    Dimension = pkg.Dimension,

                    //Map Data
                    ProductCode = curLine.Product.ProductCode,
                    ProductDescription = curLine.Product.Name,
                    Unit = curLine.Unit.Name,
                    CreatedBy = pkg.CreatedBy,
                    IsSubDetail = false,
                    AuxSequence = countKit[curLine]


                IList<ProductAccountRelation> acctItem = null;

                //Customer Item Number
                if (shpDocument.Customer.AccountCode != WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT)
                    acctItem = curLine.Product.ProductAccounts.Where(f => f.Account.AccountID == shpDocument.Customer.AccountID).ToList();
                    if (acctItem != null && acctItem.Count() > 0)
                        detail.AccountItemNumber = acctItem[0].ItemNumber;

                if (detail.AccountItemNumber == null)
                    detail.AccountItemNumber = "";


            return pkgDetails;
        /// <summary>
        /// Crea a new label package for a specific document, this package will contain product picked for the order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="picker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DocumentPackage CreateNewPackage(Document document, SysUser picker, bool isOpen, 
            DocumentPackage parent, string packageType)

            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            Node node = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Picked });
            Status status = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active });
            DocumentType labelType = WType.GetLabelType(new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.CustomerLabel });
            Unit logisticUnit = WType.GetUnit(new Unit { Company = document.Company, Name = WmsSetupValues.CustomUnit });
            Bin destLocation = WType.GetBin(new Bin { Location = document.Location, BinCode = DefaultBin.PICKING });

            int sequence = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(new DocumentPackage
                Document = document,
                //PostingDocument = new Document {DocID = -1 }
            }).Count + 1;

            //Generate new logistig labels located in MAIN
            //Labels shouldbe activated the next transaction
                //Funcion para obtener siguiente Label
                //DocumentTypeSequence initSequence = GetNextDocSequence(document.Company, labelType);                

                Label packLabel = new Label();
                packLabel.Node = node;
                packLabel.Bin = destLocation;
                packLabel.CreatedBy = picker.UserName;
                packLabel.Status = status;
                packLabel.LabelType = labelType;
                packLabel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                packLabel.Printed = false;
                packLabel.Unit = logisticUnit;
                packLabel.IsLogistic = true;
                packLabel.LabelCode = ""; // initSequence.NumSequence.ToString() + GetRandomHex(picker.UserName, initSequence.NumSequence);
                packLabel.Notes = "Package label for Document # " + document.DocNumber;
                packLabel.ShippingDocument = document;

                //Added on 14/ENE/09
                if (parent != null && parent.PackLabel != null && parent.PackLabel.LabelID != 0)
                    try { packLabel.FatherLabel = parent.PackLabel; }
                    catch { }

                //Creado el document Package Asociado al Label
                DocumentPackage docPack = new DocumentPackage
                    Document = document,
                    CreatedBy = picker.UserName,
                    CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                    IsClosed = !isOpen,
                    PackLabel = packLabel,
                    Picker = picker,
                    StartTime = DateTime.Now,
                    EndTime = DateTime.Now,
                    Sequence = (short)sequence,
                    Dimension = "",
                    ShipToName = document.Customer.Name,
                    //Added on 14/ENE/09
                    ParentPackage = (parent != null && parent.PackID != 0) ? parent : null,
                    PackageType = packageType

                //Address Line for package 16/oct/09

                DocumentAddress ShipTo_address = null;

                    ShipTo_address = Factory.DaoDocumentAddress().Select(
                        new DocumentAddress
                            Document = document,
                            AddressType = AddressType.Shipping
                        .Where(f => f.DocumentLine == null).First();

                    docPack.AddressLine1 = ShipTo_address.AddressLine1 + " " + ShipTo_address.AddressLine2;
                    docPack.AddressLine2 = ShipTo_address.City + ", " + ShipTo_address.State + " " + ShipTo_address.ZipCode;
                    docPack.AddressLine3 = ShipTo_address.Country;

                catch { }

                packLabel.DocumentPackages = new List<DocumentPackage> { docPack };
                packLabel = Factory.DaoLabel().Save(packLabel);
                packLabel.LabelCode = packLabel.LabelID.ToString();

                //Registra el movimiento del nodo

                    new NodeTrace
                        Node = node,
                        Document = document,
                        Label = packLabel,
                        Quantity = packLabel.CurrQty,
                        IsDebit = false,
                        CreatedBy = picker.UserName


                //actualizando el documento
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(document.UserDef3))
                        //document.UserDef3 = picker.UserName;
                catch { }

                return docPack;
            catch { throw; }
Example #9
 public Boolean Delete(DocumentPackage data)
     return base.Delete(data);
Example #10
 public DocumentPackage SelectById(DocumentPackage data)
     return (DocumentPackage)base.SelectById(data);
Example #11
 public Boolean Update(DocumentPackage data)
     return base.Update(data);
Example #12
 public DocumentPackage Save(DocumentPackage data)
     return (DocumentPackage)base.Save(data);
Example #13
       public void CloseDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage newPack)

               //Close package and his childs.
               Factory.IsTransactional = true;

               newPack = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(new DocumentPackage { PackID = newPack.PackID }).First();
               newPack.IsClosed = true;

               foreach (DocumentPackage child in newPack.ChildPackages)
                   child.IsClosed = true;

           catch { Factory.Rollback(); throw; }

Example #14
 public void MoveQtyBetweenPackages(DocumentPackage curPack, DocumentPackage newPack, 
     Product product, double qty)
     TranMngr.MoveQtyBetweenPackages(curPack, newPack, product, qty);
Example #15
        private string GetParentPallet(DocumentPackage pkg)
            if (pkg.ParentPackage == null)
                return pkg.PackLabel.LabelCode;

            return GetParentPallet(pkg.ParentPackage);
Example #16
 public void CloseDocumentPackage(DocumentPackage newPack)
        //Mueve cantidades de un package a otro
        public void MoveQtyBetweenPackages(DocumentPackage curPack, DocumentPackage newPack, 
            Product product, double qty)

            Factory.IsTransactional = true;

            Unit baseUnit = product.BaseUnit;


                DocumentLine line = new DocumentLine
                    Quantity = qty,
                    Product = product,
                    Unit = baseUnit,
                    CreatedBy = newPack.CreatedBy

                #region remove from OLD package
                //Remover la cantidad del paquete origen
                //Saca las cantidades para es BIN y de ese producto.
                IList<Label> labelList = GetPackageLabels(curPack.PackLabel, line);

                Label sourceLabel = null;

                if (labelList.Sum(f => f.BaseCurrQty) < line.Quantity * line.Unit.BaseAmount)
                    throw new Exception("No quantity available for the transaction.");

                //Recorre los labels hasta que termine el saldo y se salga.
                double qtyBalance = line.Quantity * line.Unit.BaseAmount;
                double curQty;
                foreach (Label label in labelList)

                    if (qtyBalance <= 0)

                    label.CurrQty = label.BaseCurrQty;
                    label.StartQty = label.BaseStartQty;
                    label.Unit = baseUnit;

                    //Cantidad a Disminuir
                    curQty = qtyBalance > label.CurrQty ? label.CurrQty : qtyBalance;

                    qtyBalance -= curQty;
                    label.CurrQty -= curQty;
                    label.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
                    label.ModifiedBy = line.CreatedBy;
                    sourceLabel = label;



                #region add to NEW package
                //Adicionar la cantidad al paquete destino
                Label tmpLabel = null;
                Status statusLock = WType.GetStatus(new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Locked }); //Active

                DocumentType lblType = new DocumentType { DocTypeID = LabelType.ProductLabel };
                //DocumentTypeSequence initSequence = DocMngr.GetNextDocSequence(curPack.Document.Company, lblType); //Funcion para obtener siguiente Label

                //Salvar con el nuevo status
                tmpLabel = new Label();

                //To Send
                Node node = WType.GetNode(new Node { NodeID = NodeType.Released });
                tmpLabel.Node = curPack.PackLabel.Node;

                tmpLabel.Bin = curPack.PackLabel.Bin;
                tmpLabel.CurrQty = line.Quantity;
                tmpLabel.Product = line.Product;
                tmpLabel.StartQty = line.Quantity;
                tmpLabel.Unit = line.Product.BaseUnit;
                tmpLabel.CreatedBy = line.CreatedBy;

                tmpLabel.Status = statusLock;
                tmpLabel.LabelType = lblType;
                tmpLabel.LabelCode = ""; // initSequence.NumSequence.ToString() + GetRandomHex(line.CreatedBy, initSequence.NumSequence);

                tmpLabel.Printed = false;
                tmpLabel.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                tmpLabel.IsLogistic = false;
                tmpLabel.ShippingDocument = curPack.Document;
                tmpLabel.LabelSource = sourceLabel;

                tmpLabel.FatherLabel = newPack.PackLabel;
                tmpLabel = Factory.DaoLabel().Save(tmpLabel);



            catch  {