Example #1
        public EncodingInfo Read(Stream raf)
            //Read the infos--------------------------------------------------------
            if (raf.Length == 0)
                //Empty File
                throw new CannotReadException("Error: File empty");
            raf.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //FLAC Header string
            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
            string flac = new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b));

            if (flac != "fLaC")
                throw new CannotReadException("fLaC Header not found");

            MetadataBlockDataStreamInfo mbdsi = null;
            bool isLastBlock = false;

            while (!isLastBlock)
                b = new byte[4];
                raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);

                if (mbh.BlockType == MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.StreamInfo)
                    b = new byte[mbh.DataLength];
                    raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);

                    mbdsi = new MetadataBlockDataStreamInfo(b);
                    if (!mbdsi.Valid)
                        throw new CannotReadException("FLAC StreamInfo not valid");
                raf.Seek(raf.Position + mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;
                mbh         = null;         //Free memory

            EncodingInfo info = new EncodingInfo();

            info.Duration           = new TimeSpan(mbdsi.Length * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);
            info.ChannelNumber      = mbdsi.ChannelNumber;
            info.SamplingRate       = mbdsi.SamplingRate;
            info.EncodingType       = mbdsi.EncodingType;
            info.ExtraEncodingInfos = "";
            info.Bitrate            = ComputeBitrate(mbdsi.Length, raf.Length);

Example #2
        public OggTag Read(Stream flacStream)
            //Begins tag parsing-------------------------------------
            if (flacStream.Length == 0)
                //Empty File
                throw new CannotReadException("Error: File empty");
            flacStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //FLAC Header string
            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            flacStream.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
            string flac = new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b));

            if (flac != "fLaC")
                throw new CannotReadException("fLaC Header not found, not a flac file");

            OggTag tag = null;

            //Seems like we hava a valid stream
            bool isLastBlock = false;

            while (!isLastBlock)
                b = new byte[4];
                flacStream.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);

                switch (mbh.BlockType)
                //We got a vorbis comment block, parse it
                case MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.VorbisComment:
                    tag = HandleVorbisComment(mbh, flacStream);
                    mbh = null;
                    return(tag);                            //We have it, so no need to go further

                //This is not a vorbis comment block, we skip to next block
                    flacStream.Seek(flacStream.Position + mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;
                mbh         = null;
            //FLAC not found...
            throw new CannotReadException("FLAC Tag could not be found or read..");
        public EncodingInfo Read(Stream raf)
            //Read the infos--------------------------------------------------------
            if (raf.Length == 0) {
                //Empty File
                throw new CannotReadException("Error: File empty");
            raf.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //FLAC Header string
            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
            string flac = new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b));
            if (flac != "fLaC") {
                throw new CannotReadException("fLaC Header not found");

            MetadataBlockDataStreamInfo mbdsi = null;
            bool isLastBlock = false;
            while (!isLastBlock) {
                b = new byte[4];
                raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);

                if (mbh.BlockType == (int) MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.StreamInfo) {
                    b = new byte[mbh.DataLength];
                    raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);

                    mbdsi = new MetadataBlockDataStreamInfo(b);
                    if (!mbdsi.Valid) {
                        throw new CannotReadException("FLAC StreamInfo not valid");
                raf.Seek(raf.Position + mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;
                mbh = null; //Free memory

            EncodingInfo info = new EncodingInfo();
            info.Length = mbdsi.Length;
            info.ChannelNumber = mbdsi.ChannelNumber;
            info.SamplingRate = mbdsi.SamplingRate;
            info.EncodingType = mbdsi.EncodingType;
            info.ExtraEncodingInfos = "";
            info.Bitrate = ComputeBitrate(mbdsi.Length, raf.Length);

            return info;
Example #4
        private OggTag HandleVorbisComment(MetadataBlockHeader mbh, Stream flacStream)
            long oldPos = flacStream.Position;

            OggTag tag = oggTagReader.Read(flacStream);

            long newPos = flacStream.Position;

            if (newPos - oldPos != mbh.DataLength)
                throw new CannotReadException("Tag length do not match with flac comment data length");

        public OggTag Read( Stream flacStream )
            //Begins tag parsing-------------------------------------
            if ( flacStream.Length==0 ) {
                //Empty File
                throw new CannotReadException("Error: File empty");
            flacStream.Seek( 0 , SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //FLAC Header string
            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            flacStream.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
            string flac = new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b));
            if(flac != "fLaC")
                throw new CannotReadException("fLaC Header not found, not a flac file");

            OggTag tag = null;

            //Seems like we hava a valid stream
            bool isLastBlock = false;
            while(!isLastBlock) {
                b = new byte[4];
                flacStream.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);

                switch(mbh.BlockType) {
                    //We got a vorbis comment block, parse it
                    case (int)MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.VorbisComment :
                        tag = HandleVorbisComment(mbh, flacStream);
                        mbh = null;
                        return tag; //We have it, so no need to go further

                    //This is not a vorbis comment block, we skip to next block
                    default :
                        flacStream.Seek(flacStream.Position+mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;
                mbh = null;
            //FLAC not found...
            throw new CannotReadException("FLAC Tag could not be found or read..");
Example #6
		public void Write( Tag tag, Stream raf, Stream rafTemp ) {
			//Clean up old datas
			ArrayList metadataBlockPadding = new ArrayList(1);
			ArrayList metadataBlocks = new ArrayList();
			byte[] b = new byte[4];
			raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
			if(new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b)) != "fLaC")
				throw new CannotWriteException("This is not a FLAC file");
			bool isLastBlock = false;
			while(!isLastBlock) {
				b = new byte[4];
				raf.Read(b, 0, 4);
				MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);
				if (mbh.BlockType == MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.Padding) {
					raf.Seek(mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
				else {
					b = new byte[mbh.DataLength];
					raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
					metadataBlocks.Add(new MetadataBlockData(mbh, b));
				isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;
			int availableRoom =  ComputeAvailableRoom(metadataBlockPadding, metadataBlocks);
			int newTagSize = tc.GetTagLength(tag);
			int neededRoom = newTagSize + ComputeNeededRoom(metadataBlockPadding, metadataBlocks);
			raf.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			if(availableRoom>=neededRoom) {
				raf.Seek(42, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				foreach (MetadataBlockData data in metadataBlocks) {
					raf.Write(data.Header.Data, 0, data.Header.Data.Length);
					raf.Write(data.Bytes, 0, data.Bytes.Length);
				byte[] newTagBytes = tc.Create(tag, availableRoom-neededRoom).Data;
				raf.Write(newTagBytes, 0, newTagBytes.Length);
			} else {
				//create new tag with padding (we remove the header and keep the audio data)
				b = new byte[42];
				raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
				raf.Seek(availableRoom+42, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				rafTemp.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
				foreach (MetadataBlockData data in metadataBlocks) {
					raf.Write(data.Header.Data, 0, data.Header.Data.Length);
					raf.Write(data.Bytes, 0, data.Bytes.Length);
				byte[] newTagBytes = tc.Create(tag, FlacTagCreator.DEFAULT_PADDING).Data;
				rafTemp.Write(newTagBytes, 0, newTagBytes.Length);
				b = new byte[65536];
				int read = raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
				while (read != 0) {
					rafTemp.Write(b, 0, read);
					read = raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
				//tempFC.transferFrom( fc, tempFC.position(), fc.size() );
        private OggTag HandleVorbisComment(MetadataBlockHeader mbh, Stream flacStream)
            long oldPos = flacStream.Position;

            OggTag tag = oggTagReader.Read(flacStream);

            long newPos = flacStream.Position;

            if(newPos - oldPos != mbh.DataLength)
                throw new CannotReadException("Tag length do not match with flac comment data length");

            return tag;
Example #8
        public void Write(Tag tag, Stream raf, Stream rafTemp)
            //Clean up old datas
            ArrayList metadataBlockPadding = new ArrayList(1);
            ArrayList metadataBlocks       = new ArrayList();

            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
            if (new string(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(b)) != "fLaC")
                throw new CannotWriteException("This is not a FLAC file");

            bool isLastBlock = false;

            while (!isLastBlock)
                b = new byte[4];
                raf.Read(b, 0, 4);
                MetadataBlockHeader mbh = new MetadataBlockHeader(b);

                if (mbh.BlockType == MetadataBlockHeader.BlockTypes.Padding)
                    raf.Seek(mbh.DataLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    metadataBlockPadding.Add(mbh.DataLength + 4);
                    b = new byte[mbh.DataLength];
                    raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                    metadataBlocks.Add(new MetadataBlockData(mbh, b));

                isLastBlock = mbh.IsLastBlock;

            int availableRoom = ComputeAvailableRoom(metadataBlockPadding, metadataBlocks);
            int newTagSize    = tc.GetTagLength(tag);
            int neededRoom    = newTagSize + ComputeNeededRoom(metadataBlockPadding, metadataBlocks);

            raf.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (availableRoom >= neededRoom)
                //OVERWRITE EXISTING TAG
                raf.Seek(42, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                foreach (MetadataBlockData data in metadataBlocks)
                    raf.Write(data.Header.Data, 0, data.Header.Data.Length);
                    raf.Write(data.Bytes, 0, data.Bytes.Length);

                byte[] newTagBytes = tc.Create(tag, availableRoom - neededRoom).Data;
                raf.Write(newTagBytes, 0, newTagBytes.Length);
                //create new tag with padding (we remove the header and keep the audio data)
                b = new byte[42];
                raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                raf.Seek(availableRoom + 42, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                rafTemp.Write(b, 0, b.Length);

                foreach (MetadataBlockData data in metadataBlocks)
                    raf.Write(data.Header.Data, 0, data.Header.Data.Length);
                    raf.Write(data.Bytes, 0, data.Bytes.Length);

                byte[] newTagBytes = tc.Create(tag, FlacTagCreator.DEFAULT_PADDING).Data;
                rafTemp.Write(newTagBytes, 0, newTagBytes.Length);

                b = new byte[65536];
                int read = raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                while (read != 0)
                    rafTemp.Write(b, 0, read);
                    read = raf.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
                //tempFC.transferFrom( fc, tempFC.position(), fc.size() );