public void UnloadModel()
     isAnimated = false;
     animationPlayer = null;
     model = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the model and return any error messages
        /// </summary>
        public string SetModel(bool animated, Model aModel)
            string result = "";
            isAnimated = animated;
            if (aModel != null)
                model = aModel;

            if (isAnimated)
                // Look up our custom skinning information.
                SkinningData skinningData = model.Tag as SkinningData;

                if (skinningData == null)
                    result += "\nThis model does not contain a SkinningData tag.";
                    isAnimated = false;
                // Check again to make sure it is still treated as animated
                if (isAnimated)
                    // Create an animation player, and start decoding an animation clip.
                    animationPlayer = new AnimationPlayer(skinningData);

                    if (clipNames.Count > 0)
                        //AnimationClip clip = skinningData.AnimationClips["Take 001"];
                        AnimationClip clip = skinningData.AnimationClips[clipNames[0]];
                        result += "\nClip: " + clipNames[0];
                        string error = animationPlayer.StartClip(clip);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                            result += "\n" + error;
                        result += "\nThis model does not have any takes!";

            return result;