Example #1
 private void ValidateAndCombineDescriptorInformation(DescriptorInformation myDescriptor, DescriptorInformation value)
     if (myDescriptor.ShaderStage != value.ShaderStage)
         myDescriptor.ShaderStage |= value.ShaderStage;
     if (myDescriptor.myType != value.myType)
         throw new Exception("Descriptor Information mismatch detected!");
     if (myDescriptor.DescriptorCount != value.DescriptorCount)
         throw new Exception("Descriptor Information mismatch detected!");
Example #2
        /*internal DescriptorSetLayout GetDescriptorLayout()
         *  {
         *      List<DescriptorSetLayoutBinding> myBindings = new List<DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>();
         *      foreach (var A in myIDsToItems)
         *      {
         *          var Item = new DescriptorSetLayoutBinding();
         *          Item.DescriptorType = (DescriptorType)A.Value.myType;
         *          Item.StageFlags = this.ShaderStage;
         *          Item.DescriptorCount = A.Value.DescriptorCount;
         *          Item.Binding = A.Value.Binding;
         *          myBindings.Add(Item);
         *      }
         *      var descriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo = new DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo
         *      {
         *          Bindings = myBindings.ToArray()
         *      };
         *      return new DescriptorSetLayout(VulkanRenderer.SelectedLogicalGraphicsDevice, descriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo);
         *  }*/

        public void AddDescriptor(string ReferenceName, DescriptorType uniformBuffer, uint Binding, uint DescriptorCount = 1)
            if (myIDsToItems.ContainsKey(ReferenceName))
                throw new Exception("Attempted to add two descriptors that had the same name.");
            foreach (var A in myIDsToItems)
                if (A.Value.Binding == Binding)
                    throw new Exception("Attempted to add two descriptors that have the same bindings.");

            myIDsToItems[ReferenceName] = new DescriptorInformation(Binding, uniformBuffer, this.ShaderStage, DescriptorCount);
            myDescriptorTypeCount[(uint)uniformBuffer] += 1;