public AppSettings() { _instance = this; string config; try { System.IO.StreamReader rd = new System.IO.StreamReader(AppSettings.BaseDirectory+"\\App.cfg"); config = rd.ReadToEnd(); rd.Close(); } catch { config = @" Dev Defines proj=..\..\#exe# Prod Defines proj=#exe# All Media #exe#Media"; } this._root = this.Load(AppSettings.RunMode, config); string[] paths = this["Media"]; }
public InteractorFactory(Node trackSettings) { this._spritesToStart = new ArrayList(); EH.Instance.EnterFrameEvent += new EnterFrame(Instance_EnterFrameEvent); this._trackSettings = trackSettings; //new Node(); // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Drums.Interactor").Text = "X"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Drums.LocSetter").Text = "Default"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.Interactor").Text = "Shake"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.LocSetter").Text = "Swirl"; }
public InteractorFactory(Node trackSettings) { this._spritesToStart = new ArrayList(); EH.Instance.EnterFrameEvent+=new EnterFrame(Instance_EnterFrameEvent); this._trackSettings = trackSettings; //new Node(); // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Drums.Interactor").Text = "X"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Drums.LocSetter").Text = "Default"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.Interactor").Text = "Shake"; // this._trackSettings.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.LocSetter").Text = "Swirl"; }
public virtual Interactor.Base CreateInteractor(TrackPlayer tp, ChannelMessage cm) { EPointF ptLoc = new EPointF(); int note = cm.Data1; int strength = cm.Data2; int duration = 10; Interactor.Base interactor = null; LocSetter.Base locSetter = null; Endogine.Node node = this._trackSettings[tp.Track.Name]; if (node != null) { if (node["Interactor"] != null) { string sType = "MusicGame.Midi.Interactor." + node["Interactor"].Text; Type type = Type.GetType(sType); System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] {}); interactor = (Interactor.Base)cons.Invoke(new object[] {}); } if (node["LocSetter"] != null) { string sType = "MusicGame.Midi.LocSetter." + node["LocSetter"].Text; Type type = Type.GetType(sType); System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] {}); locSetter = (LocSetter.Base)cons.Invoke(new object[] {}); } } if (interactor == null) { interactor = new Interactor.Default(); } // if (locSetter==null) // locSetter = new LocSetter.Default(); interactor.Prepare(tp.Track.Name, cm.MidiChannel, this._readAheadMsecs, note, strength, duration, ptLoc); if (locSetter != null) { locSetter.Parent = interactor; } this._spritesToStart.Add(interactor); return(interactor); }
public void RemoveChild(Node oNode) { this.ChildNodes.RemoveValue(oNode); }
public Node Load(string runmode, string config) { //a table for replacing #something# with a stored value (eg #exe# -> C:\docs\) System.Collections.Hashtable replacements = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); replacements.Add("exe", EH.Instance.ApplicationDirectory); Node node = Node.FromTabbed(config); Node allNode = node["All"]; node = node[runmode]; if (node == null) node = new Node(); if (allNode!=null) node.Merge(allNode); Node n = node; while(true) { n = n.NextSpecial; if (n==null) break; if (n.Name.IndexOf("#") >= 0) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(n.Name, @"\#\w+\#"); string sKey = m.Value.Substring(1,m.Value.Length-2); string sValue = (string)replacements[sKey]; if (sValue!=null) { string sNewName = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(n.Name, @"\#\w+\#", sValue); n.Name = sNewName; } } if (n.Name.IndexOf(@"..\") >= 0) { int nFirst = n.Name.IndexOf(@"..\"); string sPath = n.Name.Remove(0,nFirst); System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection ms = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches( sPath, @"[.][.]\\"); sPath = sPath.Replace(@"..\", ""); System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(sPath); for (int i=0; i<ms.Count;i++) di = di.Parent; n.Name = n.Name.Substring(0,nFirst) + di.FullName; } if (n.Name.IndexOf("=") >= 0) { string[] sKV = n.Name.Split("=".ToCharArray()); replacements[sKV[0]] = sKV[1]; } } // string sTabbed = node.ToTabbed(); // sTabbed = sTabbed.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); // System.IO.StreamWriter wr = new System.IO.StreamWriter("Test.txt"); // wr.Write(sTabbed); // wr.Flush(); // wr.Close(); return node; }
public void Merge(Node nodeToMergeWith) { for (int i = 0; i<nodeToMergeWith.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { Node node = (Node)nodeToMergeWith.ChildNodes.GetByIndex(i); //does it exist here already? Node alreadyHereNode = this[node.Name]; if (alreadyHereNode == null) alreadyHereNode = this.CreateChild(node.Name); if (node.HasChildNodes) alreadyHereNode.Merge(node); } }
public virtual Node CreateChild(string sName) { Node node = null; if (this._bAutoCreateChildIfNotExists) node = new Node(true); else node = new Node(); this.AppendChild(sName, node); return node; }
// public void ReplaceChild(Node newChild, Node oldChild) // { // //TODO: // } // public void InsertAfter(Node newChild, Node refChild) // { // } // public void InsertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) // { // } // public void PrependChild(string sName, Node oNode) // { // //TODO: add as first child // } public void AppendChild(string sName, Node oNode) { oNode.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(sName, oNode); }
public static Node FromTabbed(string tabbed) { Node node = new Node(); tabbed = tabbed.Replace("\r", ""); string[] lines = tabbed.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m; int nLastIndentation = -1; foreach (string sLine in lines) { if (sLine.Length == 0) continue; m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(sLine, @"[^\t]"); // "\S" non-whitespace chars if (m.Index == -1) continue; int nIndentation = m.Index; if (nIndentation > nLastIndentation && nLastIndentation > -1) { //one level down! node = node.LastChild; } else if (nIndentation < nLastIndentation) { //level up! node = node.GetNthNodeAbove(nLastIndentation-nIndentation); } string sNode = sLine.Remove(0,m.Index).Trim(); //check if there is a tab left (eg: name item) //if so, the text after the tab is entered as the node.Value m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(sNode, @"[\t]"); string sValue = null; if (m.Success) { sValue = sNode.Remove(0,m.Index+1); sNode = sNode.Substring(0,m.Index); } Node subNode = node.CreateChild(sNode); subNode.Text = sValue; nLastIndentation = nIndentation; } return node.RootNode; }
public Main() { _instance = this; this.FontGenerator = new Endogine.Text.FontGenerator(); Endogine.Text.FontGenerator fg = this.FontGenerator; fg.UseStyleTemplate("Test1"); fg.FontSize = 20; fg.DefinedCharacters = Endogine.Text.FontGenerator.GetCharSet(Endogine.Text.FontGenerator.CharSet.Default, false, false); this.Score = new Score(); this.Score.FontGenerator = fg; this.Score.Value = 0; this.Score.Loc = new EPointF(30,30); // Endogine.Forms.Label lbl = new Endogine.Forms.Label(); // lbl.FontGenerator = fg; // lbl.Text = "AbrakadagvAsk49Å"; // lbl.Loc = new EPointF(100,100); this._scripter = ScriptingProvider.CreateScripter("boo"); Hashtable htScripts = new Hashtable(); htScripts.Add("Test", Endogine.Files.FileReadWrite.Read(Endogine.AppSettings.Instance.FindFile(""))); this._interactorClassNames = new ArrayList(); this._interactorClassNames.Add("Test"); this._scripter.CompileMultiple(htScripts); //Hashtable htKeys = new Hashtable(); //Endogine.KeysSteering _keys = new KeysSteering(htKeys); EH.Instance.KeyEvent+=new KeyEventHandler(Instance_KeyEvent); Node tracks = new Node(); string sFile = "Muppet_Show"; sFile = "Flourish"; float fSpeed = 1f; switch (sFile) { case "Flourish": tracks.GetOrCreate("Drums.Interactor").Text = "X"; tracks.GetOrCreate("Drums.LocSetter").Text = "Default"; tracks.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.Interactor").Text = "Shake"; tracks.GetOrCreate("Kalimba.LocSetter").Text = "Swirl"; tracks.GetOrCreate("Piano.Interactor").Text = "Default"; sFile = @"C:\WINDOWS\Media\"+sFile; fSpeed = 0.8f; break; case "Muppet_Show": tracks.GetOrCreate("HONKY TONK PIAN.Interactor").Text = "X"; tracks.GetOrCreate("HONKY TONK PIAN.LocSetter").Text = "Default"; tracks.GetOrCreate("SAX.Interactor").Text = "Shake"; tracks.GetOrCreate("SAX.LocSetter").Text = "Swirl"; tracks.GetOrCreate("TUBA.Interactor").Text = "Default"; break; } this._factory = new InteractorFactory(tracks); this._factory.ReadAheadMsecs = this._readAheadMsecs; sFile = Endogine.AppSettings.Instance.FindFile(sFile+".mid"); //sFile = @"C:\WINDOWS\Media\Flourish.MID"; //ONESTOP MidiFileReader reader = new MidiFileReader(sFile); OutputDevice output = new OutputDevice(0); output.Open(0); this._sequencer = new SequencerBase(null, output); this._sequencer.Sequence = reader.Sequence; this._sequencer.PlaybackSpeed = fSpeed; this._sequencer.Start(); // this._sequencer.Tempo = 40; Endogine.Midi.Devices.EmptyMidiSender midiSender = new Endogine.Midi.Devices.EmptyMidiSender(); //ScreenOutputDevice midiSender = new ScreenOutputDevice(this.progressBar1); this._sequencerPre = new SequencerBase(null, midiSender); this._sequencerPre.Sequence = reader.Sequence; TrackPlayer tp; for (int i=0; i<tracks.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { tp = this._sequencerPre.Player.GetTrackPlayer(tracks[i].Name); //Drums tp.TrackMessage+=new Endogine.Midi.TrackPlayer.TrackMessageDelegate(tp_TrackMessage); } this._sequencerPre.Start(); this._sequencerPre.Position = (int)(this._sequencer.PlaybackTempo*this._readAheadMsecs/1000*6); //PlaybackTempo this._sequencerPre.PlaybackSpeed = this._sequencer.PlaybackSpeed; this._sequencerPre.Tempo = this._sequencer.Tempo; }