public ActionResult HoursIndex(Nullable<DateTime> DateTimeQuery, string CompList)
            db = new EMSEntities12();
            //if (DateTimeQuery != null)

            //    return View("HoursWorkedReport" );
            DateTime timeofweek = DateTime.Now ;
            Company MyComp = new Company();
            EmployeeType MyEmp = new EmployeeType();
            TimeCard TimeCardEnt = new TimeCard();
            Dictionary<EmployeeType, decimal?> emplist2 = new Dictionary<EmployeeType, decimal?>();
            List<TimeCard> tmcard = new List<TimeCard>();
            if (DateTimeQuery != null)
                ViewBag.ThisCompany = CompList;
                timeofweek = (DateTime)DateTimeQuery;

                foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies)
                    if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList)
                        MyComp.CompanyId = mycmp.CompanyId;



            while (timeofweek.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    timeofweek = timeofweek.AddDays(+1);
                ViewBag.DateWeek = timeofweek;

            List<EmployeeType> emplist = new List<EmployeeType>();

            foreach (EmployeeType EmpTime in db.EmployeeTypes)
                if (EmpTime.CompanyId == MyComp.CompanyId)
                    if (EmpTime.Employee.Completed && EmpTime.Employee.Active)
                        if (EmpTime.EmployeeType1 != "Contract  ")



            foreach (TimeCard TimecrdEnt in db.TimeCards)

                if (TimecrdEnt.EmployedWith5Id == MyComp.CompanyId)



            foreach (EmployeeType EMP in emplist)

                foreach (TimeCard tmcrd in tmcard)

                    if (EMP.EmployeeId == tmcrd.EmployeeRef5Id)
                        if (DateTimeQuery == tmcrd.WeekOf)

                            emplist2.Add(EMP, TotalHours(tmcrd));


            return View("HoursWorkedReport", emplist2);
        public ActionResult Seasonal(SeasonalEmployee Semployee, string CompList, string SeasonLst, string name, string last, string day, string month, string year, string sin)
            db = new EMSEntities12();
            ViewBag.SeasonName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetSeasonList();
            ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList();
            EmployeeType ETemployee = new EmployeeType();
            ViewBag.Employees = GetOptions();

            Employee employee = new Employee();
            employee.FirstName = name;
            employee.LastName = last;
            int Year = 0, Month = 0, Day = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(year, out Year);
            Int32.TryParse(day, out Day);
            Int32.TryParse(month, out Month);

            employee.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(Year, Month, Day);
            employee.SIN_BN = sin;
            employee.Completed = false;

            foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies)
                if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList)
                    Semployee.EmployedWith3Id = mycmp.CompanyId;

            foreach (Season myseas in db.Seasons)
                if (myseas.Season1 == SeasonLst)
                    Semployee.SeasonId = myseas.SeasonId;

            ETemployee.CompanyId = Semployee.EmployedWith3Id;
            ETemployee.EmployeeType1 = "Seasonal";
            ETemployee.DateofHire = Semployee.SeasonYear;
            if (CompList == "")
                ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required.");
            if (SeasonLst == "")
                ModelState.AddModelError("season", "This field is Required.");
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(employee.DateOfBirth, Semployee.SeasonYear, 18))
                ModelState.AddModelError("DOH", "A seasonal employee must be at least 18 years old.");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(employee, User.Identity.Name);
                Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id = employee.EmployeeId;
                ETemployee.EmployeeId = Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id;
                EMSPSSUtilities.CompareFields("", Semployee.SeasonId.ToString(), 17, 1, Semployee.EmployeeRef3Id, User.Identity.Name);

                return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = Semployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = Semployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = Semployee.Employee.SIN_BN });

            return View(Semployee);
        public ActionResult ContractCreation(ContractEmployee ce, string CompList)
            db = new EMSEntities12();
            if (CompList == "")
                ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required.");
            ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList();
            Employee e = ce.Employee;
            //e.EmployeeId = null;
            e.Completed = true;
            String sin = ce.Employee.SIN_BN;
            EMSPSSUtilities.SINValid(ref sin);
            ce.Employee.SIN_BN = sin;
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifySIN(ce.Employee.SIN_BN))
                ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", ce.Employee.SIN_BN + " is not a valid BN.");
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.VerifyBusinessNum(ce.Employee.SIN_BN, ce.Employee.DateOfBirth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")))
                ModelState.AddModelError("SIN_BN", "The first two digits of a BN must match the last two digits of their date of incorporation.");
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(ce.Employee.DateOfBirth, ce.ContractStartDate))
                ModelState.AddModelError("CSD", "Contract Start date must be in the future from date of incorporation.");
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(ce.ContractStartDate, ce.ContractStopDate))
                ModelState.AddModelError("CSD2", "Contract Stop date must be in the future from Contract Start date.");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies)
                    if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList)
                        ce.EmployedWith4Id = mycmp.CompanyId;
                ce.EmployeeRef4Id = e.EmployeeId;
                EmployeeType et = new EmployeeType();
                et.EmployeeId = e.EmployeeId;
                et.CompanyId = ce.EmployedWith4Id;
                et.DateofHire = ce.ContractStartDate;
                et.EmployeeType1 = "Contract";
                if (ce.ReasonForLeaving4Id == 0)
                    ce.ReasonForLeaving4Id = null;
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(ce.Employee, User.Identity.Name);
                    EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewContractEmployee(ce, User.Identity.Name);
                    return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = ce.Employee.FirstName, LastName = ce.Employee.LastName, SINBN = ce.Employee.SIN_BN });

                return View(ce);

            return View(ce);
        public ActionResult PartTime(PartTimeEmployee PTemployee, string CompList, string name, string last, string day, string month, string year, string sin)
            db = new EMSEntities12();
            EmployeeType ETemployee = new EmployeeType();
            ViewBag.Employees = GetOptions();
            ViewBag.CompName = EMSPSSUtilities.GetCompList();

            Employee employee = new Employee();
            employee.FirstName = name;
            employee.LastName = last;
            int Year = 0, Month = 0, Day = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(year, out Year);
            Int32.TryParse(day, out Day);
            Int32.TryParse(month, out Month);

            employee.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(Year, Month, Day);
            employee.SIN_BN = sin;
            employee.Completed = false;

            foreach (Company mycmp in db.Companies)
                if (mycmp.CompanyName == CompList)
                    PTemployee.EmployedWith2Id = mycmp.CompanyId;

            ETemployee.CompanyId = PTemployee.EmployedWith2Id;
            ETemployee.EmployeeType1 = "Part Time";
            ETemployee.DateofHire = PTemployee.DateOfHire;
            PTemployee.Employee = employee;
            if (CompList == "")
                ModelState.AddModelError("comp", "This field is Required.");
            if (!EMSPSSUtilities.DateIsElapsed(employee.DateOfBirth, PTemployee.DateOfHire, 16))
                ModelState.AddModelError("DOH", "A part time employee must be at least 16 years old.");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                EMSPSSUtilities.AuditNewBaseEmployee(employee, User.Identity.Name);
                PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id = employee.EmployeeId;
                ETemployee.EmployeeId = PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id;
                EMSPSSUtilities.CompareFields("", PTemployee.DateOfHire.ToString(), 11, 1, PTemployee.EmployeeRef2Id, User.Identity.Name);

                return RedirectToAction("SearchIndex", "Home", new { FirstName = PTemployee.Employee.FirstName, LastName = PTemployee.Employee.LastName, SINBN = PTemployee.Employee.SIN_BN });


            return View(PTemployee);