private void OnLicenseExpired(object sender, License lic) { LicenseExpired(this, lic.hardLimitTime); // inform hard limit }
private void OnGetLicenseInfoDone(object sender, License lic) { //LicenseValidTo(this, lic.validTo); _headsetFinder.FinderInit(); }
/// <summary> /// Handle response message. /// A response means success message to distinguish from error object /// </summary> private void HandleResponse(string method, JToken data) { // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("handleResponse: " + method); if (method == "queryHeadsets") { List <Headset> headsetLists = new List <Headset>(); foreach (JObject item in data) { headsetLists.Add(new Headset(item)); } QueryHeadsetOK(this, headsetLists); } else if (method == "controlDevice") { string command = (string)data["command"]; if (command == "connect") { string message = (string)data["message"]; } else if (command == "disconnect") { HeadsetDisConnectedOK(this, true); } } else if (method == "getUserLogin") { JArray users = (JArray)data; UserDataInfo loginData = new UserDataInfo(); if (users.Count > 0) { foreach (JObject user in users) { if (user["currentOSUId"].ToString() == user["loggedInOSUId"].ToString()) { loginData.EmotivId = user["username"].ToString(); DateTime lastLoginTime = user.Value <DateTime>("lastLoginTime"); loginData.LastLoginTime = Utils.ISODateTimeToEpocTime(lastLoginTime); } } } GetUserLoginDone(this, loginData); } else if (method == "hasAccessRight") { bool hasAccessRight = (bool)data["accessGranted"]; HasAccessRightOK(this, hasAccessRight); } else if (method == "requestAccess") { bool hasAccessRight = (bool)data["accessGranted"]; ORequestAccessDone(this, hasAccessRight); } else if (method == "generateNewToken") { string cortexToken = data["cortexToken"].ToString(); RefreshTokenOK(this, cortexToken); } else if (method == "getLicenseInfo") { License lic = new License(data["license"]); GetLicenseInfoDone(this, lic); } else if (method == "getUserInformation") { //TODO } else if (method == "authorize") { string token = (string)data["cortexToken"]; if (data["warning"] != null) { JObject warning = (JObject)data["warning"]; string warningMessage = warning["message"].ToString(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("User has not accepted eula. Please accept EULA on EMOTIV App to proceed."); EULANotAccepted(this, warningMessage); } AuthorizeOK(this, token); } else if (method == "createSession") { string sessionId = (string)data["id"]; string status = (string)data["status"]; string appId = (string)data["appId"]; JObject headset = (JObject)data["headset"]; string headsetId = headset["id"].ToString(); CreateSessionOK(this, new SessionEventArgs(sessionId, status, appId, headsetId)); } else if (method == "updateSession") { string sessionId = (string)data["id"]; string status = (string)data["status"]; string appId = (string)data["appId"]; JObject headset = (JObject)data["headset"]; string headsetId = headset["id"].ToString(); UpdateSessionOK(this, new SessionEventArgs(sessionId, status, appId, headsetId)); } else if (method == "createRecord") { Record record = new Record((JObject)data["record"]); CreateRecordOK(this, record); } else if (method == "stopRecord") { Record record = new Record((JObject)data["record"]); StopRecordOK(this, record); } else if (method == "updateRecord") { Record record = new Record((JObject)data); UpdateRecordOK(this, record); } else if (method == "queryRecords") { int count = (int)data["count"]; JArray records = (JArray)data["records"]; List <Record> recordLists = new List <Record>(); foreach (JObject ele in records) { recordLists.Add(new Record(ele)); } QueryRecordsDone(this, recordLists); } else if (method == "deleteRecord") { JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"]; JArray failList = (JArray)data["failure"]; DeleteRecordsDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList)); } else if (method == "unsubscribe") { JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"]; JArray failList = (JArray)data["failure"]; UnSubscribeDataDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList)); } else if (method == "subscribe") { // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("################subscribe: "); JArray successList = (JArray)data["success"]; JArray failList = (JArray)data["failure"]; SubscribeDataDone(this, new MultipleResultEventArgs(successList, failList)); } else if (method == "injectMarker") { JObject marker = (JObject)data["marker"]; InjectMarkerOK(this, marker); } else if (method == "updateMarker") { JObject marker = (JObject)data["marker"]; UpdateMarkerOK(this, marker); } else if (method == "getDetectionInfo") { GetDetectionInfoDone(this, (JObject)data); } else if (method == "getCurrentProfile") { if (data["name"] == null) { GetCurrentProfileDone(this, ""); } else { GetCurrentProfileDone(this, (string)data["name"]); } } else if (method == "setupProfile") { string action = (string)data["action"]; string profileName = (string)data["name"]; if (action == "create") { CreateProfileOK(this, profileName); } else if (action == "load") { LoadProfileOK(this, profileName); } else if (action == "save") { SaveProfileOK(this, profileName); } else if (action == "unload") { UnloadProfileDone(this, true); } else if (action == "rename") { RenameProfileOK(this, profileName); } else if (action == "delete") { DeleteProfileOK(this, profileName); } } else if (method == "queryProfile") { QueryProfileOK(this, (JArray)data); } else if (method == "training") { TrainingOK(this, (JObject)data); } else if (method == "getTrainingTime") { GetTrainingTimeDone(this, (double)data["time"]); } }