Example #1
 internal extern static void CvPlanarObjectDetectorTrain(
     IntPtr objectDetector,
     IntPtr image,
     int npoints,
     int patchSize,
     int nstructs,
     int structSize,
     int nviews,
     ref LDetector keyPointDetector,
     ref PatchGenerator patchGenerator);
 /// <summary>
 /// Train the planar object detector using the specific image
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">The training image</param>
 /// <param name="npoints">Use 300 for default</param>
 /// <param name="patchSize">Use 31 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nstructs">Use 50 for default</param>
 /// <param name="structSize">Use 9 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nviews">Use 5000 for default</param>
 /// <param name="keyPointDetector">The keypoint detector to be used</param>
 /// <param name="patchGenerator">The patch generator to be used</param>
 public void Train(Image<Gray, byte> image, 
     int npoints,
     int patchSize,
     int nstructs,
     int structSize,
     int nviews,
     ref LDetector keyPointDetector,
     ref PatchGenerator patchGenerator)
     CvPlanarObjectDetectorTrain(Ptr, image, npoints, patchSize, nstructs, structSize, nviews, ref keyPointDetector, ref patchGenerator);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Train the planar object detector using the specific image
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">The training image</param>
 /// <param name="npoints">Use 300 for default</param>
 /// <param name="patchSize">Use 31 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nstructs">Use 50 for default</param>
 /// <param name="structSize">Use 9 for default</param>
 /// <param name="nviews">Use 5000 for default</param>
 /// <param name="keyPointDetector">The keypoint detector to be used</param>
 /// <param name="patchGenerator">The patch generator to be used</param>
 public void Train(Image <Gray, byte> image,
                   int npoints,
                   int patchSize,
                   int nstructs,
                   int structSize,
                   int nviews,
                   ref LDetector keyPointDetector,
                   ref PatchGenerator patchGenerator)
     CvPlanarObjectDetectorTrain(Ptr, image, npoints, patchSize, nstructs, structSize, nviews, ref keyPointDetector, ref patchGenerator);
Example #4
 private static extern void CvPatchGeneratorInit(ref PatchGenerator pg);
 private static extern void CvPlanarObjectDetectorTrain(
     IntPtr objectDetector,
     IntPtr image,
     int npoints,
     int patchSize,
     int nstructs,
     int structSize,
     int nviews,
     ref LDetector keyPointDetector,
     ref PatchGenerator patchGenerator);
Example #6
 private extern static void CvPatchGeneratorInit(ref PatchGenerator pg);
Example #7
        public void TestPlanarObjectDetector()
            Image<Gray, byte> box = new Image<Gray, byte>("box.png");
             Image<Gray, byte> scene = new Image<Gray,byte>("box_in_scene.png");
             //Image<Gray, Byte> scene = box.Rotate(1, new Gray(), false);

             using (PlanarObjectDetector detector = new PlanarObjectDetector())
            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            LDetector keypointDetector = new LDetector();

            PatchGenerator pGen = new PatchGenerator();

            detector.Train(box, 300, 31, 50, 9, 5000, ref keypointDetector, ref pGen);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Training time: {0} milliseconds.", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            MKeyPoint[] modelPoints = detector.GetModelPoints();
            int i = modelPoints.Length;

            HomographyMatrix h = new HomographyMatrix();
            watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            PointF[] corners = detector.Detect(scene, h);
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Detection time: {0} milliseconds.", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

            foreach (PointF c in corners)
               scene.Draw(new CircleF(c, 2), new Gray(255), 1);
            scene.DrawPolyline(Array.ConvertAll<PointF, Point>(corners, Point.Round), true, new Gray(255), 2);