cvCalcEigenObjects() public static method

Calculates orthonormal eigen basis and the averaged object for a group of the input objects.
public static cvCalcEigenObjects ( IntPtr input, MCvTermCriteria &calcLimit, IntPtr eigVecs, float eigVals, IntPtr avg ) : void
input IntPtr Pointer to the array of IplImage input objects
calcLimit MCvTermCriteria Criteria that determine when to stop calculation of eigen objects. Depending on the parameter calcLimit, calculations are finished either after first calcLimit.max_iter dominating eigen objects are retrieved or if the ratio of the current eigenvalue to the largest eigenvalue comes down to calcLimit.epsilon threshold. The value calcLimit -> type must be CV_TERMCRIT_NUMB, CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, or CV_TERMCRIT_NUMB | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS . The function returns the real values calcLimit->max_iter and calcLimit->epsilon
eigVecs IntPtr Pointer either to the array of eigen objects
eigVals float Pointer to the eigenvalues array in the descending order; may be NULL
avg IntPtr Averaged object
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Caculate the eigen images for the specific traning image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingImages">The images used for training </param>
        /// <param name="termCrit">The criteria for tranning</param>
        /// <param name="eigenImages">The resulting eigen images</param>
        /// <param name="avg">The resulting average image</param>
        public static void CalcEigenObjects(Image <Gray, Byte>[] trainingImages, ref MCvTermCriteria termCrit, out Image <Gray, Single>[] eigenImages, out Image <Gray, Single> avg)
            int width  = trainingImages[0].Width;
            int height = trainingImages[0].Height;

            IntPtr[] inObjs = Array.ConvertAll <Image <Gray, Byte>, IntPtr>(trainingImages, delegate(Image <Gray, Byte> img) { return(img.Ptr); });

            if (termCrit.max_iter <= 0 || termCrit.max_iter > trainingImages.Length)
                termCrit.max_iter = trainingImages.Length;

            int maxEigenObjs = termCrit.max_iter;

            #region initialize eigen images
            eigenImages = new Image <Gray, float> [maxEigenObjs];
            for (int i = 0; i < eigenImages.Length; i++)
                eigenImages[i] = new Image <Gray, float>(width, height);
            IntPtr[] eigObjs = Array.ConvertAll <Image <Gray, Single>, IntPtr>(eigenImages, delegate(Image <Gray, Single> img) { return(img.Ptr); });

            avg = new Image <Gray, Single>(width, height);

                ref termCrit,
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Caculate the eigen images for the specific traning image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingImages">The images used for training </param>
        /// <param name="termCrit">The criteria for tranning</param>
        /// <param name="eigenImages">The resulting eigen images</param>
        /// <param name="avg">The resulting average image</param>
        public static void CalcEigenObjects(Image <Gray, byte>[] trainingImages, ref MCvTermCriteria termCrit, out Image <Gray, float>[] eigenImages, out Image <Gray, float> avg)
            int width  = trainingImages[0].Width;
            int height = trainingImages[0].Height;

            IntPtr[] inObjs = Array.ConvertAll(trainingImages, (Image <Gray, byte> img) => img.Ptr);

            if (termCrit.max_iter <= 0 || termCrit.max_iter > trainingImages.Length)
                termCrit.max_iter = trainingImages.Length;

            int maxEigenObjs = termCrit.max_iter;

            // Initialize eigen images
            eigenImages = new Image <Gray, float> [maxEigenObjs];
            for (int i = 0; i < eigenImages.Length; i++)
                eigenImages[i] = new Image <Gray, float>(width, height);
            IntPtr[] eigObjs = Array.ConvertAll(eigenImages, (Image <Gray, float> img) => img.Ptr);

            avg = new Image <Gray, float>(width, height);

            CvInvoke.cvCalcEigenObjects(inObjs, ref termCrit, eigObjs, null, avg.Ptr);