public void computeAndExtract()
            using (detector = new SURF(30))
            using (matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2))
                bowDE = new BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(detector, matcher);
                BOWKMeansTrainer bowTrainer = new BOWKMeansTrainer(100, new MCvTermCriteria(100, 0.01), 3, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.KMeansInitType.PPCenters);

                foreach(FileInfo[] folder in _folders)
                    foreach (FileInfo file in folder)
                        using (Image<Bgr, Byte> model = new Image<Bgr, byte>(file.FullName))
                        using (VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint())
                        //Detect SURF key points from images
                            detector.DetectRaw(model, modelKeyPoints);
                            //Compute detected SURF key points & extract modelDescriptors
                            Mat modelDescriptors = new Mat();
                            detector.Compute(model, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors);
                            //Add the extracted BoW modelDescriptors into BOW trainer

                //Cluster the feature vectors

                //Store the vocabulary

                //training descriptors
                tDescriptors = new Mat();

                labels = new Matrix<int>(1, input_num);
                int index = 0;
                //compute and store BOWDescriptors and set labels
                for (int i = 1; i <= _folders.Count; i++)
                    FileInfo[] files = _folders[i-1];
                    for (int j = 0; j < files.Length; j++)
                        FileInfo file = files[j];
                        using (Image<Bgr, Byte> model = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(file.FullName))
                        using (VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint())
                        using (Mat modelBOWDescriptor = new Mat())
                            detector.DetectRaw(model, modelKeyPoints);
                            bowDE.Compute(model, modelKeyPoints, modelBOWDescriptor);

                            labels[0, index++] = i;

Example #2
      public void TestBOWKmeansTrainer2()
         Image<Gray, byte> box = EmguAssert.LoadImage<Gray, byte>("box.png");
         Brisk detector = new Brisk(30, 3, 1.0f);
         VectorOfKeyPoint kpts = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
         Mat descriptors = new Mat();
         detector.DetectAndCompute(box, null, kpts, descriptors, false);
         Mat descriptorsF = new Mat();
         descriptors.ConvertTo(descriptorsF, CvEnum.DepthType.Cv32F);
         //Matrix<float> descriptorsF = descriptors.Convert<float>();
         BOWKMeansTrainer trainer = new BOWKMeansTrainer(100, new MCvTermCriteria(), 3, CvEnum.KMeansInitType.PPCenters);
         Mat vocabulary = new Mat();

         BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);

         BOWImgDescriptorExtractor extractor = new BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(detector, matcher);
         Mat vocabularyByte = new Mat();
         vocabulary.ConvertTo(vocabularyByte, CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U);

         Mat descriptors2 = new Mat();
         extractor.Compute(box, kpts, descriptors2);
Example #3
      public void TestBOWKmeansTrainer()
         Image<Gray, byte> box = EmguAssert.LoadImage<Gray, byte>("box.png");
         SURF detector = new SURF(500);
         VectorOfKeyPoint kpts = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
         Mat descriptors = new Mat();
         detector.DetectAndCompute(box, null, kpts, descriptors, false);

         BOWKMeansTrainer trainer = new BOWKMeansTrainer(100, new MCvTermCriteria(), 3, CvEnum.KMeansInitType.PPCenters);
         Mat vocabulary = new Mat();

         BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);

         BOWImgDescriptorExtractor extractor = new BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(detector, matcher);

         Mat descriptors2 = new Mat();
         extractor.Compute(box, kpts, descriptors2);