Example #1
        public ExpressionContext()
            Constants["pi"]  = ValueBase.Create(Math.PI);
            Constants["e"]   = ValueBase.Create(Math.E);
            Constants["inf"] = ValueBase.Create(double.PositiveInfinity);

            Functions["sin"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Sin(args[0]));
            Functions["cos"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Cos(args[0]));
            Functions["tan"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Tan(args[0]));
            Functions["asin"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Asin(args[0]));
            Functions["acos"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Acos(args[0]));
            Functions["atan"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Atan(args[0]));
            Functions["pow"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Pow(args[0], args[1]));
            Functions["sqrt"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Sqrt(args[0]));
            Functions["abs"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Abs(args[0]));
            Functions["max"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Max(args[0], args[1]));
            Functions["min"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Min(args[0], args[1]));
            Functions["exp"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Exp(args[0]));
            Functions["log"]      = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Log(args[0]));
            Functions["log10"]    = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Log10(args[0]));
            Functions["floor"]    = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Floor(args[0]));
            Functions["ceil"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Ceiling(args[0]));
            Functions["round"]    = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Round(args[0], (int)args[1], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            Functions["sign"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Sign(args[0]));
            Functions["truncate"] = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Truncate(args[0]));
            Functions["clamp"]    = (args) => ValueBase.Create(Math.Max(Math.Min(args[0], args[2]), args[1]));
            Functions["lerp"]     = (args) => ValueBase.Create((1 - args[2]) * args[0] + args[2] * args[1]);
            Functions["random"]   = (args) =>
                                    ValueBase.Create(args.Count >= 2 ? args[0] + _random.NextDouble() * (args[1] - args[0]) : _random.NextDouble());
            Functions["getTime"] = (args) =>
                                   ValueBase.Create(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds);
            Functions["mod"]   = (args) => ValueBase.Create(args[0] % args[1]);
            Functions["isnan"] = (args) => ValueBase.Create(double.IsNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : 0);
            Functions["isinf"] = (args) => ValueBase.Create(double.IsInfinity(args[0]) ? 1 : 0);
Example #2
 public static ValueBase Create(ValueBase value) => value;
Example #3
        public double ExecAst(IAstNode root)
            switch (root)
            case AstNumberNode numberNode:

            case AstVariableNode varNode:
                if (Constants.TryGetValue(varNode.Id, out var val))
                else if (Variables.TryGetValue(varNode.Id, out val))
                    //Sync.Tools.IO.CurrentIO.WriteColor($"[RTPP:Expression]No Variable found (return zero). Variable name: { varNode.Id }", ConsoleColor.Yellow);


            case AstOpNode opNode:
                switch (opNode.Op)
                case "+":
                    return(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) + ExecAst(opNode.RNode));

                case "-":
                    return(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) - ExecAst(opNode.RNode));

                case "*":
                    return(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) * ExecAst(opNode.RNode));

                case "/":
                    return(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) / ExecAst(opNode.RNode));

                case "%":
                    return(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) % ExecAst(opNode.RNode));

                case "^":
                    return(Math.Pow(ExecAst(opNode.LNode), ExecAst(opNode.RNode)));

                case ">":
                    return((ExecAst(opNode.LNode) > ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 1 : 0);

                case "<":
                    return((ExecAst(opNode.LNode) < ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 1 : 0);

                case ">=":
                    return((ExecAst(opNode.LNode) >= ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 1 : 0);

                case "<=":
                    return((ExecAst(opNode.LNode) <= ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 1 : 0);

                case "==":
                    return(IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) - ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 0 : 1);

                case "!=":
                    return(IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.LNode) - ExecAst(opNode.RNode)) ? 1 : 0);

                case "!":
                    return(IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.LNode)) ? 0 : 1);

                case "&&":
                    return((IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.LNode)) && IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.RNode))) ? 1 : 0);

                case "||":
                    return((IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.LNode)) || IsNotZero(ExecAst(opNode.RNode))) ? 1 : 0);

            case AstFunctionNode funcNode:
                    if (funcNode.Id == "set")
                        AstVariableNode varNode = funcNode.Args[0] as AstVariableNode;
                        string          varName = varNode?.Id ?? throw new ExpressionException($"The \"{funcNode.Id}()\"  first parameter is the variable name.");

                        double varVal = ExecAst(funcNode.Args[1]);
                        Variables[varName] = ValueBase.Create(varVal);
                    else if (funcNode.Id == "if")
                        IAstNode condNode       = funcNode.Args[0];
                        double   condNodeResult = ExecAst(condNode);
                        if (Math.Abs(condNodeResult) <= 1e-5)
                    else if (funcNode.Id == "smooth")
                        /* Todo?
                         * AstVariableNode varNode = funcNode.Args[0] as AstVariableNode;
                         * string varName = varNode?.Id ?? throw new ExpressionException($"The \"{funcNode.Id}()\" first parameter is the variable name.");
                         * double varVal = ExecAst(funcNode.Args[0]);
                         * return SmoothMath.SmoothVariable(varName, varVal);
                        throw new ExpressionException($"not support function smooth() yet");
                        if (Functions.TryGetValue(funcNode.Id, out var func))
                            return(func(funcNode.Args.Select(x => ValueBase.Create(ExecAst(x))).OfType <ValueBase>().ToList()));
                            throw new ExpressionException($"No function found. Fucntion: {funcNode.Id}");
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new ExpressionException($"The function is missing a parameter. Fucntion: {funcNode.Id}");

Example #4
        public Func <ValueBase> ConvertAstToComplexLambda(IAstNode root, Func <string, ValueBase> variableRequireFunc, Func <string, List <ValueBase>, ValueBase> funcRequireFunc)
            switch (root)
            case AstStringNode stringNode:
                return(() => ValueBase.Create(stringNode.String));

            case AstNumberNode numberNode:
                return(() => ValueBase.Create(numberNode.Number));

            case AstVariableNode varNode:
                if (Constants.TryGetValue(varNode.Id, out var val))
                    return(() => variableRequireFunc(varNode.Id));
                else if (Variables.TryGetValue(varNode.Id, out val))
                    return(() => variableRequireFunc(varNode.Id));
                    return(() => NumberValue.Zero);

            case AstOpNode opNode:
                var leftValue  = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(opNode.LNode, variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc);
                var rightValue = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(opNode.RNode, variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc);

                ValueBase NumberOpCheck(Func <double, double, double> func)
                    var a = leftValue();

                    if (a.ValueType != ValueBase.Type.Number)
                        throw new ExpressionException("Invaild Number Operations.");
                    var b = rightValue();

                    if (b.ValueType != ValueBase.Type.Number)
                        throw new ExpressionException("Invaild Number Operations.");

                    return(ValueBase.Create(func(a, b)));

                ValueBase BoolOpCheck(Func <double, double, bool> func)
                    var a = leftValue();

                    if (a.ValueType != ValueBase.Type.Number)
                        throw new ExpressionException("Invaild Number Operations.");
                    var b = rightValue();

                    if (b.ValueType != ValueBase.Type.Number)
                        throw new ExpressionException("Invaild Number Operations.");

                    return(func(a, b) ? NumberValue.One : NumberValue.Zero);

                ValueBase NumberOpCheck2(Func <double, double> func)
                    var a = leftValue();

                    if (a.ValueType != ValueBase.Type.Number)
                        throw new ExpressionException("Invaild Number Operations.");


                switch (opNode.Op)
                case "+":
                    return(() =>
                        var a = leftValue();
                        var b = rightValue();

                        if (a.ValueType == ValueBase.Type.String || b.ValueType == ValueBase.Type.String)
                            return ValueBase.Create(a.ValueToString() + b.ValueToString());

                        return ValueBase.Create(((NumberValue)a).Value + ((NumberValue)b).Value);

                case "-":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck((a, b) => a - b));

                case "*":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck((a, b) => a * b));

                case "/":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck((a, b) => a / b));

                case "%":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck((a, b) => a % b));

                case "^":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck((a, b) => Math.Pow(a, b)));

                case ">":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a > b));

                case "<":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a < b));

                case ">=":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a >= b));

                case "<=":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a <= b));

                case "==":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a == b));

                case "!=":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => a != b));

                case "!":
                    return(() => NumberOpCheck2(a => IsNotZero(a) ? NumberValue.One : NumberValue.Zero));

                case "&&":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => IsNotZero(a)));

                case "||":
                    return(() => BoolOpCheck((a, b) => IsNotZero(a)));

            case AstFunctionNode funcNode:
                    if (funcNode.Id == "set")
                        AstVariableNode varNode = funcNode.Args[0] as AstVariableNode;
                        string          varName = varNode?.Id ?? throw new ExpressionException($"The \"{funcNode.Id}()\"  first parameter is the variable name.");

                        var varVal = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(funcNode.Args[1], variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc)();
                        Variables[varName] = varVal;
                        return(() => NumberValue.Zero);
                    else if (funcNode.Id == "if")
                        var condExpr    = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(funcNode.Args[0], variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc);
                        var falseResult = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(funcNode.Args[2], variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc);
                        var trueResult  = ConvertAstToComplexLambda(funcNode.Args[1], variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc);

                        return(() => condExpr() <= 1e-5 ? falseResult() : trueResult());
                    else if (funcNode.Id == "smooth")
                        /* Todo?
                         * AstVariableNode varNode = funcNode.Args[0] as AstVariableNode;
                         * string varName = varNode?.Id ?? throw new ExpressionException($"The \"{funcNode.Id}()\" first parameter is the variable name.");
                         * double varVal = ExecAst(funcNode.Args[0]);
                         * return SmoothMath.SmoothVariable(varName, varVal);
                        throw new ExpressionException($"not support function smooth() yet");
                        return(() => funcRequireFunc(funcNode.Id, funcNode.Args.Select(arg => ConvertAstToComplexLambda(arg, variableRequireFunc, funcRequireFunc)()).ToList()));
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new ExpressionException($"The function is missing some parameters. Fucntion: {funcNode.Id}");

            return(() => NumberValue.Nan);