public DeusEmailer() { _nameLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 25), "Your Name*"); _nameField = new DeusTextBox(new Point(25, 55)); _emailLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 100), "Your Email Address*"); _emailField = new DeusTextBox(new Point(25, 130)); _phoneLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 175), "Phone Extension"); _phoneField = new DeusTextBox(new Point(25, 205), new Size(100, 28), new Font(TextBox.DefaultFont.FontFamily, 12)); _cellLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 250), "Cellphone"); _cellField = new DeusTextBox(new Point(25, 280)); _severityLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 325), "Issue Severity (click a bubble*)"); _severityGroupBox = new GroupBox() { Height = 35 }; _severityGroupBox.Location = new Point(25, 355); _severityOptions = Settings.Default.IssueSeverityOptions; _descriptionLabel = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 415), "Description of Issue*"); _descriptionField = new DeusTextBox(new Point(25, 445), new Size(400, 28), new Font(TextBox.DefaultFont.FontFamily, 10)) { Height = 90 }; _AddTextControls(); _AddRadioControls(24, 37, 7); _connectedToInternet = _CanPingGoogleMail(); if (false == _connectedToInternet) { DialogResult nope = MessageBox.Show("Not Connected To Internet"); string msg = "Please call " + Settings.Default.NoInternetPhone + " for assistance"; _noInternetPhone = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 550), msg); this.Controls.Add(_noInternetPhone); } else { _submitButton = new Button() { Text = "Submit Ticket", Location = new Point(25, 550), Height = 35, Width = 100, ForeColor = Color.Black, BackColor = Color.AliceBlue }; _submitButton.Click += new EventHandler(this.SubmitButtonClicked); this.Controls.Add(_submitButton); } _brandImage = new PictureBox() { ImageLocation = Settings.Default.BrandImagePath, SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize, Location = new Point(468, 25) }; this.Controls.Add(_brandImage); string supportLinkText = Settings.Default.OnlineSupportLink; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(supportLinkText)) { _onlineSupportLink = new DeusLabel(new Point(25, 650), supportLinkText); this.Controls.Add(_onlineSupportLink); } InitializeComponent(); }