Example #1
        public static void RunElswordLauncher()
            // for the sake of sanity and the need to disable the pack, unpack, and test mods
            // buttons in UI while updating game.
            if (File.Exists(SettingsFile.Path))
                ElsDir = SettingsFile.Settingsxml?.TryRead("ElsDir");
                if (ElsDir.Length > 0)
                    if (File.Exists($"{ElsDir}\\voidels.exe"))
                        RunningElsword = true;
                        using (var proc = new Process())
                            _ = proc.Shell($"{ElsDir}\\voidels.exe", string.Empty, false, false, false, false, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ElsDir, true);

                        RunningElsword = false;
                        if (File.Exists($"{ElsDir}\\elsword.exe"))
                            RunningElsword = true;
                            using (var proc = new Process())
                                _ = proc.Shell($"{ElsDir}\\elsword.exe", string.Empty, false, false, false, false, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ElsDir, true);

                            RunningElsword = false;
                            KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs($"Can't find '{ElsDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}elsword.exe'. Make sure the File Exists and try to update Elsword Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                            ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;
                    KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs("The Elsword Directory Setting is not set. Make sure to Set your Elsword Directory Setting and try to update Elsword Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                    ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;
                KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs("The Elsword Directory Setting is not set. Make sure to Set your Elsword Directory Setting and try to update Elsword Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;
Example #2
        public static void RunElswordDirectly()
            if (File.Exists(SettingsFile.Path))
                ElsDir = SettingsFile.Settingsxml?.TryRead("ElsDir");
                if (ElsDir.Length > 0)
                    if (File.Exists($"{ElsDir}\\data\\x2.exe"))
                        RunningElswordDirectly = true;
                        using (var proc = new Process())
                            _ = proc.Shell($"{ElsDir}\\data\\x2.exe", "pxk19slammsu286nfha02kpqnf729ck", false, false, false, false, ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, $"{ElsDir}\\data\\", true);

                        RunningElswordDirectly = false;
                        KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs($"Can't find '{ElsDir}\\data\\x2.exe'. Make sure the File Exists and try to Test your mods Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                        ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;
                    KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs("The Elsword Directory Setting is not set. Make sure to Set your Elsword Directory Setting and try to Test your mods Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                    ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;
                KOMManager.InvokeMessageEvent(typeof(ExecutionManager), new MessageEventArgs("The Elsword Directory Setting is not set. Make sure to Set your Elsword Directory Setting and try to Test your mods Again!", Resources.Error, ErrorLevel.Error));
                ProcessExtensions.Executing = false;