Example #1
        public static async Task ProcessRequest(HttpContext context, ErrorLog errorLog, string elmahRoot)
            const int pageSize = 15;
            var       entries  = new List <ErrorLogEntry>(pageSize);
            var       log      = errorLog;

            log.GetErrors(0, pageSize, entries);

            var response = context.Response;

            response.ContentType = "application/xml";

            var title = string.Format(@"Error log of {0} on {1}",
                                      log.ApplicationName, Environment.MachineName);

            var link    = $"{context.Request.Scheme}://{context.Request.Host}{elmahRoot}";
            var baseUrl = new Uri(link.TrimEnd('/') + "/");

            var items =
                from entry in entries
                let error = entry.Error
                            select RssXml.Item(
                    "An error of type " + error.Type + " occurred. " + error.Message,
                    baseUrl + "detail?id=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(entry.Id));

            var rss = RssXml.Rss(title, link, "Log of recent errors", items);

            await response.WriteAsync(XmlText.StripIllegalXmlCharacters(rss.ToString()));
        public static async Task ProcessRequest(HttpContext context, ErrorLog errorLog, string elmahRoot)
            var log = errorLog;

            var request  = context.Request;
            var response = context.Response;

            response.ContentType = "application/xml";

            var title = string.Format(@"Daily digest of errors in {0} on {1}",
                                      log.ApplicationName, Environment.MachineName);

            var link    = $"{context.Request.Scheme}://{context.Request.Host}{elmahRoot}";
            var baseUrl = new Uri(link.TrimEnd('/') + "/");

            var items = GetItems(log, baseUrl, 30, 30).Take(30);
            var rss   = RssXml.Rss(title, link, "Daily digest of application errors", items);

            await context.Response.WriteAsync(XmlText.StripIllegalXmlCharacters(rss.ToString()));