Example #1
        public ISystem FindSystem(string name, EDSM.GalacticMapping glist = null) // in system or name
            ISystem ds1 = SystemCache.FindSystem(name);                           // now go thru the cache..

            if (ds1 == null)
                HistoryEntry vs = FindByName(name);

                if (vs != null)
                    ds1 = vs.System;
                else if (glist != null)
                    EDSM.GalacticMapObject gmo = glist.Find(name, true, true);

                    if (gmo != null && gmo.points.Count > 0)
                        ds1 = SystemClassDB.GetSystem(gmo.galMapSearch);

                        if (ds1 != null)
                            return(new EDSM.GalacticMapSystem(ds1, gmo));
                            return(new EDSM.GalacticMapSystem(gmo));

Example #2
 public GalacticMapSystem(ISystem sys, GalacticMapObject gmo)
     this.allegiance      = sys.allegiance;
     this.CommanderCreate = sys.CommanderCreate;
     this.CommanderUpdate = sys.CommanderUpdate;
     this.cr              = sys.cr;
     this.CreateDate      = sys.CreateDate;
     this.eddb_updated_at = sys.eddb_updated_at;
     this.faction         = sys.faction;
     this.government      = sys.government;
     this.gridid          = sys.gridid;
     this.id_eddb         = sys.id_eddb;
     this.id_edsm         = sys.id_edsm;
     this.name            = sys.name;
     this.needs_permit    = sys.needs_permit;
     this.population      = sys.population;
     this.primary_economy = sys.primary_economy;
     this.randomid        = sys.randomid;
     this.security        = sys.security;
     this.state           = sys.state;
     this.status          = sys.status;
     this.UpdateDate      = sys.UpdateDate;
     this.x            = sys.x;
     this.y            = sys.y;
     this.z            = sys.z;
     this.GalMapObject = gmo;
Example #3
        // Checks Cache, Database, History, Galactic map if required, and EDSM directly if required

        public ISystem FindSystem(string name, EDSM.GalacticMapping glist, bool checkedsm) // in system or name
            ISystem ds1 = SystemCache.FindSystem(name, checkedsm);                         // go thru the cache and edsm if required

            if (ds1 == null)
                HistoryEntry vs = FindByName(name);         // else try and find in our list

                if (vs != null)
                    ds1 = vs.System;
                else if (glist != null)                     // if we have a galmap
                    EDSM.GalacticMapObject gmo = glist.Find(name, true);

                    if (gmo != null && gmo.points.Count > 0)                // valid item, and has position
                        ds1 = SystemCache.FindSystem(gmo.galMapSearch);     // only thru the db/cache, as we checked above for edsm direct, may be null

                        return(gmo.GetSystem(ds1));                         // and return a ISystem.  If ds1=null, we use the points pos, if ds1 is found, we use the cache position

Example #4
 public GalacticMapSystem(ISystem sys, GalacticMapObject gmo)
     this.Allegiance      = sys.Allegiance;
     this.CommanderCreate = sys.CommanderCreate;
     this.CommanderUpdate = sys.CommanderUpdate;
     this.CreateDate      = sys.CreateDate;
     this.EDDBUpdatedAt   = sys.EDDBUpdatedAt;
     this.Faction         = sys.Faction;
     this.Government      = sys.Government;
     this.GridID          = sys.GridID;
     this.EDDBID          = sys.EDDBID;
     this.EDSMID          = sys.EDSMID;
     this.Name            = sys.Name;
     this.NeedsPermit     = sys.NeedsPermit;
     this.Population      = sys.Population;
     this.PrimaryEconomy  = sys.PrimaryEconomy;
     this.RandomID        = sys.RandomID;
     this.Security        = sys.Security;
     this.State           = sys.State;
     this.status          = sys.status;
     this.UpdateDate      = sys.UpdateDate;
     this.X            = sys.X;
     this.Y            = sys.Y;
     this.Z            = sys.Z;
     this.GalMapObject = gmo;
Example #5
 public GalacticMapSystem(GalacticMapObject gmo)
     this.name         = gmo.galMapSearch;
     this.x            = gmo.points[0].X;
     this.y            = gmo.points[0].Y;
     this.z            = gmo.points[0].Z;
     this.GalMapObject = gmo;
Example #6
 public GalacticMapSystem(GalacticMapObject gmo)
     this.Name         = gmo.galMapSearch;
     this.X            = gmo.points[0].X;
     this.Y            = gmo.points[0].Y;
     this.Z            = gmo.points[0].Z;
     this.GalMapObject = gmo;
        public bool Parse(string file)
            var gmobjects = new List <GalacticMapObject>();

                string json = BaseUtils.FileHelpers.TryReadAllTextFromFile(file);

                if (json != null)
                    JArray galobjects = JArray.ParseThrowCommaEOL(json);

                    foreach (JObject jo in galobjects)
                        GalacticMapObject galobject = new GalacticMapObject(jo);

                        GalMapType ty = galacticMapTypes.Find(x => x.Typeid.Equals(galobject.type));

                        if (ty == null)
                            ty = galacticMapTypes[galacticMapTypes.Count - 1];      // last one is default..
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Unknown Gal Map object " + galobject.type + " " + galobject.name);

                        galobject.galMapType = ty;

                        if (galobject.points.Count == 1 && galobject.galMapSearch != null && galobject.galMapUrl != null)
                            var gms = new GalacticMapSystem(galobject);

                    galacticMapObjects = gmobjects;

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GalacticMapping.parsedata exception:" + ex.Message);

Example #8
        public GalacticMapSystem(GalacticMapObject gmo) : base()
            this.Name         = gmo.galMapSearch;
            this.X            = gmo.points[0].X;
            this.Y            = gmo.points[0].Y;
            this.Z            = gmo.points[0].Z;
            this.GalMapObject = gmo;

            if (gmo.galMapUrl != null)
                var rematch = EDSMIdRegex.Match(gmo.galMapUrl);

                long edsmid;
                if (rematch != null && long.TryParse(rematch.Groups[1].Value, out edsmid))
                    this.EDSMID = edsmid;
        public bool ParseJson(string json)
            var gmobjects = new List <GalacticMapObject>();

                if (json.HasChars())
                    //Dictionary<string, int> counts = new Dictionary<string, int>();   foreach (var v in GalMapType.GetTypes())   counts[v.Typeid] = 0;

                    JArray galobjects = (JArray)JArray.Parse(json);
                    foreach (JObject jo in galobjects)
                        GalacticMapObject galobject = new GalacticMapObject(jo);

                        GalMapType ty = galacticMapTypes.Find(x => x.Typeid.Equals(galobject.type));

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Type {galobject.type}");

                        if (ty == null)
                            ty = galacticMapTypes[galacticMapTypes.Count - 1];      // last one is default..
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Unknown Gal Map object " + galobject.type);

                        galobject.galMapType = ty;

                    galacticMapObjects = gmobjects;

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GalacticMapping.parsedata exception:" + ex.Message);

Example #10
        public bool ParseData()
            var gmobjects = new List <GalacticMapObject>();

                string json = BaseUtils.FileHelpers.TryReadAllTextFromFile(GalacticMappingFile);

                if (json != null)
                    JArray galobjects = (JArray)JArray.Parse(json);
                    foreach (JObject jo in galobjects)
                        GalacticMapObject galobject = new GalacticMapObject(jo);

                        GalMapType ty = galacticMapTypes.Find(x => x.Typeid.Equals(galobject.type));

                        if (ty == null)
                            ty = galacticMapTypes[galacticMapTypes.Count - 1];      // last one is default..
                            Console.WriteLine("Unknown Gal Map object " + galobject.type);

                        galobject.galMapType = ty;

                    galacticMapObjects = gmobjects;

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("GalacticMapping.parsedata exception:" + ex.Message);

        public GalacticMapObject FindNearest(double x, double y, double z)
            GalacticMapObject nearest = null;

            if (galacticMapObjects != null)
                double mindist = double.MaxValue;
                foreach (GalacticMapObject gmo in galacticMapObjects)
                    if (gmo.points.Count == 1)          // only for single point  bits
                        double distsq = (gmo.points[0].X - x) * (gmo.points[0].X - x) + (gmo.points[0].Y - y) * (gmo.points[0].Y - y) + (gmo.points[0].Z - z) * (gmo.points[0].Z - z);
                        if (distsq < mindist)
                            mindist = distsq;
                            nearest = gmo;

Example #12
 public GalacticMapSystem(ISystem sys, GalacticMapObject gmo) : base(sys)
     this.GalMapObject = gmo;