Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests if the supplied Polygon is within this Polygon with or without edge coincident vertices when compared on a shared plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polygon">The Polygon to compare to this Polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if every vertex of the supplied Polygon is within this Polygon or coincident with an edge when compared on a shared plane. Returns false if any vertex of the supplied Polygon is outside this Polygon, or if the supplied Polygon is null.
        /// </returns>
        public bool Covers(Polygon polygon)
            if (polygon == null)
            if (this.IsClockWise() != polygon.IsClockWise())
                polygon = polygon.Reversed();
            var clipper  = new Clipper();
            var solution = new List <List <IntPoint> >();

            clipper.AddPath(this.ToClipperPath(), PolyType.ptSubject, true);
            clipper.AddPath(polygon.ToClipperPath(), PolyType.ptClip, true);
            clipper.Execute(ClipType.ctUnion, solution);
            if (solution.Count != 1)
            return(Math.Abs(solution.First().ToPolygon().Area() - this.ToClipperPath().ToPolygon().Area()) <= 0.0001);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Offset this polyline by the specified amount, only on one side.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This blunts sharp corners to keep widths close to the target.</remarks>
        /// <param name="offset">The amount to offset.</param>
        /// <param name="flip">Offset on the opposite of the default side. The default is to draw on the +X side of a polyline that goes up the +Y axis.</param>
        /// <returns>An array of polygons that are extruded from each segment of the polyline.</returns>
        public Polygon[] OffsetOnSide(double offset, bool flip)
            var polygons = new List <Polygon>();

            if (this.Vertices.Count <= 1)

            var isCycle  = this.Vertices.Count > 2 && this.Vertices[0].DistanceTo(this.Vertices.Last()) <= offset / 2;
            var segments = this.Segments();

            // Step through each point, collecting info on what its join will look like.
            var joinInfo = new List <Vector3[]>();

            for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < this.Vertices.Count; vertexIndex++)
                var vertex = this.Vertices[vertexIndex];

                // Don't draw both the first and last point if treating as a cycle.
                if (isCycle && vertexIndex == this.Vertices.Count - 1)

                Line previousSegment       = null;
                Line previousOffsetSegment = null;
                if (vertexIndex - 1 >= 0 || isCycle)
                    if (vertexIndex == 0)
                        previousSegment = new Line(this.Vertices[this.Vertices.Count - 2], vertex);
                        previousSegment = segments[vertexIndex - 1];
                    previousOffsetSegment = previousSegment.Offset(offset, flip);

                Line nextSegment       = null;
                Line nextOffsetSegment = null;
                if (vertexIndex + 1 < this.Vertices.Count || isCycle)
                    if (vertexIndex + 1 == this.Vertices.Count)
                        nextSegment = new Line(vertex, this.Vertices[0]);
                        nextSegment = segments[vertexIndex];
                    nextOffsetSegment = nextSegment.Offset(offset, flip);

                var joinPoints = new List <Vector3>();
                if (previousOffsetSegment != null && nextOffsetSegment != null)
                    // Find where the virtual edges would naturally intersect.
                    var intersects = previousOffsetSegment.Intersects(nextOffsetSegment, out Vector3 offsetIntersection, true);

                    // When the end of one of the thickened segments overlaps with the other one, the intersection point may be very far away.
                    // Address this by either picking an intersection point on one of the thickened segments or adding a cap (which happens when offsetIntersection is null)
                    if (intersects)
                        // Identify if the offset interection lands beyond the previous point or beyond the next point in the polyline.
                        if (previousOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(previousOffsetSegment.End) < previousOffsetSegment.End.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) &&
                            previousOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) < previousOffsetSegment.End.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection))
                            // The edge at the end of the outgoing segment.
                            var endOfNextSegment = new Line(nextOffsetSegment.End, nextSegment.End);
                            if (previousOffsetSegment.Intersects(endOfNextSegment, out Vector3 endOfNextSegmentIntersection))
                                // If the virtual offset point of the next line segment is inside the previous segment, the incoming virtual edge should be inside the outgoing thickened segment.
                                offsetIntersection = endOfNextSegmentIntersection;
                            else if (previousSegment.Intersects(endOfNextSegment, out _))
                                // If the next point is entirely inside the previous segment, add a cap since any accute angle would be too narrow.
                                intersects = false;
                                previousOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(nextOffsetSegment, out offsetIntersection);
                        else if (nextOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(nextOffsetSegment.End) < nextOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) &&
                                 nextOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) > nextOffsetSegment.End.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection))
                            // The edge at the end of the incoming segment.
                            var endOfPreviousSegment = new Line(previousOffsetSegment.Start, previousSegment.Start);
                            if (nextOffsetSegment.Intersects(endOfPreviousSegment, out Vector3 endOfPreviousSegmentIntersection))
                                // If the virtual offset point of the previous line segment is inside the next segment, the outgoing virtual edge should be inside the incoming thickened segment.
                                offsetIntersection = endOfPreviousSegmentIntersection;
                            else if (nextSegment.Intersects(endOfPreviousSegment, out _))
                                // If the previous point is entirely inside the next segment, add a cap since any accute angle would be too narrow.
                                intersects = false;
                                nextOffsetSegment.End.DistanceTo(previousOffsetSegment, out offsetIntersection);

                    var isAcuteExteriorAngle = false;
                    if (intersects)
                        isAcuteExteriorAngle = nextOffsetSegment.Direction().Dot((offsetIntersection - vertex).Unitized()) < Math.Cos(Math.PI * -3 / 4);

                    // Tight joins should get a cap, to maintain minimum width.
                    if (!intersects ||
                        isAcuteExteriorAngle &&
                        (previousOffsetSegment.End.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) > offset ||
                         nextOffsetSegment.Start.DistanceTo(offsetIntersection) > offset))
                        var offsetPoint1 = previousOffsetSegment.Direction() * offset + previousOffsetSegment.End;
                        var offsetPoint2 = nextOffsetSegment.Direction() * (offset * -1) + nextOffsetSegment.Start;
                        if (offsetPoint1.DistanceTo(offsetPoint2) != 0)
                else if (previousOffsetSegment != null)
                else if (nextOffsetSegment != null)


            // Create a polygon for each point's join, connecting back to the end of the previous point's join.
            for (var joinIndex = 0; joinIndex < joinInfo.Count; joinIndex++)
                if (joinIndex == 0 && !isCycle)

                var joinPoints         = joinInfo[joinIndex];
                var previousJoinPoints = joinIndex > 0 ? joinInfo[joinIndex - 1] : joinInfo.Last();
                var vertices           = new List <Vector3>();
                vertices.Add(previousJoinPoints[previousJoinPoints.Length - 2]);
                var polygon = new Polygon(vertices);
                if (polygon.IsClockWise())
