/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new shard, or gets an existing empty shard (i.e. a shard that has no mappings).
        /// The reason why an empty shard might exist is that it was created and initialized but we
        /// failed to create a mapping to it.
        /// </summary>
        private static Shard CreateOrGetEmptyShard(RangeShardMap <int> shardMap)
            // Get an empty shard if one already exists, otherwise create a new one
            Shard shard = FindEmptyShard(shardMap);

            if (shard == null)
                // No empty shard exists, so create one

                // Choose the shard name
                string databaseName = string.Format(ShardNameFormat, shardMap.GetShards().Count());

                // Only create the database if it doesn't already exist. It might already exist if
                // we tried to create it previously but hit a transient fault.
                if (!SqlDatabaseUtils.DatabaseExists(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName))
                    SqlDatabaseUtils.CreateDatabase(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName);

                // Create schema and populate reference data on that database
                // The initialize script must be idempotent, in case it was already run on this database
                // and we failed to add it to the shard map previously
                    Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName, InitializeShardScriptFile);

                // Add it to the shard map
                ShardLocation shardLocation = new ShardLocation(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName);
                shard = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetShard(shardMap, shardLocation);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the ShardMapManager that is stored in the specified database.
        /// </summary>
        public static ShardMapManager TryGetShardMapManager(string shardMapManagerServerName, string shardMapManagerDatabaseName)
            string shardMapManagerConnectionString =

            if (!SqlDatabaseUtils.DatabaseExists(shardMapManagerServerName, shardMapManagerDatabaseName))
                // Shard Map Manager database has not yet been created

            ShardMapManager shardMapManager;
            bool            smmExists = ShardMapManagerFactory.TryGetSqlShardMapManager(
                out shardMapManager);

            if (!smmExists)
                // Shard Map Manager database exists, but Shard Map Manager has not been created

        /// <summary>
        /// Drops all shards and the shard map manager database (if it exists).
        /// </summary>
        private static void DropAll()
            ListShardMap <int> shardMap = TryGetShardMap();

            if (shardMap != null)
                // Drop shards
                foreach (Shard shard in shardMap.GetShards())
                    SqlDatabaseUtils.DropDatabase(shard.Location.DataSource, shard.Location.Database);

            if (SqlDatabaseUtils.DatabaseExists(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, Configuration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName))
                // Drop shard map manager database
                SqlDatabaseUtils.DropDatabase(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, Configuration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName);

            // Since we just dropped the shard map manager database, this shardMapManager reference is now non-functional.
            // So set it to null so that the program knows that the shard map manager is gone.
            s_shardMapManager = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a shard map manager, creates a shard map, and creates a shard
        /// with a mapping for the full range of 32-bit integers.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateShardMapManagerAndShard()
            if (s_shardMapManager != null)
                ConsoleUtils.WriteWarning("Shard Map Manager already exists");

            // Create shard map manager database
            if (!SqlDatabaseUtils.DatabaseExists(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, Configuration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName))
                SqlDatabaseUtils.CreateDatabase(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, Configuration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName);

            // Create shard map manager
            string shardMapManagerConnectionString =

            s_shardMapManager = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetShardMapManager(shardMapManagerConnectionString);

            // Create shard map
            ListShardMap <int> shardMap = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetRangeShardMap <int>(
                s_shardMapManager, Configuration.ShardMapName);

            // Create schema info so that the split-merge service can be used to move data in sharded tables
            // and reference tables.

            // If there are no shards, add two shards: one for [0,100) and one for [100,+inf)
            if (!shardMap.GetShards().Any())
                CreateShardSample.CreateShard(shardMap, 1);
                CreateShardSample.CreateShard(shardMap, 2);