Example #1
        private void DrawCreateExtensions()
            if (constructorExtensions.Length == 0)

            GUI.enabled = selectedGroup != null;

            bool doCreate;

            using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope(GUILayout.Height(30f)))
                extIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(extLabel, extIndex, constructorNames);

                bool       canBuild  = false;
                GUIContent createBtn = GUIContent.none;
                if (extIndex > -1 && extIndex < constructorExtensions.Length)
                    createBtn = constructorNames[extIndex];
                    canBuild  = constructorExtensions[extIndex].CanBuild(Selection.activeGameObject);

                GUI.enabled = canBuild && selectedGroup != null;
                doCreate    = GUILayout.Button(createBtn, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));

            if (doCreate)
                IPsdConstructor constructor = constructorExtensions[extIndex];
                PsdBuilder.BuildPsd(Selection.activeGameObject, selectedGroup, settings, fileInfo, createAlign, constructor);

            GUI.enabled = true;
Example #2
        public Vector3 GetGroupPosition(GameObject groupRoot, SpriteAlignment alignment)
            Transform t = groupRoot.transform;

            // Find all the SpriteRenderers that are children of the layer group
            var spriteList = t.GetComponentsInChildren <SpriteRenderer>();

            Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            // From the SpriteRenderers, find the size of
            // the layer group by the bounds of the renderers
            foreach (var sprite in spriteList)
                var bounds = sprite.bounds;
                min = Vector3.Min(min, bounds.min);
                max = Vector3.Max(max, bounds.max);

            // Calculate the position for this layer group
            Vector2 pivot = PsdBuilder.GetPivot(alignment);
            Vector3 pos   = Vector3.zero;

            pos.x = Mathf.Lerp(min.x, max.x, pivot.x);
            pos.y = Mathf.Lerp(min.y, max.y, pivot.y);
Example #3
        public Vector3 GetLayerPosition(Rect layerSize, Vector2 layerPivot, float pixelsToUnitSize)
            Vector3 layerPos = PsdBuilder.CalculateLayerPosition(layerSize, layerPivot);

            // Because this constructor is working with Unity sprites,
            // scale the layer position by the pixels to unit size
            layerPos /= pixelsToUnitSize;

Example #4
        public static Vector3 CalculateGroupPosition(GameObject groupRoot, SpriteAlignment alignment)
            Vector2 min = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            Vector2 max = new Vector2(float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

#if NGUI
            var tList = groupRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <UIWidget>();
            foreach (var rectTransform in tList)
                if (rectTransform.gameObject == groupRoot)

                var rectSize  = new Vector2(rectTransform.width, rectTransform.height);
                var rectPivot = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(rectTransform.pivot);

                var calcMin = rectTransform.cachedTransform.position;
                calcMin.x -= rectSize.x * rectPivot.x;
                calcMin.y -= rectSize.y * rectPivot.y;

                var calcMax = calcMin + new Vector3(rectSize.x, rectSize.y);

                min = Vector2.Min(min, calcMin);
                max = Vector2.Max(max, calcMax);
            var tList = groupRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <RectTransform>();
            foreach (var rectTransform in tList)
                if (rectTransform.gameObject == groupRoot)

                var rectSize  = rectTransform.sizeDelta;
                var rectPivot = rectTransform.pivot;

                var calcMin = rectTransform.position;
                calcMin.x -= rectSize.x * rectPivot.x;
                calcMin.y -= rectSize.y * rectPivot.y;

                var calcMax = calcMin + new Vector3(rectSize.x, rectSize.y);

                min = Vector2.Min(min, calcMin);
                max = Vector2.Max(max, calcMax);

            Vector2 pivot = PsdBuilder.GetPivot(alignment);
            Vector3 pos   = Vector3.zero;
            pos.x = Mathf.Lerp(min.x, max.x, pivot.x);
            pos.y = Mathf.Lerp(min.y, max.y, pivot.y);
        public void AddComponents(int layerIndex, GameObject imageObject, Sprite sprite, TextureImporterSettings settings)
#if NGUI
            var    uiImg   = imageObject.AddComponent <UISprite>();
            string sprPath = PSDExporter.GetLayerFilename(this.layer);
            if (sprPath == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Cant find sprite path . layer name :" + this.layer.Name);
                string spriteName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sprPath);
                NAtlasHelper.UIAtlasData atlas = NAtlasHelper.FindSprite(spriteName);
                if (atlas != null)
                    uiImg.atlas = atlas.mainAtlas;
                    UISpriteData spriteData = uiImg.atlas.GetSprite(spriteName);
                    if (spriteData.borderLeft != 0 || spriteData.borderRight != 0 ||
                        spriteData.borderBottom != 0 || spriteData.borderTop != 0)
                        uiImg.type = UIBasicSprite.Type.Sliced;
                uiImg.spriteName = spriteName;

            uiImg.depth = layerIndex;
            uiImg.SetDimensions((int)layer.Rect.width, (int)layer.Rect.height);

//            Vector2 sprPivot = PsdBuilder.GetPivot(settings);
//            uiImg.pivot = NGUIMath.GetPivot(sprPivot);
            var uiImg = imageObject.AddComponent <Image>();

            uiImg.sprite = sprite;

            Vector2 sprPivot = PsdBuilder.GetPivot(settings);
            uiImg.rectTransform.pivot = sprPivot;
Example #6
        private void HandleHierarchyItem(int instanceId, Rect selectionRect)
            if (!isDragging || selectedGroup == null)

            if (selectionRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Link;

                if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragPerform)
                    var        obj          = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceId);
                    GameObject targetObject = (GameObject)obj;

                    if (targetObject == null)

                    isDragging = false;

                    var  canvas = targetObject.GetComponentInParent <Canvas>();
                    bool isUi   = (canvas != null);

                    if (isUi)
                        PsdBuilder.BuildUiImages(targetObject, selectedGroup, settings, fileInfo, createAlign);
                        PsdBuilder.BuildSprites(targetObject, selectedGroup, settings, fileInfo, createAlign);
 public Vector3 GetLayerPosition(Rect layerSize, Vector2 layerPivot, float pixelsToUnitSize)
     return(PsdBuilder.CalculateLayerPosition(layerSize, layerPivot));
 public Vector3 GetGroupPosition(GameObject groupRoot, SpriteAlignment alignment)
     return(PsdBuilder.CalculateGroupPosition(groupRoot, alignment));
Example #9
        private void DrawCreateEntry()
            showCreateSprites = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showCreateSprites, "Sprite Creation", styleBoldFoldout);

            if (!showCreateSprites || !imageLoaded)

            float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;

            using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope(GUILayout.Height(30f)))
                MessageType boxType = MessageType.Warning;
                string      boxMsg  = "Select a Layer Group";

                if (selectedGroup != null)
                    boxMsg  = string.Format("Creating: {0}", selectedGroup.name);
                    boxType = MessageType.Info;

                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(boxMsg, boxType);

                using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.Width(165f)))
                    EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 65f;
                    createAlign = (SpriteAlignment)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Alignment", createAlign);


            bool createSprites = false;
            bool createUiImgs  = false;
            bool createAllUI   = false;

//			EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;
//			using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
//			{
//				if (selectedGroup == null)
//					GUI.enabled = false;
//				const float buttonHeight = 50f;
//				using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope())
//				{
//					GUILayout.Label("2D Sprites", styleHeader);
//					createSprites = GUILayout.Button("Create 2D Sprites",
//													GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight),
//													GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
//				}
//				using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope())
//				{
//					bool selectionOk = Selection.activeGameObject != null;
//					string btnText = "Select UI Root";
//					if (selectionOk)
//					{
//						selectionOk = uiConstructor.CanBuild(Selection.activeGameObject);
//						if (selectionOk)
//							btnText = "Create UI Images";
//					}
//					GUI.enabled = selectionOk && selectedGroup != null;
//					GUILayout.Label("UI Images", styleHeader);
//					createUiImgs = GUILayout.Button(btnText,
//													GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight),
//													GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false));
//				}
//				GUI.enabled = true;
//			}

            using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope())
                string btnText = "Create UI Panel";

                createAllUI = GUILayout.Button(btnText,


            if (createSprites)
                PsdBuilder.BuildPsd(Selection.activeGameObject, selectedGroup, settings, fileInfo, createAlign, spriteConstructor);
            if (createUiImgs)
                PsdBuilder.BuildPsd(Selection.activeGameObject, selectedGroup, settings, fileInfo, createAlign, uiConstructor);
            if (createAllUI)
                GameObject gObj = PsdBuilder.FindUIRoot();
                GameObject root = PsdBuilder.BuildPsdRoot(gObj, settings, fileInfo, createAlign, uiConstructor);
                Selection.activeGameObject = root;

//            DrawCreateExtensions();