// It would be nice if we could just do this to deep copy a pawn, but there are references to world objects in a saved pawn that can cause
        // problems, i.e. relationship references to other pawns.  So we follow the more explicit technique below to copy the pawn.
        // Leaving this here to remind us to not bother trying to do this again.
        //public static Pawn IdealCopy(this Pawn source) {
        //    try {
        //        Pawn copy = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable<Pawn>(source);
        //        copy.ClearCaches();
        //        return copy;
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e) {
        //        Logger.Warning("Failed to copy pawn with preferred method.  Using backup method instead.\n" + e);
        //        return CopyBackup(source);
        //    }

        public static Pawn Copy(this Pawn source)
            PawnHealthState savedHealthState = source.health.State;

            Pawn result = (Pawn)ThingMaker.MakeThing(source.kindDef.race, null);

            result.kindDef = source.kindDef;

            // Copy gender.
            result.gender = source.gender;

            // Copy name;
            NameTriple nameTriple = source.Name as NameTriple;
            NameSingle nameSingle = source.Name as NameSingle;

            if (nameTriple != null)
                result.Name = new NameTriple(nameTriple.First, nameTriple.Nick, nameTriple.Last);
            else if (nameSingle != null)
                result.Name = new NameSingle(nameSingle.Name, nameSingle.Numerical);

            // Copy trackers.
            object[] constructorArgs = new object[] { result };
            result.ageTracker = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.ageTracker, constructorArgs);
            result.story      = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.story, constructorArgs);
            result.skills     = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.skills, constructorArgs);
            result.health     = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.health, constructorArgs);
            result.apparel    = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.apparel, constructorArgs);

            // Copy comps
            //List<ThingComp> validComps = new List<ThingComp>();
            //foreach (var c in source.AllComps) {
            //    PawnCompsSaver saver = new PawnCompsSaver(new List<ThingComp>() { c }, null);
            //    string xml = UtilityCopy.SerializeExposableToString(saver);
            //    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            //    doc.LoadXml(xml);
            //    if (doc.DocumentElement.HasChildNodes) {
            //        validComps.Add(c);
            //        Logger.Debug(c.GetType().FullName + ": \n  " + xml);
            //    }
            //    else {
            //        Logger.Debug(c.GetType().FullName + " is empty");
            //    }

            CopyPawnComps(source, result);

            // Clear all of the pawn caches.

        public static Pawn Copy(this Pawn source)
            PawnHealthState savedHealthState = source.health.State;

            Pawn result = (Pawn)ThingMaker.MakeThing(source.kindDef.race, null);

            result.kindDef = source.kindDef;

            // Copy gender.
            result.gender = source.gender;

            // Copy name;
            NameTriple nameTriple = source.Name as NameTriple;
            NameSingle nameSingle = source.Name as NameSingle;

            if (nameTriple != null)
                result.Name = new NameTriple(nameTriple.First, nameTriple.Nick, nameTriple.Last);
            else if (nameSingle != null)
                result.Name = new NameSingle(nameSingle.Name, nameSingle.Numerical);

            // Copy trackers.
            object[] constructorArgs = new object[] { result };
            result.ageTracker = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.ageTracker, constructorArgs);
            result.story      = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.story, constructorArgs);
            result.skills     = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.skills, constructorArgs);
            result.health     = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.health, constructorArgs);
            result.apparel    = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(source.apparel, constructorArgs);

            // Copy properties added to pawns by mods.
            CopyModdedProperties(source, result);

            // Verify the pawn health state.
            if (result.health.State != savedHealthState)
                Log.Warning("Mismatched health state on copied pawn: " + savedHealthState + " != " + result.health.State + ";  Resetting value to match.");

            // Clear all of the pawn caches.

        // Given a field name, deep-copies an instance of an IExposable class from a source object to a target object via reflection.
        // Creates a deep copy by serializing and then deserializing the IExposable instance.  The class must be constructable
        // with no arguments.
        public static void CopyExposableViaReflection(string fieldName, object source, object target, object[] constructorArgs)
            FieldInfo sourceField = source.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
            FieldInfo targetField = target.GetType().GetField(fieldName);

            if (sourceField != null && targetField != null)
                object value = sourceField.GetValue(source);
                if (typeof(IExposable).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
                    IExposable e    = (IExposable)value;
                    IExposable copy = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(e, constructorArgs);
                    targetField.SetValue(target, copy);
Example #4
        public void PrepareGame()

            // This needs some explaining.  We need custom scenario parts to handle animal spawning
            // and scattered things.  However, we don't want the scenario that gets saved with a game
            // to include any Prepare Carefully-specific parts (because the save would become bound to
            // the mod).  We work around this by creating two copies of the actual scenario.  The first
            // copy includes the customized scenario parts needed to do the spawning.  The second contains
            // vanilla versions of those parts that can safely be saved without forcing a dependency on
            // the mod.  The GenStep_RemovePrepareCarefullyScenario class is responsible for switching out
            // the actual scenario with the vanilla-friendly version at the end of the map generation process.
            Scenario actualScenario          = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(Find.Scenario);
            Scenario vanillaFriendlyScenario = UtilityCopy.CopyExposable(Find.Scenario);

            Current.Game.Scenario             = actualScenario;
            PrepareCarefully.OriginalScenario = vanillaFriendlyScenario;

            // Remove equipment scenario parts.
            ReplaceScenarioParts(actualScenario, vanillaFriendlyScenario);