/// <summary>
        /// Fills the cookie collection with tests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cookies"> The cookie collection.</param>
        /// <returns> The updated cookie collection.</returns>
        public CookieCollection FillCookies(CookieCollection cookies)
            BufferOverflowGenerator gen = new BufferOverflowGenerator();
            string buffer = gen.GenerateStringBuffer(this.BufferLength);

            // chop extra chars
            buffer = buffer.Substring(0,this.BufferLength);

            buffer = EncodeDecode.UrlEncode(buffer);

            CookieCollection tempCookies = new CookieCollection();

            foreach ( Cookie cky in cookies )
                Cookie temp = new Cookie(cky.Name,"");
                temp.Comment = buffer;
                temp.CommentUri = cky.CommentUri;
                temp.Domain = cky.Domain;
                temp.Expired = cky.Expired;
                temp.Expires = cky.Expires;
                //temp.Name = temp.Name;
                temp.Path = cky.Path;
                temp.Port = cky.Port;
                temp.Secure = cky.Secure;
                temp.Value = buffer;
                temp.Version = cky.Version;


            return tempCookies;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the html content response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html"> The html data to save.</param>
        /// <returns> A string containing the file path to the html resource.</returns>
        private string SaveHtml(string html)
            BufferOverflowGenerator bufferGen = new BufferOverflowGenerator();

            string fileName = bufferGen.GenerateStringBuffer(10).Replace("\\","mm").Replace("/","nn").Replace("=","M");

            // check dir
            if ( !Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\temphtml") )
                Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\temphtml");

            string path = System.Windows.Forms.Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\temphtml\\" + fileName + ".htm";

            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path,true);

            return fileName + ".htm";
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new SecurityTransformValue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> A new SecurityTransformValue based on a Test type.</returns>
        private SecurityTransformValue CreateTestValue()
            SecurityTransformValue transformValue = new SecurityTransformValue();
            Test selectedTest = _currentTests[(string)this.cmbUnitTest.SelectedItem];

            transformValue.Name = selectedTest.Name;
            transformValue.TestType = selectedTest.TestType.ToString();

            switch ( selectedTest.TestType )
                case UnitTestType.BufferOverflow:
                    BufferOverflowGenerator generator = new Ecyware.GreenBlue.Engine.BufferOverflowGenerator();
                    transformValue.Value = generator.GenerateStringBuffer(((BufferOverflowTesterArgs)selectedTest.Arguments).BufferLength);
                case UnitTestType.DataTypes:
                    transformValue.Value = DataTypeTestHelper.GetDataTypeTestValue(((DataTypesTesterArgs)selectedTest.Arguments).SelectedDataType);
                case UnitTestType.SqlInjection:
                    transformValue.Value = ((SqlInjectionTesterArgs)selectedTest.Arguments).SqlValue;
                case UnitTestType.XSS:
                    transformValue.Value = ((XssInjectionTesterArgs)selectedTest.Arguments).XssValue;

            return transformValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the uri with tests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url"> The url.</param>
        /// <param name="uriType"> The WebServerUriType type.</param>
        /// <returns> The updated uri.</returns>
        public Uri FillUri(Uri url, WebServerUriType uriType)
            BufferOverflowGenerator gen = new BufferOverflowGenerator();
            string buffer = gen.GenerateStringBuffer(this.BufferLength);

            // chop extra chars
            buffer = buffer.Substring(0,this.BufferLength);

            buffer = EncodeDecode.UrlEncode(buffer);

            // copy url
            Uri temp = new Uri(url.ToString());
            UriGenerator generator = new UriGenerator();

                temp = generator.GenerateUri(uriType, temp, buffer);
                return temp;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return url;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the post data with tests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="postData"> The post data hastable.</param>
        /// <returns> The updated post data hashtable.</returns>
        public PostDataCollection FillPostData(PostDataCollection postData)
            BufferOverflowGenerator gen = new BufferOverflowGenerator();
            string buffer = gen.GenerateStringBuffer(this.BufferLength);

            // chop extra chars
            buffer = buffer.Substring(0,this.BufferLength);
            buffer = EncodeDecode.UrlEncode(buffer);

            //ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(postData.Keys);

            for (int i=0;i<postData.Keys.Count;i++)
                ArrayList values = postData[postData.Keys[i]];

                for (int j=0;j<values.Count;j++)
                    values[j] = buffer;

            return postData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the form tag with tests.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form"> The HtmlFormTag.</param>
        /// <returns> The updated HtmlFormTag.</returns>
        public HtmlFormTag FillForm(HtmlFormTag form)
            BufferOverflowGenerator gen = new BufferOverflowGenerator();
            string buffer = gen.GenerateStringBuffer(this.BufferLength);

            // chop extra chars
            buffer = buffer.Substring(0,this.BufferLength);
            buffer = EncodeDecode.UrlEncode(buffer);

            for (int i=0;i<form.Count;i++)
                HtmlTagBaseList controlArray = (HtmlTagBaseList)((DictionaryEntry)form[i]).Value;

                #region inner foreach loop
                foreach (HtmlTagBase tag in controlArray)
                    if (tag is HtmlInputTag)
                        HtmlInputTag input=(HtmlInputTag)tag;
                        input.Value = buffer;
                    if (tag is HtmlButtonTag)
                        HtmlButtonTag button = (HtmlButtonTag)tag;
                    if (tag is HtmlSelectTag)
                        HtmlSelectTag select = (HtmlSelectTag)tag;
                        if  ( select.Multiple )
                            foreach ( HtmlOptionTag opt in select.Options )
                                //HtmlOptionTag opt = tag;
                                if ( opt.Selected )
                            select.Value = buffer;

                    if (tag is HtmlTextAreaTag)
                        HtmlTextAreaTag textarea=(HtmlTextAreaTag)tag;

            return form;