SendMessage() public static method

public static SendMessage ( ulong steamId, string prefix, string content ) : void
steamId ulong
prefix string
content string
return void
Example #1
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            if (player != null && player.IsAdmin()) // hold on there, are we an admin first?
                // we look up our bank record based on our Steam Id/
                var myaccount = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(
                    a => a.SteamId == SenderSteamId);
                // wait do we even have an account yet? Cant remove whats not there!
                if (myaccount != null)
                    //ok cause i am an admin and everything else checks out, lets construct our bank record with a new balance
                    myaccount = AccountManager.CreateNewDefaultAccount(SenderSteamId, player.DisplayName, SenderLanguage);

                    //ok lets apply it
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.CreditBalance -= myaccount.BankBalance;

                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "RESET", "Done");
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var account = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Clients.FirstOrDefault(
                a => a.NickName.Equals(UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            string reply;

            if (account == null) // extra check for substring if no match found ie /seen fox also matches starfox case sensitive as tolowerinvariant wont work for me
                account = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Clients.FirstOrDefault(a => a.NickName.Contains(UserName));

            if (account == null)
                reply = "Player not found";
                reply = "Player " + account.NickName + " Last seen: " + account.Date;
            //reply = string.Format("Player {0} Last seen: {1:%d} days {1:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", account.NickName, (account.Date - DateTime.Now));
            // TODO:

            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SEEN", reply);

            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);

            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Balance Request for '{0}' from '{1}'", UserName, SenderSteamId);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) //did we just type bal? show our balance
                // lets grab the current player data from our bankfile ready for next step
                // we look up our Steam Id/
                var account = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(
                    a => a.SteamId == SenderSteamId);

                // check if we actually found it, add default if not
                if (account == null)
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("Creating new Bank Account for '{0}'", SenderDisplayName);
                    account = AccountManager.CreateNewDefaultAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.CreditBalance -= account.BankBalance;

                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BALANCE",
                                                     "Your bank balance is {0:#,##0.######} {1}", account.BankBalance, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
            else // if username is supplied, we want to know someone elses balance.
                var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                if (player != null && player.IsAdmin()) // hold on there, are we an admin first?
                    var account = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(
                        a => a.NickName.Equals(UserName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                    string reply;
                    if (account == null)
                        reply = string.Format("Player '{0}' not found Balance: 0", UserName);
                        reply = string.Format("Player '{0}' Balance: {1}", account.NickName, account.BankBalance);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BALANCE", reply);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message to targeted player if have additional offers pending for them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="steamdId"></param>
        private void DisplayNextOrderToAccept(ulong steamdId)
            // Buyers should be presented with the oldest order first, as they will timout first.
            // use of OrderBy assures us that [0] is the most oldest order added.
            var remaingingUnacceptedOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                         (e.OptionalId == steamdId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderBy(e => e.Created).ToList();

            if (remaingingUnacceptedOrders.Count <= 0)

            var order             = remaingingUnacceptedOrders[0];
            var accountToSell     = AccountManager.FindAccount(order.TraderId);
            var transactionAmount = order.Price * order.Quantity;
            var payingPlayer      = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(steamdId);

            // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
            if (!payingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

            var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

            if (definition == null)
                // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(steamdId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during 'DisplayNextOrderToAccept'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(steamdId, "SELL",
                                                 "You have received an offer from {0} to buy {1} {2} at total price {3} {4} - type '/sell accept' to accept offer (or '/sell deny' to reject and return item to seller)",
                                                 accountToSell.NickName, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
Example #5
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Value Request for '{0}:{1}' from '{2}'", TypeId, SubtypeName, SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");
            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: find market with best Buy price that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "That market does not exist.");

            // TypeId and SubtypeName are both Case sensitive. Do not Ignore case when comparing these.
            var item = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == TypeId && e.SubtypeName == SubtypeName);

            if (item == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", "Sorry, the items you are trying to value doesn't have a market entry!");

            string reply;

            if (item.IsBlacklisted)
                reply = "Sorry, the item you tried to get a value for is blacklisted on this server.";
                // TODO: qty may need additional range checking here.

                if (Quantity == 1)
                    // set reply to report back the current buy and sell price only since that is all we asked for
                    reply  = string.Format("Player TRADE - You can buy each '{0}' for {1}, or sell it back for {2} each.", DisplayName, item.SellPrice, item.BuyPrice);
                    reply += "\r\n" + string.Format("NPC TRADE - You can buy each '{0}' for {1}, or sell it back for {2} each.", DisplayName, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.SellPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell), EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.BuyPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy));
                    // value BLAH 12 - we must want to know how much we make/pay for buying/selling 12
                    // set reply to current buy and sell price multiplied by the requested qty.
                    reply  = string.Format("Player TRADE - You can buy {0} '{1}' for {2} or sell it back for {3} each.", Quantity, DisplayName, item.SellPrice * Quantity, item.BuyPrice * Quantity);
                    reply += "\r\n" + string.Format("NPC TRADE - You can buy {0} '{1}' for {2} or sell it back for {3} each.", Quantity, DisplayName, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.SellPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell) * Quantity, EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(item.BuyPrice, item.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy) * Quantity);
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "VALUE", reply);
Example #6
        public override void ProcessServer()
            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones && !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "All Trade zones are disabled.");

            switch (SellAction)
                #region create

            case SellAction.Create:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                //* Logic:
                //* Get player steam ID
                var sellingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
                MyObjectBuilderType result;
                if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                    var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell'; '{0}' '{1}'.", ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName);

                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Invalid quantity, or you dont have any to trade!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Invalid quantity.", SenderSteamId);

                // Who are we selling to?
                BankAccountStruct accountToBuy;
                if (SellToMerchant)
                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(ToUserName);

                if (accountToBuy == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- account not found.", SenderSteamId);

                if (MarketManager.IsItemBlacklistedOnServer(ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you tried to sell is blacklisted on this server.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Item is blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

                // Verify that the items are in the player inventory.
                // TODO: later check trade block, cockpit inventory, cockpit ship inventory, inventory of targeted cube.

                // Get the player's inventory, regardless of if they are in a ship, or a remote control cube.
                var character = sellingPlayer.GetCharacter();
                // TODO: do players in Cryochambers count as a valid trading partner? They should be alive, but the connected player may be offline.
                // I think we'll have to do lower level checks to see if a physical player is Online.
                if (character == null)
                    // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                    // Either way, there is no inventory.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- player is dead.", SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: is a null check adaqaute?, or do we need to check for IsDead?
                // I don't think the chat console is accessible during respawn, only immediately after death.
                // Is it valid to be able to trade when freshly dead?
                //var identity = payingPlayer.Identity();
                //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("CHECK", "Is Dead: {0}", identity.IsDead);

                //if (identity.IsDead)
                //    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                //    return;

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- cataloging cargo cubes.", SenderSteamId);

                // Build list of all cargo blocks that player is attached to as pilot or passenger.
                var cargoBlocks     = new List <MyCubeBlock>();
                var tankBlocks      = new List <MyCubeBlock>();
                var controllingCube = sellingPlayer.Controller.ControlledEntity as IMyCubeBlock;
                if (controllingCube != null)
                    var terminalsys = MyAPIGateway.TerminalActionsHelper.GetTerminalSystemForGrid(controllingCube.CubeGrid);
                    var blocks      = new List <IMyTerminalBlock>();
                    terminalsys.GetBlocksOfType <IMyCargoContainer>(blocks);
                    cargoBlocks.AddRange(blocks.Cast <MyCubeBlock>());

                    terminalsys.GetBlocksOfType <IMyGasTank>(blocks);
                    tankBlocks.AddRange(blocks.Cast <MyCubeBlock>());

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- checking inventory.", SenderSteamId);

                var          position        = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                var          playerInventory = character.GetPlayerInventory();
                MyFixedPoint amount          = (MyFixedPoint)ItemQuantity;
                var          storedAmount    = playerInventory.GetItemAmount(definition.Id);

                if (definition.Id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                    foreach (MyCubeBlock cubeBlock in tankBlocks)
                        MyGasTankDefinition gasTankDefintion = cubeBlock.BlockDefinition as MyGasTankDefinition;

                        if (gasTankDefintion == null || gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId != definition.Id)

                        var tankLevel = ((IMyGasTank)cubeBlock).FilledRatio;
                        storedAmount += (MyFixedPoint)((decimal)tankLevel * (decimal)gasTankDefintion.Capacity);
                    foreach (MyCubeBlock cubeBlock in cargoBlocks)
                        var cubeInventory = cubeBlock.GetInventory();
                        storedAmount += cubeInventory.GetItemAmount(definition.Id);

                if (amount > storedAmount)
                    // Insufficient items in inventory.
                    // TODO: use of definition.GetDisplayName() isn't localized here.

                    if ((definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties) && cargoBlocks.Count == 0) &&
                        (definition.Id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties) && tankBlocks.Count == 0))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You don't have {0} of '{1}' to sell. You have {2} in your inventory.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), storedAmount);
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You don't have {0} of '{1}' to sell. You have {2} in your player and cargo inventory.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), storedAmount);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- inventory doesn't exist.", SenderSteamId);

                MarketItemStruct marketItem = null;

                if (SellToMerchant || UseBankBuyPrice)
                    var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                    if (markets.Count == 0)         //once again here is were we could put the multi market best price logic..
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market in range.", SenderSteamId);

                    // TODO: find market with best Buy price that isn't blacklisted.

                    var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (market == null)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market found.", SenderSteamId);

                    accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(market.MarketId);

                    marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                    if (marketItem == null)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the items you are trying to sell doesn't have a market entry!");
                        // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                    if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item you tried to sell is blacklisted in this market.");
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item is blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

                    if (UseBankBuyPrice)
                        // The player is selling, but the *Market* will *buy* it from the player at this price.
                        // if we are not using price scaling OR the market we are trading with isn't owned by the NPC ID, dont change price. Otherwise scale.
                        if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling || accountToBuy.SteamId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                            ItemPrice = marketItem.BuyPrice;
                            ItemPrice = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(marketItem.BuyPrice, marketItem.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                    // if we are using price scaling adjust the price before our NPC trade (or check player for subsidy pricing)

                var accountToSell = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);

                // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
                if (!sellingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    ItemPrice = Math.Abs(ItemPrice);

                var transactionAmount = ItemPrice * ItemQuantity;

                if (!sellingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

                if (SellToMerchant)         // && (merchant has enough money  || !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply)
                                            //this is also a quick fix ideally npc should buy what it can afford and the rest is posted as a sell offer
                    if (accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                        decimal limit = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? marketItem.StockLimit - marketItem.Quantity : ItemQuantity;

                        if (limit == 0)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell any more {0} into this market.", definition.GetDisplayName());
                        if (ItemQuantity > limit)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell any more than {0} of {1} into this market.", limit, definition.GetDisplayName());

                    if (accountToBuy.BankBalance >= transactionAmount
                        // || !EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply // I'm not sure why we check limited supply when selling.
                        || accountToBuy.SteamId == accountToSell.SteamId)
                        // here we look up item price and transfer items and money as appropriate
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- removing inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                        RemoveInventory(playerInventory, cargoBlocks, tankBlocks, amount, definition.Id);
                        marketItem.Quantity += ItemQuantity;         // increment Market content.

                        if (accountToBuy.SteamId != accountToSell.SteamId)
                            accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                            accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                            accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                            accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just sold {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units)", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                            accountToSell.Date = DateTime.Now;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just arranged transfer of {0} '{1}' into your market.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName());
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "NPC can't afford {0} {4} worth of {2} ({1} units) NPC only has {3} funds!", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), accountToBuy.BankBalance, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create completed by Steam Id '{0}' -- to NPC market.", SenderSteamId);

                if (OfferToMarket)
                    // TODO: Here we post offer to appropriate zone market
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Offset to market at price is not yet available!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- Offer to market at price is not yet available.", SenderSteamId);

                // is it a player then?
                if (accountToBuy.SteamId == sellingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    // commented out for testing with myself.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, you cannot sell to yourself!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- can't sell to self.", SenderSteamId);

                // check if buying player is online and in range?
                var buyingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(accountToBuy.SteamId);

                if (EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange && !Support.RangeCheck(buyingPlayer, sellingPlayer))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you are not in range of that player!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- target player not in range.", SenderSteamId);

                // if other player online, send message.
                if (buyingPlayer == null)
                    // TODO: other player offline.

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You cannot sell to offline players at this time.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- cannot sell to offline player.", SenderSteamId);

                    // TODO: we need a way to queue up messages.
                    // While you were gone....
                    // You missed an offer for 4000Kg of Gold for 20,000.
                    // The other player is online.

                    // write to Trade offer table.
                    MarketManager.CreateTradeOffer(SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity, ItemPrice, accountToBuy.SteamId);

                    // remove items from inventory.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- removing inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                    RemoveInventory(playerInventory, cargoBlocks, tankBlocks, amount, definition.Id);

                    // Only send message to targeted player if this is the only offer pending for them.
                    // Otherwise it will be sent when the have with previous orders in their order Queue.
                    if (EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Count(e => (e.OptionalId == accountToBuy.SteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)) == 1)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(accountToBuy.SteamId, "SELL",
                                                             "You have received an offer from {0} to buy {1} {2} at price {3} {4} each - type '/sell accept' to accept offer (or '/sell deny' to reject and return item to seller)",
                                                             SenderDisplayName, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemPrice, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                    // TODO: Improve the message here, to say who were are trading to, and that the item is gone from inventory.
                    // send message to seller to confirm action, "Your Trade offer has been submitted, and the goods removed from you inventory."
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Your offer of {0} {1} for {2} {4} each has been sent to {3}.", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemPrice, accountToBuy.NickName, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Create completed by Steam Id '{0}' -- to another player.", SenderSteamId);


                #region accept

            case SellAction.Accept:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Accept started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var order = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.FirstOrDefault(e => e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer);
                if (order == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There are no outstanding orders to be accepted.");

                var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                // get the accounts and check finance.
                var accountToBuy = AccountManager.FindAccount(ulong.Parse(order.OptionalId));

                var transactionAmount = order.Price * order.Quantity;

                // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
                if (!payingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                    transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

                if (accountToBuy.BankBalance < transactionAmount)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You cannot afford {0} {1} at this time.", transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                var accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(order.TraderId);

                // rebalance accounts.
                accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;


                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellAccepted;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell accept'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                // TODO: Improve the messages.
                // message back "Your Trade offer of xxx to yyy has been accepted. You have recieved zzzz"
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(accountToSell.SteamId, "SELL", "You just sold {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units)", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                var  collectingPlayer    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                var  playerInventory     = collectingPlayer.GetPlayerInventory();
                bool hasAddedToInventory = true;

                if (playerInventory != null)
                    MyFixedPoint amount = (MyFixedPoint)order.Quantity;
                    hasAddedToInventory = Support.InventoryAdd(playerInventory, amount, definition.Id);

                if (hasAddedToInventory)
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Remove(order);         // item has been collected, so the order is finalized.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just purchased {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units) which are now in your player inventory.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just purchased {0} {3} worth of {2} ({1} units). Enter '/collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // Send message to player if additional offers are pending their attention.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Accept completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region collect

            case SellAction.Collect:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Collect or /collect started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var collectableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellTimedout) ||
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.Holding) ||
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellRejected) ||
                                                                                    (e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellAccepted)).ToArray();

                if (collectableOrders.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to collect currently.");

                var collectingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: this is just for debugging until the message below are completed....
                //MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You are collecting items from {0} order/s.", collectableOrders.Length);

                foreach (var order in collectableOrders)
                    MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
                    MyObjectBuilderType result;
                    if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(order.TypeId, out result))
                        var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, order.SubtypeName);
                        MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

                    if (definition == null)
                        // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");
                        // TODO: more detail on the item.
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell collect or /collect'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- adding to inventories.", SenderSteamId);
                    var remainingToCollect = MessageSell.AddToInventories(collectingPlayer, order.Quantity, definition.Id);
                    var collected          = order.Quantity - remainingToCollect;

                    if (remainingToCollect == 0)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just collected {0} worth of {2} ({1} units)", order.Price * collected, collected, definition.GetDisplayName());
                        order.Quantity = remainingToCollect;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just collected {0} worth of {2} ({1} units). There are {3} remaining.", order.Price * collected, collected, definition.GetDisplayName(), remainingToCollect);

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Collect completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region cancel

            case SellAction.Cancel:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Cancel started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var cancellableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                    (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderByDescending(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (cancellableOrders.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to cancel currently.");

                // Sellers should be presented with the newest order first, as they will be the most recently created.
                // use of OrderByDescending above assures us that [0] is the most recent order added.
                var order = cancellableOrders[0];
                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellRejected;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell cancel'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                var  transactionAmount   = order.Price * order.Quantity;
                var  collectingPlayer    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                var  inventory           = collectingPlayer.GetPlayerInventory();
                bool hasAddedToInventory = true;

                if (inventory != null)
                    MyFixedPoint amount = (MyFixedPoint)order.Quantity;
                    hasAddedToInventory = Support.InventoryAdd(inventory, amount, definition.Id);

                if (hasAddedToInventory)
                    EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Remove(order);         // item has been collected, so the order is finalized.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just cancelled the sale of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3} which are now in your inventory.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "You just cancelled the sale of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3}. Enter '/sell collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                cancellableOrders = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                (e.TraderId == SenderSteamId && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderByDescending(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (cancellableOrders.Length > 0)
                    // TODO: Inform the player of the next order in the queue that can be cancelled.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Cancel completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


                #region deny

            case SellAction.Deny:
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Deny started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);
                var buyOrdersForMe = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.OrderBook.Where(e =>
                                                                                 (e.OptionalId == SenderSteamId.ToString() && e.TradeState == TradeState.SellDirectPlayer)).OrderBy(e => e.Created).ToArray();

                if (buyOrdersForMe.Length == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "There is nothing to deny currently.");

                // Buyers should be presented with the oldest order first, as they will timout first.
                // use of OrderBy above assures us that [0] is the most oldest order added.
                var order = buyOrdersForMe[0];
                order.TradeState = TradeState.SellRejected;

                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                if (definition == null)
                    // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Sorry, the item in your order doesn't exist!");

                    // trade has been finalized, so we can exit safely.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Definition could not be found for item during '/sell deny'; '{0}' '{1}'.", order.TypeId, order.SubtypeName);

                var transactionAmount = order.Price * order.Quantity;
                var buyerId           = ulong.Parse(order.OptionalId);
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(buyerId, "SELL", "You just rejected the purchase of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {3}.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // TODO: return items to inventory automatically to Trader inventory if there is space.
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(order.TraderId, "SELL", "{3} has just rejected your offer of {2} ({1} units) for a total of {0} {4}. Enter '/sell collect' when you are ready to receive them.", transactionAmount, order.Quantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), SenderDisplayName, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                // Send message to player if additional offers are pending their attention.

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Sell Deny completed by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);


            // this is a fall through from the above conditions not yet complete.
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SELL", "Not yet complete.");
Example #7
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            // Only Admin can change Npc Market prices.
            if (!player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player without Admin \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set Default Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // Only Player can change their own Market prices.
            if (SenderSteamId != MarketId && MarketId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set another Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // TODO: do we check range to market?

            MyDefinitionBase    definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Invalid quantity specified");

            // Find the specified market.
            List <MarketStruct> markets;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MarketZone))
                var character = player.GetCharacter();

                if (character == null)
                    // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "There is no market at your location to set.");

                var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position).Where(m => m.MarketId == MarketId).ToList();
                markets = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.Where(m => m.MarketId == MarketId && (MarketZone == "*" || m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketZone, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))).ToList();

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, you are not near any markets currently or the market does not exist!");

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendFormat("Applying changes to : '{0}' {1}/{2}\r\n\r\n", definition.GetDisplayName(), ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName);

            foreach (var market in markets)
                msg.AppendFormat("Market: '{0}'\r\n", market.DisplayName);

                var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                if (marketItem == null)
                    msg.AppendLine("Sorry, the items you are trying to set doesn't have a market entry!");
                    // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                    marketItem.Quantity = ItemQuantity;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Stock on hand to {0} units", ItemQuantity);

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                    if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                        marketItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);
                        msg.AppendFormat("Could not set buy price to less than 0.");

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                    if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                        marketItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);
                        msg.AppendFormat("Could not set sell price to less than 0.");

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                    marketItem.IsBlacklisted = !marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Blacklist to {0}", marketItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

            #region update config for the item

            MarketItemStruct configItem = null;
            if (player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                configItem = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultPrices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            if (configItem != null)
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                    if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                        configItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);

                // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                    if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                        configItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);

                if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                    configItem.IsBlacklisted = !configItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("Config updated Blacklist to {0}", configItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

                    // If config blacklisted, then all markets should be updated.
                    if (configItem.IsBlacklisted)
                        int counter = 0;
                        foreach (var market in EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets)
                            var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                            if (marketItem != null && !marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                                marketItem.IsBlacklisted = true;

                        msg.AppendFormat("Config updated {0} Markets to also Blacklist to {1}.", counter, configItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");


            MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", " ", msg.ToString());
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Manage Npc Market Request for from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            if (player == null || !player.IsAdmin()) // hold on there, are we an admin first?

            switch (CommandType)
            case NpcMarketManage.Add:
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MarketName) || MarketName == "*")
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC ADD", "Invalid name supplied for the market name.");

                var checkMarket = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (checkMarket != null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC ADD", "A market of name '{0}' already exists.", checkMarket.DisplayName);

                // TODO: market inside market check?

                EconDataManager.CreateNpcMarket(MarketName, X, Y, Z, Size, Shape);
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC ADD", "A new market called '{0}' has been created.", MarketName);

            case NpcMarketManage.Delete:
                var market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (market == null)
                    var markets = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.Where(m => m.DisplayName.IndexOf(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToArray();
                    if (markets.Length == 0)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC DELETE", "The specified market name could not be found.");
                    if (markets.Length > 1)
                        var str = new StringBuilder();
                        str.Append("The specified market name could not be found.\r\n    Which did you mean?\r\n");
                        foreach (var m in markets)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC DELETE", " ", str.ToString());
                    market = markets[0];

                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC DELETE", "The market '{0}' has been removed and all inventory.", market.DisplayName);

            case NpcMarketManage.List:
                var str = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var market in EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets)
                    if (market.MarketId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)

                    str.AppendFormat("Market: {0}\r\n", market.DisplayName);
                    str.AppendFormat("{0}", market.MarketZoneType);
                    if (market.MarketZoneType == MarketZoneType.FixedSphere && market.MarketZoneSphere.HasValue)
                        str.AppendFormat("  Center Position=X:{0:N} | Y:{1:N} | Z:{2:N} Radius={3:N}m\r\n\r\n", market.MarketZoneSphere.Value.Center.X, market.MarketZoneSphere.Value.Center.Y, market.MarketZoneSphere.Value.Center.Z, market.MarketZoneSphere.Value.Radius);
                    else if (market.MarketZoneType == MarketZoneType.FixedBox && market.MarketZoneBox.HasValue)
                        str.AppendFormat("  Center Position=X:{0:N} | Y:{1:N} | Z:{2:N} Size={3:N}m\r\n\r\n", market.MarketZoneBox.Value.Center.X, market.MarketZoneBox.Value.Center.Y, market.MarketZoneBox.Value.Center.Z, market.MarketZoneBox.Value.Size.X);

                MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC Market List", " ", str.ToString());

            case NpcMarketManage.Rename:
                var market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DisplayName.Equals(OldMarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (market == null)
                    var markets = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.Where(m => m.DisplayName.IndexOf(OldMarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToArray();
                    if (markets.Length == 0)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC RENAME", "The specified market name could not be found.");
                    if (markets.Length > 1)
                        var str = new StringBuilder();
                        str.Append("The specified market name could not be found.\r\n    Which did you mean?\r\n");
                        foreach (var m in markets)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC RENAME", " ", str.ToString());
                    market = markets[0];

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MarketName) || MarketName == "*")
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC RENAME", "Invalid name supplied for the market name.");

                var checkMarket = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (checkMarket != null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC RENAME", "A market of name '{0}' already exists.", checkMarket.DisplayName);

                var oldName = market.DisplayName;
                market.DisplayName = MarketName;
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC RENAME", "The market '{0}' has been renamed to '{1}.", oldName, market.DisplayName);

            case NpcMarketManage.Move:
                var market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.DisplayName.Equals(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (market == null)
                    var markets = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.Where(m => m.DisplayName.IndexOf(MarketName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0).ToArray();
                    if (markets.Length == 0)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC MOVE", "The specified market name could not be found.");
                    if (markets.Length > 1)
                        var str = new StringBuilder();
                        str.Append("The specified market name could not be found.\r\n    Which did you mean?\r\n");
                        foreach (var m in markets)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC MOVE", " ", str.ToString());
                    market = markets[0];

                EconDataManager.SetMarketShape(market, X, Y, Z, Size, Shape);
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "NPC MOVE", "The market '{0}' has been moved and resized.", market.DisplayName);
Example #9
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Manage Player Mission from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            switch (CommandType)
            case PlayerMissionManage.Test:
                //EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Mission Text request '{0}' from '{1}'", MissionID, SenderSteamId);
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "mission", (MissionId + " server side"));

            case PlayerMissionManage.AddSample:
                var player       = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                var playerMatrix = player.Character.WorldMatrix;
                //var position = player.Character.GetPosition();
                Vector3D position = playerMatrix.Translation + playerMatrix.Forward * 60f;

                MissionBaseStruct newMission = CreateMission(new TravelMission
                        AreaSphere = new BoundingSphereD(position, 50),
                        //AreaSphere = new BoundingSphereD(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), 50),
                        Reward = 100,
                    }, SenderSteamId);

                ConnectionHelper.SendMessageToPlayer(SenderSteamId, new MessageMission {
                        CommandType = PlayerMissionManage.AddMission, Mission = newMission

            case PlayerMissionManage.AddMission:
                // Nothing should happen here, because the server sends missions to the client, not the other way.

            case PlayerMissionManage.SyncMission:
                // TODO: sync details back from the client to the server.

            case PlayerMissionManage.DeleteMission:
                // TODO: Delete the mission.

            case PlayerMissionManage.MissionComplete:
                // This should process the mission reward if appropriate and then delete from server.
                // We aren't archiving finished missions.

                MissionBaseStruct serverinstanceMission = GetMission(Mission.MissionId);

                if (serverinstanceMission != null && serverinstanceMission.PlayerId == SenderSteamId)
                    var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
                    if (player != null)
                        // we look up our bank record based on our Steam Id/
                        // create balance if not one already, then add our reward and update client.
                        var myaccount = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, player.DisplayName, SenderLanguage);

                        EconomyScript.Instance.Data.CreditBalance -= serverinstanceMission.Reward;
                        myaccount.BankBalance += serverinstanceMission.Reward;
                        myaccount.Date         = DateTime.Now;



        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("ShipSale Request for {0} from '{1}'", EntityId, SenderSteamId);

            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Trading of ships is not enabled.");

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You are dead. You cant trade ships while dead.");

            if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(EntityId))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");

            var selectedShip = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(EntityId) as IMyCubeGrid;

            if (selectedShip == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");
            if (Ctype == "sell")
                if (Amount > 0)
                    decimal amount = 0;
                    if (selectedShip != null)
                        var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                        if (check == 0)
                            int terminalBlocks = 0;
                            int armorBlocks    = 0;
                            int gridCount      = 0;
                            int owned          = 0;

                                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background start");

                                    var grids = selectedShip.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static);
                                    gridCount = grids.Count;
                                    foreach (var grid in grids)
                                        var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                                        foreach (var block in blocks)
                                            MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefintion;
                                            if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                                blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.GetObjectBuilder());
                                                if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId != 0)
                                                    if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId == player.IdentityId)
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");

                                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background end");
                            }, delegate()
                                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.

                                    if (owned > (terminalBlocks * (EconomyConsts.ShipOwned / 100)))
                                        ShipManager.CreateSellOrder(player.IdentityId, SenderSteamId, selectedShip.EntityId, Amount);
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship put up for sale for " + Amount);
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You need to own more than {0}% of the ship to sell it.", EconomyConsts.ShipOwned);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship already for sale for " + check + ".");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You need to target a ship or station to sell.");
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You need to specify a price");
            else if (Ctype == "cancel")
                var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                if (check != 0)
                    var owner = ShipManager.GetOwner(selectedShip.EntityId);
                    if (owner == SenderSteamId)
                        var removed = ShipManager.Remove(selectedShip.EntityId, SenderSteamId);
                        if (removed)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship sale Removed.");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Your are not the sale creator.");
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship not for sale.");
            else if (Ctype == "buy")
                var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                if (check != 0)
                    if (check == Amount)
                        int terminalBlocks = 0;
                        int armorBlocks    = 0;
                        int gridCount      = 0;
                        int owned          = 0;

                                                              // Background processing occurs within this block.
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background start");

                                var grids   = selectedShip.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static);
                                gridCount   = grids.Count;
                                var owner   = ShipManager.GetOwner(selectedShip.EntityId);
                                var ownerid = ShipManager.GetOwnerId(selectedShip.EntityId);
                                foreach (var grid in grids)
                                    var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                                    foreach (var block in blocks)
                                        MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefintion;
                                        if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                            blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.GetObjectBuilder());
                                            if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId != 0)
                                                if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId == ownerid)
                                if (owned > (terminalBlocks / 2))
                                    var accountseller = AccountManager.FindAccount(owner);
                                    var accountbuyer  = AccountManager.FindAccount(SenderSteamId);
                                    if (accountbuyer.BankBalance >= Amount)
                                        accountbuyer.BankBalance -= Amount;
                                        accountbuyer.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                                        accountseller.BankBalance += Amount;
                                        accountseller.Date         = DateTime.Now;


                                        foreach (var grid in grids)
                                            grid.ChangeGridOwnership(player.IdentityId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.All);
                                            var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                                            foreach (var block in blocks)
                                                MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefintion;
                                                if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                                    blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.GetObjectBuilder());
                                                    blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition);
                                                    (block.FatBlock as MyCubeBlock).ChangeOwner(0, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction);
                                                    (block.FatBlock as MyCubeBlock).ChangeBlockOwnerRequest(player.IdentityId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction);
                                        var removed = ShipManager.Remove(selectedShip.EntityId, owner);
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship purchased.");
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You cant afford that.");
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "The seller no longer owns more than 50% of the ship.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");

                            // remove from sale
                            // remove money and give previous owner

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background end");
                        }, delegate()
                                                              // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.

                                var str = new StringBuilder();

                                //foreach (var kvp in gridComponents)
                                //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                                //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                                //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                                //foreach (var kvp in inventoryComponents)
                                //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                                //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                                //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                                //var prefix = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00000}", totalValue);
                                var shipSale = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);

                                str.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", selectedShip.IsStatic ? "Station" : selectedShip.GridSizeEnum.ToString() + " Ship", selectedShip.DisplayName);
                                str.AppendFormat("Grids={2}\r\nArmor Blocks={0}\r\nTerminal Blocks={1}\r\n", armorBlocks, terminalBlocks, gridCount);
                                if (shipSale != 0)
                                    str.AppendFormat("Sale Price: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", shipSale, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                                    str.AppendLine("Sale Price: Not for Sale.\r\n");
                                //	MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", selectedShip.DisplayName, str.ToString());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship is on sale for " + check);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship not for sale");
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Price List Request for from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");

            List <MarketStruct> markets;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindMarket))
                var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromName(FindMarket);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: combine multiple markets to list best Buy and Sell prices that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null) //hmmm looks like market name parameter checking was started but never done
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "That market does not exist.");
                return;  //as I understand it this would only trigger if no markets are defined?
                //in which case should it read no markets exist?  but in that case
                // wont the count check above halt execution before this if statement???
                // remove these comments once read :)

            string reply = null;

                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                    bool showAll = !ShowOre && !ShowIngot && !ShowComponent && !ShowAmmo && !ShowTools && !ShowGasses;

                    var orderedList = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();
                    foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                        if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                        MyObjectBuilderType result;
                        if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                            var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                            var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                            // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                            if (showAll ||
                                (ShowOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                                (ShowIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                                (ShowComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                                (ShowAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                                (ShowTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||   // guns, welders, hand drills, grinders.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject) || // aka gas bottle.
                                (ShowGasses && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties))
                            // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(marketItem.TypeId, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                                var name       = definition == null ? marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName();
                                orderedList.Add(marketItem, name);

                    orderedList = orderedList.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                    var str = new SeTextBuilder();
                    str.AppendLine("Market: {0}\r\n", market.DisplayName);
                    str.AddLeftTrim(550, "Item");
                    str.AddRightText(650, "Buy at");
                    str.AddRightText(850, "Sell at");

                    foreach (var kvp in orderedList)
                        decimal showBuy  = kvp.Key.BuyPrice;
                        decimal showSell = kvp.Key.SellPrice;
                        if ((EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling) && (market.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId))
                            showBuy  = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.BuyPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Buy);
                            showSell = EconDataManager.PriceAdjust(kvp.Key.SellPrice, kvp.Key.Quantity, PricingBias.Sell);
                        // TODO: formatting of numbers, and currency name.
                        str.AddLeftTrim(550, kvp.Value);
                        str.AddRightText(650, showBuy.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        str.AddRightText(850, showSell.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                    reply = str.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
            }, delegate()
                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.
                if (reply != null)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", " ", reply);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Price List Request for from '{0}'", SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");
            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);

            if (markets.Count == 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");

            // TODO: combine multiple markets to list best Buy and Sell prices that isn't blacklisted.

            var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "That market does not exist.");

            string reply = null;

                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                    bool showAll = !ShowOre && !ShowIngot && !ShowComponent && !ShowAmmo && !ShowTools;

                    var orderedList = new Dictionary <MarketItemStruct, string>();
                    foreach (var marketItem in market.MarketItems)
                        if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)

                        MyObjectBuilderType result;
                        if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(marketItem.TypeId, out result))
                            var id      = new MyDefinitionId(result, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                            var content = Support.ProducedType(id);

                            // Cannot check the Type of the item, without having to use MyObjectBuilderSerializer.CreateNewObject().

                            if (showAll ||
                                (ShowOre && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ore) ||
                                (ShowIngot && content is MyObjectBuilder_Ingot) ||
                                (ShowComponent && content is MyObjectBuilder_Component) ||
                                (ShowAmmo && content is MyObjectBuilder_AmmoMagazine) ||
                                (ShowTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_PhysicalGunObject) ||
                                (ShowTools && content is MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject)) // Type check here allows mods that inherit from the same type to also appear in the lists.
                                var definition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDefinition(marketItem.TypeId, marketItem.SubtypeName);
                                var name       = definition == null ? marketItem.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName();
                                orderedList.Add(marketItem, name);

                    orderedList = orderedList.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

                    var str = new SeTextBuilder();
                    str.AppendLine("Market: {0}\r\n", market.DisplayName);
                    str.AddLeftTrim(550, "Item");
                    str.AddRightText(650, "Buy at");
                    str.AddRightText(850, "Sell at");

                    foreach (var kvp in orderedList)
                        // TODO: formatting of numbers, and currency name.
                        str.AddLeftTrim(550, kvp.Value);
                        str.AddRightText(650, kvp.Key.BuyPrice.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                        str.AddRightText(850, kvp.Key.SellPrice.ToString("0.00", EconomyScript.ServerCulture));
                    reply = str.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
            }, delegate()
                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.
                if (reply != null)
                        MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", " ", reply);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PRICELIST", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
Example #13
        public override void ProcessServer()
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy started by Steam Id '{0}'.", SenderSteamId);

            // Get player steam ID
            var buyingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType      result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Someone hacking, and passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item doesn't exist.", SenderSteamId);

            // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
            if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity to buy that item.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid qantity.", SenderSteamId);
                //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

            if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You must provide a valid quantity to buy.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- invalid qantity.", SenderSteamId);

            // Who are we buying to?
            BankAccountStruct accountToSell;

            if (BuyFromMerchant)
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                accountToSell = AccountManager.FindAccount(FromUserName);

            if (accountToSell == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no account.", SenderSteamId);

            if (MarketManager.IsItemBlacklistedOnServer(ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted on this server.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item blacklisted.", SenderSteamId);

            // Get the player's inventory, regardless of if they are in a ship, or a remote control cube.
            var character = buyingPlayer.GetCharacter();

            // TODO: do players in Cryochambers count as a valid trading partner? They should be alive, but the connected player may be offline.
            // I think we'll have to do lower level checks to see if a physical player is Online.
            if (character == null)
                // Player has no body. Could mean they are dead.
                // Either way, there is no inventory.
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- player is dead.", SenderSteamId);

            // TODO: is a null check adaqaute?, or do we need to check for IsDead?
            // I don't think the chat console is accessible during respawn, only immediately after death.
            // Is it valid to be able to trade when freshly dead?
            //var identity = buyingPlayer.Identity();
            //MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowMessage("CHECK", "Is Dead: {0}", identity.IsDead);

            //if (identity.IsDead)
            //    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You are dead. You cannot trade while dead.");
            //    return;

            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            MarketItemStruct marketItem = null;

            if (BuyFromMerchant || UseBankSellPrice)
                var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);
                if (markets.Count == 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, your are not in range of any markets!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market in range.", SenderSteamId);

                // TODO: find market with best Sell price that isn't blacklisted.

                var market = markets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (market == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- no market found.", SenderSteamId);

                marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);
                if (marketItem == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the items you are trying to buy doesn't have a market entry!");
                    // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

                if (marketItem.IsBlacklisted)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, the item you tried to buy is blacklisted in this market.");
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- item is blacklisted in market.", SenderSteamId);

                // Verify that the items are in the player inventory.
                // TODO: later check trade block, cockpit inventory, cockpit ship inventory, inventory of targeted cube.

                if (UseBankSellPrice)
                    // The player is buying, but the *Market* will *sell* it to the player at this price.
                    ItemPrice = marketItem.SellPrice;

            var accountToBuy      = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);
            var transactionAmount = ItemPrice * ItemQuantity;

            // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
            if (!buyingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                transactionAmount = Math.Abs(transactionAmount);

            // TODO: admin check on ability to afford it?
            //[maybe later, our pay and reset commands let us steal money from npc anyway best to keep admin abuse features to minimum]
            //[we could put an admin check on blacklist however, allow admins to spawn even blacklisted gear]
            if (accountToBuy.BankBalance < transactionAmount)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot afford {0} {1}!", transactionAmount, EconomyScript.Instance.Config.CurrencyName);
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough money.", SenderSteamId);

            if (BuyFromMerchant) // and supply is not exhausted, or unlimited mode is not on.
                                 //This is a quick fix, ideally it should do a partial buy of what is left and post a buy offer for remainder
                // here we look up item price and transfer items and money as appropriate
                if (marketItem.Quantity >= ItemQuantity || !EconomyScript.Instance.Config.LimitedSupply)
                    marketItem.Quantity -= ItemQuantity; // reduce Market content.
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy finalizing by Steam Id '{0}' -- adding to inventory.", SenderSteamId);
                    var remainingToCollect = MessageSell.AddToInventories(buyingPlayer, ItemQuantity, definition.Id);


                    accountToSell.BankBalance += transactionAmount;
                    accountToSell.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                    accountToBuy.BankBalance -= transactionAmount;
                    accountToBuy.Date         = DateTime.Now;
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "You just purchased {1} '{2}' for {0} {3}", transactionAmount, ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), EconomyScript.Instance.Config.CurrencyName);

                    if (remainingToCollect > 0)
                        MarketManager.CreateStockHeld(buyingPlayer.SteamUserId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, remainingToCollect, ItemPrice);
                        // TODO: there should be a common command to collect items. Not use /sell.
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There are {0} remaining to collect. Use '/sell collect'", remainingToCollect);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy complete by Steam Id '{0}' -- items bought.", SenderSteamId);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "There isn't '{0}' of {1} available to purchase! Only {2} available to buy!", ItemQuantity, definition.GetDisplayName(), marketItem.Quantity);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Action /Buy aborted by Steam Id '{0}' -- not enough stock.", SenderSteamId);

            else if (FindOnMarket)
                // TODO: Here we find the best offer on the zone market

                // is it a player then?
                if (accountToSell.SteamId == buyingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you cannot buy from yourself!");

                // check if selling player is online and in range?
                var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(accountToSell.SteamId);

                if (EconomyScript.Instance.Config.LimitedRange && !Support.RangeCheck(buyingPlayer, payingPlayer))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Sorry, you are not in range of that player!");

                if (payingPlayer == null)
                    // TODO: other player offline.
                    // TODO: other player is online.

            // this is a fall through from the above conditions not yet complete.
            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "BUY", "Not yet complete.");
Example #14
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Worth Request for {0} from '{1}'", EntityId, SenderSteamId);

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.GetCharacter();

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "You are dead. You get market items values while dead.");
            var position = ((IMyEntity)character).WorldMatrix.Translation;

            var markets = MarketManager.FindMarketsFromLocation(position);

            // TODO: find market with best Buy price that isn't blacklisted.

            var    market       = markets.FirstOrDefault();
            string marketDetail = null;

            if (market == null)
                market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId);
                if (market != null)
                    marketDetail = string.Format("No markets in range, using default market '{0}' for appraisal.", market.DisplayName);

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "That market does not exist.");

            if (marketDetail == null)
                marketDetail = string.Format("Using market '{0}' for appraisal.", market.DisplayName);

            if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(EntityId))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");

            var selectedShip = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(EntityId) as IMyCubeGrid;

            if (selectedShip == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");

            int     terminalBlocks = 0;
            int     armorBlocks    = 0;
            decimal shipValue      = 0;
            decimal inventoryValue = 0;
            int     gridCount      = 0;

            var gridComponents      = new Dictionary <MyDefinitionId, decimal>();
            var inventoryComponents = new Dictionary <MyDefinitionId, decimal>();

            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "Calculating the worth...");

                                                  // Background processing occurs within this block.
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("Worth:background start");

                    var grids = selectedShip.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static);
                    gridCount = grids.Count;
                    foreach (var grid in grids)
                        var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                        foreach (var block in blocks)
                            MyCubeBlockDefinition blockDefintion;
                            if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.GetObjectBuilder());
                                blockDefintion = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(block.FatBlock.BlockDefinition);

                            //EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.Write("Cube Worth '{0}' '{1}' {2} {3}.", blockDefintion.Id.TypeId, blockDefintion.Id.SubtypeName, block.BuildIntegrity, block.BuildLevelRatio);

                            #region Go through component List based on construction level.

                            foreach (var component in blockDefintion.Components)
                                //EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.Write("Component Worth '{0}' '{1}' x {2}.", component.Definition.Id.TypeId, component.Definition.Id.SubtypeName, component.Count);

                                if (!gridComponents.ContainsKey(component.Definition.Id))
                                    gridComponents.Add(component.Definition.Id, 0);
                                gridComponents[component.Definition.Id] += component.Count;

                            // This will subtract off components missing from a partially built cube.
                            // This also includes the Construction Inventory.
                            var missingComponents = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                            foreach (var kvp in missingComponents)
                                var definitionid              = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Component), kvp.Key);
                                gridComponents[definitionid] -= kvp.Value;


                            if (block.FatBlock != null)
                                var cube = (MyEntity)block.FatBlock;

                                #region Go through Gasses for tanks and cockpits.

                                var tank             = cube as IMyGasTank;
                                var gasTankDefintion = blockDefintion as MyGasTankDefinition;

                                if (gasTankDefintion != null && tank != null)
                                    decimal volume = (decimal)gasTankDefintion.Capacity * (decimal)tank.FilledRatio;
                                    if (!inventoryComponents.ContainsKey(gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId))
                                        inventoryComponents.Add(gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId, 0);
                                    inventoryComponents[gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId] += volume;
                                    //MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "GAS tank", "{0} detected {1}", gasTankDefintion.StoredGasId, volume);

                                // Check through Cockpits.
                                var cockpit = cube as Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCockpit;  // For some reason, the o2 is on the MyCockpit Class. There is no Interface.
                                if (cockpit != null)
                                    // Hardcoded, because Oxygen and Hydrogen do not have available defintions.
                                    var oxygenDefintion = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_GasProperties), "Oxygen");
                                    if (!inventoryComponents.ContainsKey(oxygenDefintion))
                                        inventoryComponents.Add(oxygenDefintion, 0);
                                    inventoryComponents[oxygenDefintion] += (decimal)cockpit.OxygenAmount;
                                    //MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "COCKPIT tank", "{0} detected {1}", null, cockpit.OxygenAmount);


                                #region Go through all other Inventories for components/items.

                                // Inventory check based on normal game access.
                                var relation = block.FatBlock.GetUserRelationToOwner(player.IdentityId);
                                if (relation != MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Enemies &&
                                    relation != MyRelationsBetweenPlayerAndBlock.Neutral)
                                    for (var i = 0; i < cube.InventoryCount; i++)
                                        var inventory = cube.GetInventory(i);
                                        var list      = inventory.GetItems();
                                        foreach (var item in list)
                                            var id = item.Content.GetId();
                                            if (!inventoryComponents.ContainsKey(id))
                                                inventoryComponents.Add(id, 0);
                                            inventoryComponents[id] += (decimal)item.Amount;

                                            // Go through Gas bottles.
                                            var gasContainer = item.Content as MyObjectBuilder_GasContainerObject;
                                            if (gasContainer != null)
                                                var defintion  = (MyOxygenContainerDefinition)MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetPhysicalItemDefinition(item.Content.GetId());
                                                decimal volume = (decimal)defintion.Capacity * (decimal)gasContainer.GasLevel;
                                                if (!inventoryComponents.ContainsKey(defintion.StoredGasId))
                                                    inventoryComponents.Add(defintion.StoredGasId, 0);
                                                inventoryComponents[defintion.StoredGasId] += volume;
                                                //MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "GAS bottle", "{0} detected {1}", defintion.StoredGasId, volume);

                    shipValue      += SumComponents(market, gridComponents);
                    inventoryValue += SumComponents(market, inventoryComponents);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("Worth:background end");
            }, delegate()
                                                  // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.

                    var str = new StringBuilder();

                    //foreach (var kvp in gridComponents)
                    //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                    //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                    //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                    //foreach (var kvp in inventoryComponents)
                    //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                    //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                    //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                    //var prefix = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00000}", totalValue);
                    var shipSale = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);

                    str.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", selectedShip.IsStatic ? "Station" : selectedShip.GridSizeEnum.ToString() + " Ship", selectedShip.DisplayName);
                    str.AppendFormat("Grids={2}\r\nArmor Blocks={0}\r\nTerminal Blocks={1}\r\n", armorBlocks, terminalBlocks, gridCount);
                    str.AppendFormat("Ship Value: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", shipValue, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    str.AppendFormat("Inventory Value: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", inventoryValue, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    str.AppendFormat("Final Value: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", shipValue + inventoryValue, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    if (shipSale != 0)
                        str.AppendFormat("Sale Price: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", shipSale, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                        str.AppendLine("Sale Price: Not for Sale.\r\n");
                    MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", selectedShip.DisplayName, str.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "WORTH", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
Example #15
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            // Only Admin can change Npc Market prices.
            if (!player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player without Admin \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set Default Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // Only Player can change their own Market prices.
            if (SenderSteamId != MarketId && MarketId != EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player \"{0}\" {1} attempted to set another Market characteristics of item {2}/{3} to Quantity={4}.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId, ItemTypeId, ItemSubTypeName, ItemQuantity);

            // TODO: do we check range to market?

            MyPhysicalItemDefinition definition = null;
            MyObjectBuilderType      result;

            if (MyObjectBuilderType.TryParse(ItemTypeId, out result))
                var id = new MyDefinitionId(result, ItemSubTypeName);
                MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetPhysicalItemDefinition(id, out definition);

            if (definition == null)
                // Passing bad data?
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the item you specified doesn't exist!");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                // Do a floating point check on the item item. Tools and components cannot have decimals. They must be whole numbers.
                if (definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore) && definition.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ingot))
                    if (ItemQuantity != Math.Truncate(ItemQuantity))
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "You must provide a whole number for the quantity of that item.");
                    //ItemQuantity = Math.Round(ItemQuantity, 0);  // Or do we just round the number?

                if (ItemQuantity <= 0)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Invalid quantity spectified");

            // Find the specified market.
            var market = EconomyScript.Instance.Data.Markets.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MarketId == MarketId);

            if (market == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the market you are accessing does not exist!");

            var marketItem = market.MarketItems.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            if (marketItem == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", "Sorry, the items you are trying to set doesn't have a market entry!");
                // In reality, this shouldn't happen as all markets have their items synced up on start up of the mod.

            MarketItemStruct configItem = null;

            if (player.IsAdmin() && MarketId == EconomyConsts.NpcMerchantId)
                configItem = EconomyScript.Instance.Config.DefaultPrices.FirstOrDefault(e => e.TypeId == ItemTypeId && e.SubtypeName == ItemSubTypeName);

            var msg = new StringBuilder();

            msg.AppendFormat("You just set '{0}'", definition.GetDisplayName());

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Quantity))
                marketItem.Quantity = ItemQuantity;
                msg.AppendFormat(", stock on hand to {0} units", ItemQuantity);

            // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.BuyPrice))
                if (ItemBuyPrice >= 0)
                    marketItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                    msg.AppendFormat(", buy price to {0}", ItemBuyPrice);

                    if (configItem != null)
                        configItem.BuyPrice = ItemBuyPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");
                    msg.AppendFormat(", could not set buy price to less than 0.");

            // Validation to prevent admins setting prices too low for items.
            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.SellPrice))
                if (ItemSellPrice >= 0)
                    marketItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                    msg.AppendFormat(", sell price to {0}", ItemSellPrice);

                    if (configItem != null)
                        configItem.SellPrice = ItemSellPrice;
                        msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");
                    msg.AppendFormat(", could not set sell price to less than 0.");

            if (SetType.HasFlag(SetMarketItemType.Blacklisted))
                marketItem.IsBlacklisted = !marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                msg.AppendFormat(", blacklist to {0}", marketItem.IsBlacklisted ? "On" : "Off");

                if (configItem != null)
                    configItem.IsBlacklisted = marketItem.IsBlacklisted;
                    msg.AppendFormat("; config updated.");

            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SET", msg.ToString());
Example #16
        public override void ProcessServer()
            // update our own timestamp here
            AccountManager.UpdateLastSeen(SenderSteamId, SenderLanguage);
            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("ShipSale Request for {0} from '{1}'", EntityId, SenderSteamId);

            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Trading of ships is not enabled.");

            var player    = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);
            var character = player.Character;

            if (character == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You are dead. You cant trade ships while dead.");

            if (!MyAPIGateway.Entities.EntityExists(EntityId))
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");

            var selectedShip = MyAPIGateway.Entities.GetEntityById(EntityId) as IMyCubeGrid;

            if (selectedShip == null)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Sorry, the entity no longer exists!");
            if (Ctype == "sell")
                if (Amount > 0)
                    var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                    if (check == 0)
                        int terminalBlocks = 0;
                        int armorBlocks    = 0;
                        int gridCount      = 0;
                        int owned          = 0;

                                                              // Background processing occurs within this block.
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background start");

                                var grids = selectedShip.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static);
                                gridCount = grids.Count;
                                foreach (var grid in grids)
                                    var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                                    foreach (var block in blocks)
                                        if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                            if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId != 0)
                                                if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId == player.IdentityId)
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background end");
                        }, delegate()
                                                              // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.

                                if (owned > (terminalBlocks * (EconomyConsts.ShipOwned / 100)))
                                    ShipManager.CreateSellOrder(player.IdentityId, SenderSteamId, selectedShip.EntityId, Amount);
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship put up for sale for " + Amount);
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You need to own more than {0}% of the ship to sell it.", EconomyConsts.ShipOwned);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship already for sale for " + check + ".");
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You need to specify a price");
            else if (Ctype == "cancel")
                var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                if (check != 0)
                    var owner = ShipManager.GetOwner(selectedShip.EntityId);
                    if (owner == SenderSteamId)
                        var removed = ShipManager.Remove(selectedShip.EntityId, SenderSteamId);
                        if (removed)
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship sale Removed.");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Your are not the sale creator.");
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship not for sale.");
            else if (Ctype == "buy")
                var check = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);
                if (check != 0)
                    if (check == Amount)
                        int terminalBlocks = 0;
                        int armorBlocks    = 0;
                        int gridCount      = 0;
                        int owned          = 0;

                                                              // Background processing occurs within this block.
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background start");

                                var grids   = selectedShip.GetAttachedGrids(AttachedGrids.Static);
                                gridCount   = grids.Count;
                                var owner   = ShipManager.GetOwner(selectedShip.EntityId);
                                var ownerid = ShipManager.GetOwnerId(selectedShip.EntityId);
                                foreach (var grid in grids)
                                    var blocks = new List <IMySlimBlock>();

                                    foreach (var block in blocks)
                                        if (block.FatBlock == null)
                                            if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId != 0)
                                                if (block.FatBlock.OwnerId == ownerid)

                                // this checks the ownership, to make sure the seller (still) owns more than half of the terminal blocks at the time of purchase by the new owner.
                                if (owned > (terminalBlocks / 2))
                                    var accountseller = AccountManager.FindAccount(owner);
                                    var accountbuyer  = AccountManager.FindAccount(SenderSteamId);
                                    if (accountbuyer.BankBalance >= Amount)
                                        accountbuyer.BankBalance -= Amount;
                                        accountbuyer.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                                        accountseller.BankBalance += Amount;
                                        accountseller.Date         = DateTime.Now;


                                        // Using the identity list is a crap way, but since we don't have access to BuiltBy for non-functional blocks, this has to do.
                                        var listIdentites = new List <IMyIdentity>();

                                        foreach (var grid in grids)
                                                // Need to run this on foreground thread, as Havok will be called
                                                // during the disconnect of ConnectorBlock if ownership changes.
                                                grid.ChangeGridOwnership(player.IdentityId, MyOwnershipShareModeEnum.Faction);

                                            foreach (IMyIdentity identity in listIdentites)
                                                if (identity.IdentityId != player.IdentityId)
                                                    // The current API doesn't allow the setting of the BuiltBy to anything but an existing Identity (player or NPC).
                                                    // This also doesn't appear to sync to all clients, but it remains valid on the server.
                                                    ((MyCubeGrid)grid).TransferBlocksBuiltByID(identity.IdentityId, player.IdentityId);
                                        var removed = ShipManager.Remove(selectedShip.EntityId, owner);
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship purchased.");
                                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "You cant afford that.");
                                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "The seller no longer owns more than 50% of the ship.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");

                            // remove from sale
                            // remove money and give previous owner

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteInfo("ShipSale:background end");
                        }, delegate()
                                                              // when the background processing is finished, this block will run foreground.

                                var str = new StringBuilder();

                                //foreach (var kvp in gridComponents)
                                //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                                //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                                //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                                //foreach (var kvp in inventoryComponents)
                                //    MyDefinitionBase definition = null;
                                //    MyDefinitionManager.Static.TryGetDefinition(kvp.Key, out definition);
                                //    str.AppendFormat("'{0}' x {1}.\r\n", definition == null ? kvp.Key.SubtypeName : definition.GetDisplayName(), kvp.Value);

                                //var prefix = string.Format("{0:#,##0.00000}", totalValue);
                                var shipSale = ShipManager.CheckSellOrder(selectedShip.EntityId);

                                // stations can be both large and small grids now.
                                str.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\r\n", selectedShip.GridSizeEnum + (selectedShip.IsStatic ? "Station" : " Ship"), selectedShip.DisplayName);
                                str.AppendFormat("Grids={2}\r\nArmor Blocks={0}\r\nTerminal Blocks={1}\r\n", armorBlocks, terminalBlocks, gridCount);
                                if (shipSale != 0)
                                    str.AppendFormat("Sale Price: {0:#,##0.00000} {1}.\r\n", shipSale, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                                    str.AppendLine("Sale Price: Not for Sale.\r\n");
                                //	MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", selectedShip.DisplayName, str.ToString());
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ShipSale", "Failed and died. Please contact the administrator.");
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship is on sale for " + check);
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "SHIPSALE", "Ship not for sale");
Example #17
        public override void ProcessServer()
            if (!EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments)
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PAY", "Player payments is disabled.");

            // did we at least type /pay someone something . . .
            //* Logic:
            //* Get player steam ID
            var payingPlayer = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            var accountToSpend = AccountManager.FindOrCreateAccount(SenderSteamId, SenderDisplayName, SenderLanguage);

            // need fix negative amounts before checking if the player can afford it.
            if (!payingPlayer.IsAdmin())
                TransactionAmount = Math.Abs(TransactionAmount);

            // It needs to first check the player has enough to cover his payment
            if (TransactionAmount <= accountToSpend.BankBalance || payingPlayer.IsAdmin())
            // do we have enough or are we admin so it doesnt matter
            //*      if true,
                // it needs to check the person being paid has an account record,
                var account = AccountManager.FindAccount(ToUserName);

                //*               if true - it will always be true if real as it would have created it on join anyway

                //*               if false -  then they were never on this server anyway or seen would have added them already
                //*                         display an error message player not found
                if (account == null)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PAY", "Sorry, player does not exist or have an account!");
                //*               if true, { flag hasaccount bool true }

                if (account.SteamId == payingPlayer.SteamUserId)
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PAY", "Sorry, you cannot pay yourself!");

                //*          if hasaccount bool true
                // admins can give or take money, normal players can only give money so convert negative to positive
                // here we add the players bank record again with the updated balance minus what they spent
                accountToSpend.BankBalance -= TransactionAmount;
                accountToSpend.Date         = DateTime.Now;

                // here we retrive the target player steam id and balance
                // here we write it back to our bank ledger file
                account.BankBalance += TransactionAmount;
                account.Date         = DateTime.Now;


                // if this works this is a very sexy way to work with our file
                // testing: it does indeed work, if i was a teenager id probably need to change my underwear at this point

                // This notifies receiving player that they were paid and/or any message the sending player wrote
                // which needs to not send if the player isnt online - pity ive no idea how to write to the faction chat system
                // be a good place to send the player a faction message as it would work even if they were offline..
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(account.SteamId, "PAY",
                                                     string.Format("{0}, {1} just paid you {2} {4} for {3}", account.NickName, SenderDisplayName, TransactionAmount, Reason, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName));

                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PAY",
                                                     string.Format("You just paid {0} {1} {3} for {2}", account.NickName, TransactionAmount, Reason, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName));

                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteVerbose("Pay: '{0}' sent {1} {3} to '{2}'", accountToSpend.NickName, TransactionAmount, ToUserName, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);

                //*      if false/otherwise throw error you dont have enough money
                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "PAY", "Sorry you don't have enough {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
Example #18
        public override void ProcessServer()
            var player = MyAPIGateway.Players.FindPlayerBySteamId(SenderSteamId);

            // Only Admin can change config.
            if (!player.IsAdmin())
                EconomyScript.Instance.ServerLogger.WriteWarning("A Player without Admin \"{0}\" {1} attempted to access EConfig.", SenderDisplayName, SenderSteamId);

            MyTexts.LanguageDescription myLanguage;

            // These will match with names defined in the RegEx patterm <EconomyScript.EconfigPattern>
            switch (ConfigName)
                #region language

            case "language":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    myLanguage = MyTexts.Languages[(MyLanguagesEnum)EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.Language];
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "Language: {0} ({1})", myLanguage.Name, myLanguage.FullCultureName);
                    int intTest;
                    if (int.TryParse(Value, out intTest))
                        if (MyTexts.Languages.ContainsKey((MyLanguagesEnum)intTest))
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.Language = intTest;
                            myLanguage = MyTexts.Languages[(MyLanguagesEnum)intTest];
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "Language updated to: {0} ({1})", myLanguage.Name, myLanguage.FullCultureName);

                    foreach (var lang in MyTexts.Languages)
                        if (lang.Value.Name.Equals(Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            lang.Value.CultureName.Equals(Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                            lang.Value.FullCultureName.Equals(Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.Language = (int)lang.Value.Id;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "Language updated to: {0} ({1})", lang.Value.Name, lang.Value.FullCultureName);

                    myLanguage = MyTexts.Languages[(MyLanguagesEnum)EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.Language];
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "Language: {0} ({1})", myLanguage.Name, myLanguage.FullCultureName);


                #region tradenetworkname

            case "tradenetworkname":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeNetworkName: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName = Value;
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeNetworkName updated to: \"{0}\"", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);



                #region currencyname

            case "currencyname":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "CurrencyName: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                    EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName = Value;
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "CurrencyName updated to: \"{0}\"", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);



                #region limitedrange

            case "limitedrange":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedRange: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedRange updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange ? "On" : "Off");

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedRange: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange ? "On" : "Off");


                #region limitedsupply

            case "limitedsupply":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedSupply: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedSupply updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? "On" : "Off");

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LimitedSupply: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? "On" : "Off");


                #region enablelcds

            case "enablelcds":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableLcds: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        var clearRefresh = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds && !boolTest;
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableLcds updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds ? "On" : "Off");

                        if (clearRefresh)

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableLcds: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds ? "On" : "Off");


                #region EnableNpcTradezones

            case "enablenpctradezones":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableNpcTradezones: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        var clearRefresh = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones != boolTest;
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableNpcTradezones updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones ? "On" : "Off");

                        if (clearRefresh)

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableNpcTradezones: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones ? "On" : "Off");


                #region EnablePlayerTradezones

            case "enableplayertradezones":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerTradezones: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        var clearRefresh = EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones != boolTest;
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerTradezones updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones ? "On" : "Off");

                        if (clearRefresh)

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerTradezones: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones ? "On" : "Off");


                #region EnablePlayerPayments

            case "enableplayerpayments":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerPayments: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerPayments updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments ? "On" : "Off");

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnablePlayerPayments: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments ? "On" : "Off");


                #region tradetimeout

            case "tradetimeout":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeTimeout: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeTimeout);
                    TimeSpan timeTest;
                    if (TimeSpan.TryParse(Value, out timeTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeTimeout = timeTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeTimeout updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeTimeout);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeTimeout: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeTimeout);


                #region accountexpiry

            case "accountexpiry":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "AccountExpiry: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.AccountExpiry);
                    TimeSpan timeTest;
                    if (TimeSpan.TryParse(Value, out timeTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.AccountExpiry = timeTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "AccountExpiry updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.AccountExpiry);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "AccountExpiry: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.AccountExpiry);


                #region startingbalance

            case "startingbalance":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "StartingBalance: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultStartingBalance);
                    decimal decimalTest;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultStartingBalance = decimalTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "StartingBalance updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultStartingBalance);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "StartingBalance: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultStartingBalance);


                #region LicenceMin

            case "licencemin":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMin: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin);
                    decimal decimalTest;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            if (EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax < decimalTest)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMin cannot be more than LicenceMax.");

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin = decimalTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMin updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMin: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin);


                #region LicenceMax

            case "licencemax":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMax: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax);
                    decimal decimalTest;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            if (decimalTest < EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMax cannot be less than LicenceMin.");

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax = decimalTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMax updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LicenceMax: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax);


                #region RelinkRatio

            case "relinkratio":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "RelinkRatio: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio);
                    var numFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;

                    NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo()
                        CurrencyDecimalDigits    = numFormat.PercentDecimalDigits,
                        CurrencyDecimalSeparator = numFormat.PercentDecimalSeparator,
                        CurrencyGroupSeparator   = numFormat.PercentGroupSeparator,
                        CurrencyGroupSizes       = numFormat.PercentGroupSizes,
                        CurrencyNegativePattern  = numFormat.PercentNegativePattern,
                        CurrencyPositivePattern  = numFormat.PercentPositivePattern,
                        CurrencySymbol           = numFormat.PercentSymbol

                    decimal decimalTest;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio = decimalTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "RelinkRatio updated to: {0:P} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio);
                    else if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Currency, nfi, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio = decimalTest / 100;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "RelinkRatio updated to: {0:P} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "RelinkRatio: {0:P}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio);


                #region MaximumPlayerZones

            case "maximumplayerzones":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "MaximumPlayerZones: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MaximumPlayerTradeZones);
                    int intTest;
                    if (int.TryParse(Value, out intTest))
                        if (intTest >= 0)
                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MaximumPlayerTradeZones = intTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "MaximumPlayerZones updated to: {0} ", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MaximumPlayerTradeZones);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "TradeZoneLicence: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MaximumPlayerTradeZones);


                #region pricescaling

            case "pricescaling":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "PriceScaling: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "PriceScaling updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling ? "On" : "Off");

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "PriceScaling: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling ? "On" : "Off");


                #region shiptrading

            case "shiptrading":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "ShipTrading: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "ShipTrading updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading ? "On" : "Off");

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "ShipTrading: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading ? "On" : "Off");


                #region MinimumLcdDisplayInterval

            case "lcddisplayinterval":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LcdDisplayInterval: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval);
                    decimal decimalTest;
                    if (decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decimalTest))
                        // TODO: perhaps we should truncate the value.

                        if (decimalTest >= 0)
                            if (decimalTest < 1)
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LcdDisplayInterval cannot be less than 1 second.");
                            if (decimalTest > 1000)     // no particular reason for 1000, apart from it been a reasonable limit.
                                MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LcdDisplayInterval cannot be more than 1000 second.");

                            EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval = decimalTest;
                            MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LcdDisplayInterval updated to: {0} seconds", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval);

                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "LcdDisplayInterval: {0} seconds", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval);


                #region EnableMissions

            case "enablemissions":
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value))
                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableMissions: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableMissions ? "On" : "Off");
                    bool boolTest;
                    if (Value.TryWordParseBool(out boolTest))
                        EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableMissions = boolTest;
                        MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableMissions updated to: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableMissions ? "On" : "Off");


                    MessageClientTextMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", "EnableMissions: {0}", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableMissions ? "On" : "Off");


                #region default

                var msg = new StringBuilder();

                myLanguage = MyTexts.Languages[(MyLanguagesEnum)EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.Language];
                msg.AppendFormat("Language: {0} ({1})\r\n", myLanguage.Name, myLanguage.FullCultureName);
                msg.AppendFormat("TradeNetworkName: \"{0}\"\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeNetworkName);
                msg.AppendFormat("LimitedRange: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedRange ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("LimitedSupply: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.LimitedSupply ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("TradeTimeout: {0}  (days.hours:mins:secs)\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeTimeout);
                msg.AppendFormat("StartingBalance: {0:#,#.######}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.DefaultStartingBalance);
                msg.AppendFormat("CurrencyName: \"{0}\"\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.CurrencyName);
                msg.AppendFormat("AccountExpiry: {0}  (days.hours:mins:secs)\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.AccountExpiry);
                msg.AppendFormat("EnableLcds: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableLcds ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("EnableNpcTradezones: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableNpcTradezones ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("PriceScaling: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.PriceScaling ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("ShipTrading: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.ShipTrading ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("LcdDisplayInterval: {0:#,#.######} seconds\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MinimumLcdDisplayInterval);
                msg.AppendLine("--- Player Tradezones ---");
                msg.AppendFormat("EnablePlayerTradezones: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerTradezones ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("EnablePlayerPayments: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnablePlayerPayments ? "On" : "Off");
                msg.AppendFormat("LicenceMin: {0:#,#.######} (at {1:#,#.######}m)\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMin, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneMinRadius);
                msg.AppendFormat("LicenceMax: {0:#,#.######} (at {1:#,#.######}m)\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneLicenceCostMax, EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneMaxRadius);
                msg.AppendFormat("RelinkRatio: {0:P}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.TradeZoneRelinkRatio);
                msg.AppendFormat("MaximumPlayerZones: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.MaximumPlayerTradeZones);

                // Not yet ready for general use.
                //msg.AppendFormat("EnableMissions: {0}\r\n", EconomyScript.Instance.ServerConfig.EnableMissions ? "On" : "Off");

                MessageClientDialogMessage.SendMessage(SenderSteamId, "ECONFIG", " ", msg.ToString());
