Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This takes an OrderObject to be confirmed, and creates a timestamp of when this is called as well as writing to Console
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order_confirm">The OrderObject retreived from the ProcessedOrder MultiCellBuffer.</param>
        private void confirmOrder(OrderObject order_confirm)
            string timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //Create a time stamp for when order is confirmed

            //Print Order Confirmation received message:
            Console.WriteLine("Travel Agency {0} received a new order confirmation:", this.agency_id);

            //Print header and Body of Order Confirmation Receipt:
            Console.WriteLine("Order Confirmation:");
            Console.WriteLine("Agency ID: {0}", order_confirm.getSenderID());
            Console.WriteLine("Hotel ID: {0}", order_confirm.getReceiverID());
            Console.WriteLine("Rooms Ordered: {0}", order_confirm.getNumberOfRoomsOrdered());
            Console.WriteLine("Room Price: {0}", order_confirm.getUnitPrice());
            Console.WriteLine("Total(+tax): {0}", order_confirm.getAmount());
            if (order_confirm.isValid())
                Console.WriteLine("Order Confirmation: VALID");
                Console.WriteLine("Order Confirmation: NOT VALID");

            //Footer of the Order Confirmation Receipt:
            Console.WriteLine("TimeStamp: {0}", timeStamp);
        /// <summary>
        /// The Function that actually processes an order, Validates Order with the BankService and returns a confirmation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encoded_order_object">The encoded OrderObject string to process as an OrderObject, once it is decoded of course.</param>
        public static void orderProcessor(string encoded_order_object)
            //Decode string into an object:
            OrderObject new_order_object = EnDecoder.Decode(encoded_order_object);

            //Update total amount to account for Sales tax:
            decimal total = BankService.formatCurrency((new_order_object.getAmount() + (new_order_object.getAmount() * SALES_TAX)));


            //Create an encryption service via ASU's Repo:
            Service encryption = new Service();

            //Encrypt the credit card number:
            string encrypted_cc_number = encryption.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(new_order_object.getCardNo()));

            //encrypt the total amount to charge the account:
            string encrypted_amount = encryption.Encrypt(Convert.ToString(new_order_object.getAmount()));

            //Have Bank validate the Account charge given the encrypted credit card number and amount to charge:
            new_order_object.setIsValid(BankService.confirmCreditCard(encrypted_cc_number, encrypted_amount));

            //Get the Travel_agencies ID:
            string travel_agency_id = new_order_object.getSenderID();

            //Encode the Processed Order Object:
            string encoded_processed_order = EnDecoder.Encode(new_order_object);

            //Create a new thread to handle the processed order:
            OrderProcessing.submitProcessedOrderObject(encoded_processed_order, travel_agency_id);
            Thread processed_order_thread = new Thread(() => OrderProcessing.submitProcessedOrderObject(encoded_processed_order, travel_agency_id));

            //Start the thread:
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This takes the ID of the TravelAgency it will be processing for and checks for correct destination. It then processes the order and confirms it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="travel_agency_id">The travelAgency id that was emitted </param>
        public void processedOrder(string travel_agency_id)                                      //Method to check if order was meant for specific travel agency and confirm it
            if (travel_agency_id == this.agency_id)                                              //Basic check for correct agency ID
                string encryptedOrder = OrderProcessing.getProcessedOrderObject(this.agency_id); //Encrypted order is retrieved from OrderProcessing

                OrderObject newOrder = EnDecoder.Decode(encryptedOrder);                         //decrypt order via decode method in EnDecoder

                confirmOrder(newOrder);                                                          //confirm the order of the neworder that was created (and also holds timestamp!)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function takes in an OrderObject and "encodes" it into a string format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderObj">The OrderObject to encode into a string.</param>
        /// <returns>The "encoded" string representation of the OrderObject passed in.</returns>
        public static String Encode(OrderObject orderObj)
            //Generate the new string to be the "encoded" orderObject:
            string orderObj_toString = orderObj.getSenderID();

            orderObj_toString += (" " + orderObj.getReceiverID());
            orderObj_toString += (" " + orderObj.getCardNo());
            orderObj_toString += (" " + orderObj.getAmount());
            orderObj_toString += (" " + orderObj.getUnitPrice());

            //Return the encoded String of the orderObject passed in:
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This takes an OrderObject and encrypts it into a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">The OrderObject to place an order with.</param>
        private void placeOrder(OrderObject order)
            //Get the ID of the hotel who will receive this order for processing:
            string hotel_id = order.getReceiverID();

            //encrypt the orderobject into a string:
            string encrypted_order = EnDecoder.Encode(order);

            //Create a new OrderProcessing thread to handle the unprocessed order:
            Thread place_order_thread = new Thread(() => OrderProcessing.submitOrderToProcess(encrypted_order, hotel_id));

            //Start the thread:
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This function takes in a string which has an OrderOjbect "encoded" into it, and decodes it back into an OrderObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderStr">The "encoded" OrderObject string to decode into an OrderObject.</param>
        /// <returns>The OderObject that was "decoded" from the "encoded" data passed in.</returns>
        public static OrderObject Decode(string orderStr)
            //"decode" the "encoded" data:
            string[] orderData = orderStr.Split(' ');
            //Create a new orderObject to set up with the "decoded" data:
            OrderObject orderObj = new OrderObject();

            //Set up orderObject based on data in the encoded string:
            orderObj.setSenderID(orderData[0]);                         //Set the Sender ID
            orderObj.setReceiverID(orderData[1]);                       //Set the receiver ID
            orderObj.setCardNo(Convert.ToInt32(orderData[2]));          //Set the Card Number
            orderObj.setAmount(Convert.ToDecimal(orderData[3]));        //Set the Amount
            orderObj.setUnitPrice(Convert.ToDecimal(orderData[4]));     //Set the Unit Price
            orderObj.setIsValid(Convert.ToBoolean(orderData[5]));       //Set the Order Validator
            //Return the newly orderObject that has been created from the "decoded" data:
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the main function that handles hotel price cuts via PriceCut delegate created in Hotel.cs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="current_price">the current price of rooms in the Hotel.</param>
        /// <param name="new_price">the new price of rooms in the Hotel.</param>
        /// <param name="available_rooms">the current number of available rooms in the Hotel.</param>
        /// <param name="hotel_id">The string id of the Hotel.</param>
        public void hotelPriceBeenCut(decimal current_price, decimal new_price, int available_rooms, string hotel_id) //Using delegate in hotel.cs
            int     rooms_to_order;
            int     demand = 0; //Demand is a variable that will be used as a multiplier for how many rooms to order
            int     sum    = Hotel.MAX_PRICE + Hotel.MIN_PRICE;
            int     avg    = sum / 2;
            Boolean do_buy = (new_price > (decimal)(1.15 * avg)) ? false : true;

            //Take anywhere from 1-25% of the available rooms:
            Random rand = new Random();

            rooms_to_order = (int)(available_rooms / rand.Next(20, 80));

            if ((do_buy) && (rooms_to_order > 0))
                decimal amount = BankService.formatCurrency(rooms_to_order * new_price);
                //create a new order Object:
                OrderObject new_order_object = new OrderObject(this.agency_id, hotel_id, this.credit_card, rooms_to_order, amount, new_price, false);
                //Place Order: