public static void CreatRiZhi(PJ_02aqhd obj) { PJ_gzrjnr gzr = new PJ_gzrjnr(); gzr.gzrjID = gzr.CreateID(); gzr.ParentID = obj.ID; Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(100000));//0.1毫秒 IList<PJ_01gzrj> gzrj01 = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PJ_01gzrj>("SelectPJ_01gzrjList", "where GdsCode='" + MainHelper.User.OrgCode + "' and rq between '" + obj.kssj.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") + "' and '" + obj.kssj.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59") + "'"); if (gzrj01.Count > 0) { gzr.gzrjID = gzrj01[0].gzrjID; } else { PJ_01gzrj pj = new PJ_01gzrj(); pj.gzrjID = pj.CreateID(); pj.GdsCode = obj.OrgCode; pj.GdsName = obj.OrgName; pj.CreateDate = obj.kssj; pj.CreateMan = MainHelper.User.UserName; gzr.gzrjID = pj.gzrjID; pj.rq = obj.kssj; pj.xq = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek); pj.rsaqts = (DateTime.Today - MainHelper.UserOrg.PSafeTime.Date).Days; pj.sbaqts = (DateTime.Today - MainHelper.UserOrg.DSafeTime.Date).Days; Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(100000));//0.1毫秒 MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.Create<PJ_01gzrj>(pj); } IList<PJ_gzrjnr> gzrlist = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<PJ_gzrjnr>("SelectPJ_gzrjnrList", "where gzrjID = '" + gzr.gzrjID + "' order by seq "); if (gzrlist.Count > 0) { gzr.seq = gzrlist[gzrlist.Count - 1].seq + 1; } else gzr.seq = 1; gzr.gznr = "安全活动"; gzr.fzr = obj.zcr; string[] strli = obj.cjry.Split(';'); if (strli.Length < 3) gzr.cjry = obj.cjry; else { gzr.cjry = strli[0] + strli[1] + "等" + strli.Length + "人"; } gzr.CreateDate = obj.kssj; gzr.CreateMan = MainHelper.User.UserName; gzr.fssj = obj.kssj; MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.Create<PJ_gzrjnr>(gzr); }
void gridViewOperation_AfterAdd(PJ_02aqhd obj) { CreatRiZhi(obj); }
/// <summary> /// 新建对象设置Key值 /// </summary> /// <param name="newobj"></param> void gridViewOperation_CreatingObjectEvent(PJ_02aqhd newobj) { if (parentID == null) return; newobj.OrgCode = parentID; newobj.OrgName = parentObj.OrgName; newobj.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; Ebada.Core.UserBase m_UserBase = MainHelper.ValidateLogin(); newobj.CreateMan = m_UserBase.RealName; newobj.kssj = DateTime.Now; newobj.jssj = DateTime.Now; }
/// <summary> /// 新建对象设置Key值 /// </summary> /// <param name="newobj"></param> void gridViewOperation_CreatingObjectEvent(PJ_02aqhd newobj) { if (parentID == null) return; newobj.OrgCode = parentID; newobj.OrgName = parentObj.OrgName; newobj.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; Ebada.Core.UserBase m_UserBase = MainHelper.ValidateLogin(); newobj.CreateMan = m_UserBase.RealName; newobj.kssj = DateTime.Now; newobj.jssj = DateTime.Now; try { frmLP.ReadTaskData(newobj, RecordWorkFlowData, ParentTemple, CurrRecord); } catch { } }
void gridViewOperation_AfterAdd(PJ_02aqhd obj) { if (isWorkflowCall) { WF_ModleRecordWorkTaskIns mrwt = new WF_ModleRecordWorkTaskIns(); mrwt.ModleRecordID = obj.ID; mrwt.RecordID = currRecord.ID; mrwt.WorkFlowId = WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowId"].ToString(); mrwt.WorkFlowInsId = WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowInsId"].ToString(); mrwt.WorkTaskId = WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString(); mrwt.WorkTaskInsId = WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskInsId"].ToString(); mrwt.CreatTime = DateTime.Now; mrwt.ModleTableName = obj.GetType().ToString(); MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.Create<WF_ModleRecordWorkTaskIns>(mrwt); } CreatRiZhi(obj); }
/// <summary> /// 文档格式预定义好的,只填写内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> public static void ExportExcel(PJ_02aqhd obj) { //lgm ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess(); SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\02安全活动记录.xls"; ex.Open(fname); //每行显示文字长度 int zc = 58; //与会人员之间的间隔符号 char[] jksign = new char[1] { ';' }; int row = 1; int col = 1; //计算页码 int pagecount = 1; //活动内容 string hdstr = Ecommon.Comparestring(obj.hdnr, "活动内容") ? "" : "活动内容:"; List<string> hdlist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(hdstr, obj.hdnr, zc, 8); //if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdlist.Count, 8) > pagecount) //{ // pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdlist.Count, 8); //} //活动小结 string hdxjstr = Ecommon.Comparestring(obj.hdxj, "活动小结") ? "" : "活动小结:"; List<string> hdxlist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(hdxjstr, obj.hdxj, zc, 5); //if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdxlist.Count, 5) > pagecount) //{ // pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(hdxlist.Count, 5); //} //发言简要记录 //领导评语 string ldpystr = Ecommon.Comparestring(, "领导检查评语") ? "" : "领导检查评语:"; List<string> ldpylist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage(ldpystr,, zc, 2); if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(ldpylist.Count + hdxlist.Count + hdlist.Count, 15) > pagecount) { pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(ldpylist.Count + hdxlist.Count + hdlist.Count, 15); } List<string> fyjyjllist = Ecommon.ResultStrListByPage("", obj.fyjyjl, zc, 21); if (Ecommon.GetPagecount(fyjyjllist.Count, 21) > pagecount) { pagecount = Ecommon.GetPagecount(fyjyjllist.Count, 21); } //复制空模版 if (pagecount > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < pagecount; i++) { ex.CopySheet(1, i); ex.ReNameWorkSheet(i + 1, "Sheet" + (i + 1)); } } for (int p = 0; p < pagecount; p++) { ex.ActiveSheet(p + 1); //改造后的 for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if (p * 15 + i < hdlist.Count) { string tempstr = hdlist[p * 15 + i]; ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 10 + i, 1); if (p == 0 && i == 0) { //设定活动内容为粗体 ex.SetFontBold(10 + i, 1, 10 + i, 1, true, 0, 5); } } if (p * 15 + i >= hdlist.Count && p * 15 + i < hdlist.Count + hdxlist.Count) { string tempstr = hdxlist[p * 15 + i - hdlist.Count]; ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 10 + i, 1); if (p * 15 + i == hdlist.Count) { ex.SetFontBold(10 + i, 1, 10 + i, 1, true, 0, 5); } //break; } if (p * 15 + i >= hdlist.Count + hdxlist.Count && p * 15 + i < hdlist.Count + hdxlist.Count + ldpylist.Count) { string tempstr = ldpylist[p * 15 + i - hdlist.Count - hdxlist.Count]; ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 10 + i, 1); if (p * 15 + i == hdlist.Count + hdxlist.Count) ex.SetFontBold(10 + i, 1, 10 + i, 1, true, 0, 7); //break; } if (p * 15 + i >= hdlist.Count + hdxlist.Count + ldpylist.Count) { break; } } ////活动内容 //for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //{ // if (p * 8 + i>=hdlist.Count) // { // break; // } // string tempstr = hdlist[p * 8 + i]; // ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 10 + i, 1); //} ////活动小结 //for (int s = 0; s < 5; s++) //{ // if (p * 5 + s >= hdxlist.Count) // { // break; // } // string tempstr = hdxlist[p * 5 + s]; // ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 18 + s, 1); //} ////领导评语 //for (int t = 0; t < 2; t++) //{ // if (p * 2 + t >= ldpylist.Count) // { // break; // } // string tempstr = ldpylist[p * 2 + t]; // ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 23 + t, 1); //} //简要记录 int jymaxpage = Ecommon.GetPagecount(fyjyjllist.Count, 21); if (pagecount - jymaxpage <= p) { for (int jy = 0; jy < 21; jy++) { if ((jymaxpage + p - pagecount) * 21 + jy >= fyjyjllist.Count) { break; } string tempstr = fyjyjllist[(jymaxpage + p - pagecount) * 21 + jy]; ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, 30 + jy, 1); if (p == pagecount - jymaxpage && jy == 0) { //设定活动内容为粗体 ex.SetFontBold(30, 1, 30, 1, true, 0, 6); } } } } ex.ActiveSheet(1); //主持人 ex.SetCellValue(obj.zcr, 4, 2); //开始时间 row = 2; ex.SetCellValue(obj.kssj.Year.ToString(), row + 2, col + 4); ex.SetCellValue(obj.kssj.Month.ToString(), row + 2, col + 6); ex.SetCellValue(obj.kssj.Day.ToString(), row + 2, col + 8); ex.SetCellValue(obj.kssj.Hour.ToString(), row + 2, col + 10); ex.SetCellValue(obj.kssj.Minute.ToString(), row + 2, col + 12); //结束时间 ex.SetCellValue(obj.jssj.Year.ToString(), row + 3, col + 4); ex.SetCellValue(obj.jssj.Month.ToString(), row + 3, col + 6); ex.SetCellValue(obj.jssj.Day.ToString(), row + 3, col + 8); ex.SetCellValue(obj.jssj.Hour.ToString(), row + 3, col + 10); ex.SetCellValue(obj.jssj.Minute.ToString(), row + 3, col + 12); //出席人员 string[] ary = obj.cjry.Split(jksign); int m = ary.Length / 8; int n = ary.Length % 8; if (n > 0) { m++; } if (m == 0) { m++; } for (int i = 0; i < ary.Length; i++) { int tempcol = col + 1 + i % 8; if (i % 8 > 3) { tempcol = col + 4 + (i % 8 - 3) * 2; } ex.SetCellValue(ary[i], row + 4 + i / 8, tempcol); } //缺席人员 string[] ary2 = obj.qxry.Split(jksign); for (int j = 0; j < ary2.Length; j++) { int tempcol = col + 2 + j % 7; if (j > 2 && j < 7) { tempcol = col + 4 + (j % 7 - 2) * 2; } if (j < 7) { ex.SetCellValue(ary2[j], row + 7, tempcol); } else//缺席人员大于七个时 { string tempstr = ex.ReadCellValue(row + 7, col + 12); tempstr = tempstr + "/" + ary2[j]; ex.SetCellValue(tempstr, row + 7, col + 12); } } //签字 // ex.SetCellValue("签字: ", 25, 1); // ex.SetCellValue(obj.qz, 25, col + 1); //签字时间小于系统默认时间则不输出 // if (ComboBoxHelper.CompreDate(obj.qzrq)) // { // ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Year.ToString(), 25, 5); // ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Month.ToString(), 25, 7); // ex.SetCellValue(obj.qzrq.Day.ToString(), 25, 11); // } ex.ShowExcel(); }