Example #1
        public void Initialize()
            // Initialize mock document
            _document = new TextDocumentMock();
            _document.Selection = new TextSelectionMock();

            // Initialize mock range
            _range = new TextRangeMock();
            _range.CharacterFormat = new TextCharacterFormatMock();
            _document.TextRange = _range;

            _highlighter = new MarkdownTestHighlighter(_document);
Example #2
        public void TestDefaultFormatting()
            // Test this method on markdown itself, as it is stubbed in MarkdownTestHighlighter
            _highlighter = new Markdown(_document);

            // Make some text that doesn't require formatting bold/italic
            _range.Text = "This is some text that should not get highlighted.";
            _range.CharacterFormat.Bold = FormatEffect.On;
            _range.CharacterFormat.Italic = FormatEffect.On;


            // Highlighting should've been removed
            Assert.AreEqual(FormatEffect.Off, _range.CharacterFormat.Italic);
            Assert.AreEqual(FormatEffect.Off, _range.CharacterFormat.Bold);