Example #1
        private static void ComputeIconTranslationValues(KMLStyle style, KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol ms, BitmapImage bi)
            // To match sizing of Google Earth, default size of point images is 40x40
            // Note: the iconScale will be applied later globally to the symbol
            ms.Height = 40;
            ms.Width  = 40;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsX)
            case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                ms.TranslateX = style.IconHotspotX * -1;

            case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                ms.TranslateX = (ms.Width * style.IconHotspotX) * -1;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsY)
            case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height - style.IconHotspotY) * -1;

            case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height * style.IconHotspotY) * -1;
        private static void ComputeIconTranslationValues(KMLStyle style, KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol ms, BitmapImage bi)
            if (bi.PixelWidth > 0)
                ms.Width = bi.PixelWidth;
            if (bi.PixelHeight > 0)
                ms.Height = bi.PixelHeight;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsX)
            case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                ms.TranslateX = style.IconHotspotX * -1;

            case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                ms.TranslateX = (bi.PixelWidth * style.IconHotspotX) * -1;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsY)
            case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height - style.IconHotspotY) * -1;

            case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                ms.TranslateY = (bi.PixelHeight * style.IconHotspotY) * -1;
        private static void OnIconColorPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol dp = d as KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol;

            if (dp != null)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create proper symbology for each feature type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A symbol defined by internal properties of the class.</returns>
        public override Symbol CreateSymbol()
            Symbol sym;

            if (style != null && style.IconImage != null)
                sym = new KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol();

                if (style.IconHeading != 0.0)
                    sym.SetValue(KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol.HeadingProperty, style.IconHeading);
                if (style.IconScale != 1.0)
                    sym.SetValue(KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol.ScaleProperty, style.IconScale);
                sym = GetDefaultSymbol();

        private static void OnFillPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol dp = d as KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol;

        private static void ComputeIconTranslationValues(KMLStyle style, KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol ms, BitmapImage bi)
            // To match sizing of Google Earth, default size of point images is 40x40
            // Note: the iconScale will be applied later globally to the symbol
            ms.Height = 40;
            ms.Width = 40;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsX)
                case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                    ms.TranslateX = style.IconHotspotX * -1;

                case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                    ms.TranslateX = (ms.Width * style.IconHotspotX) * -1;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsY)
                case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                    ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height - style.IconHotspotY) * -1;

                case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                    ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height * style.IconHotspotY) * -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create proper symbology for each feature type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A symbol defined by internal properties of the class.</returns>
        public override Symbol CreateSymbol()
            Symbol sym;
            if (style != null && style.IconImage != null)
                sym = new KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol();

                if (style.IconHeading != 0.0)
                    sym.SetValue(KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol.HeadingProperty, style.IconHeading);
                if (style.IconScale != 1.0)
					sym.SetValue(KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol.ScaleProperty, style.IconScale);
				sym = GetDefaultSymbol();

            return sym;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates graphic elements and adds them to the graphics layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Graphics layer that will have features added to it.</param>
        /// <param name="images">Dictionary of images coming from kmz content or from previous parsing</param>
        public void CreateGraphics(KmlGraphicsLayer layer, IDictionary <string, ImageBrush> images)
            if (layer == null)

            GraphicCollection   graphics = new GraphicCollection();
            UniqueValueRenderer renderer = new UniqueValueRenderer();             // dummy renderer used to create the legend items (since creation of the swatches from the symbol is not that obvious)

            // Process each metadata feature in the list
            foreach (PlacemarkDescriptor feature in placemarks)
                KMLStyle style = feature.Symbol.style;

                if (style.ZipFile != null)
                    // Look for the image in the zip file
                    if (style.IconImage == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(style.IconHref))
                        style.IconImage = GetIconImage(style.ZipFile, style.IconHref.ToLower());

                    style.ZipFile = null;

                //Define handlers upfront so we can unhook from them
                EventHandler <RoutedEventArgs>
                imageCompleted = null;
                EventHandler <ExceptionRoutedEventArgs>
                EventHandler <ExceptionEventArgs>
                imageFailed = null;

                // If the style has an HREF then it is associated with an image
                if (style.IconImage == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(style.IconHref))
                    // If the image is already loaded in the image dictionary, use it
                    if (images.ContainsKey(style.IconHref.ToLower()))
                        style.IconImage = images[style.IconHref.ToLower()];
                        // Get the image using the HREF and store the image in the images dictionary so that if
                        // other features reference it, it is cached
                        style.IconImage = GetIconImage(style.IconHref);
                        if (style.IconImage != null && (style.IconImage as ImageBrush).ImageSource != null)
                            var bi = (style.IconImage as ImageBrush).ImageSource as BitmapImage;
                            if (bi != null)
                                imageFailed = (s, e) =>
                                    var b = s as BitmapImage;
                                    if (imageCompleted != null)
                                        b.ImageOpened -= imageCompleted;
                                    if (imageFailed != null)
                                        b.ImageFailed -= imageFailed;
                                    if (imageCompleted != null)
                                        b.DownloadCompleted -= imageCompleted;
                                    if (imageFailed != null)
                                        b.DownloadFailed -= imageFailed;
                                    var key = b.GetValue(BitmapImageKeyProperty) as string;
                                    layer.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate
                                        UpdateGraphicsAndRenderer(layer, renderer, key);

                                bi.ImageFailed += imageFailed;
                                bi.DownloadFailed += imageFailed;
                        images.Add(style.IconHref.ToLower(), style.IconImage);

                // Create a new graphic from the metadata and construct the symbol using polymorphism
                Graphic g = new Graphic()
                    Geometry   = feature.Geometry,
                    Symbol     = feature.Symbol.CreateSymbol(),
                    TimeExtent = feature.TimeExtent
                g.SetValue(FeaturePlacemarkerDescriptorProperty, feature);
                // Create legend entry
                string label;
                string description;
                GetRendererInfo(feature, style, out label, out description);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label) && !renderer.Infos.Any(info => info.Label == label))
                    renderer.Infos.Add(new UniqueValueInfo {
                        Label = label, Description = description, Symbol = g.Symbol

                // Adjust and assign picture marker symbol properties
                if (g.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint && g.Symbol is KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol)
                        KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol ms = g.Symbol as KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol;

                        // To match sizing of Google Earth, default size of point images is 40x40
                        ms.Height = 40;
                        ms.Width  = 40;

                        ms.Fill      = style.IconImage;
                        ms.IconColor = style.IconColor;

                        // Default to half the pixel size (width and height) if symbol offsets are 0 (supported in wpf and sl3)
                        ImageBrush  ib = ms.Fill;
                        BitmapImage bi = ib.ImageSource as BitmapImage;
                        if (bi.PixelHeight == 0 || bi.PixelWidth == 0)
                        if (bi.IsDownloading)
                            imageCompleted = (s, e) =>
                                var b = s as BitmapImage;
                                if (imageCompleted != null)
                                    b.ImageOpened -= imageCompleted;
                                if (imageFailed != null)
                                    b.ImageFailed -= imageFailed;
                                if (imageCompleted != null)
                                    b.DownloadCompleted -= imageCompleted;
                                if (imageFailed != null)
                                    b.DownloadFailed -= imageFailed;
                                ComputeIconTranslationValues(style, ms, b);
                            bi.ImageOpened += imageCompleted;
                            bi.DownloadCompleted += imageCompleted;
                            ComputeIconTranslationValues(style, ms, bi);
                        g.Symbol = PointSymbolDescriptor.GetDefaultSymbol();
                        ComputeIconTranslationValues(style, g.Symbol as KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol, ((g.Symbol as KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol).Fill as ImageBrush).ImageSource as BitmapImage);
                        var info = renderer.Infos.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Label == label);
                        if (info != null)
                            info.Symbol = g.Symbol;

                // Copy attributes values from metadata to graphic
                foreach (var attribute in feature.Attributes)
                    g.Attributes.Add(attribute.Key, attribute.Value);

                // If the balloontext property has been assigned a value in the style associated with this
                // graphic feature, then add it to the attributes collection.
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(style.BalloonText))
                    g.Attributes.Add("balloonText", style.BalloonText);

                // Add graphic to graphics layer

            layer.Graphics = graphics;

            // keep the renderer for further usage (when QueryLegendInfos is called)
            layer.RendererBasedOnStyle = renderer;
        private static void ComputeIconTranslationValues(KMLStyle style, KmlPlaceMarkerSymbol ms, BitmapImage bi)
            if (bi.PixelWidth > 0)
                ms.Width = bi.PixelWidth;
            if (bi.PixelHeight > 0)
                ms.Height = bi.PixelHeight;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsX)
                case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                    ms.TranslateX = style.IconHotspotX * -1;

                case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                    ms.TranslateX = (bi.PixelWidth * style.IconHotspotX) * -1;

            switch (style.IconHotspotUnitsY)
                case HotSpotUnitType.Pixels:
                    ms.TranslateY = (ms.Height - style.IconHotspotY) * -1;

                case HotSpotUnitType.Fraction:
                    ms.TranslateY = (bi.PixelHeight * style.IconHotspotY) * -1;