public JsonResult GetOrganizationInfo(EPortal.Models.Organization orginfo)
            OrgList org = new OrgList();

            using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities())
                org = (from o in entity.Organizations
                       where o.Id == orginfo.Id
                       select new OrgList
                    Id = o.Id,
                    Code = o.Code,
                    Name = o.Name,
                    ContactNo = o.ContactNo,
                    Email = o.Email,
                    ESTDate = o.ESTDate,
                    PhoneNo = o.PhoneNo,
                    Address = o.Address,
                    Location = o.Location,
                    OrgState = o.OrgState,
                    Country = o.Country,
                    Pin = o.Pin,
                    Operation = "Edit",
                    ImageUrl = "/Home/GetOrgLogo?orgid=" + o.Id
            return(Json(org, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult DeleteOrganization(EPortal.Models.Organization orgdata)
            int result = 0;

            // validation = EPortal.Utility.Utility.ValidateProperty(orgdata.Code, "Required");

            using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities())
                entity.Entry(orgdata).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;
                result = entity.SaveChanges();

            return(Json(result > 0 ? true : false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #3
        public ActionResult Login(EPortal.Models.UserInfo Userinfo)
            if (Userinfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Userinfo));

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            EPortal.Models.Organization org      = null;
            EPortal.Models.UserInfo     Userdata = null;
            EPortal.Models.UserRole     Userrole = null;
            bool sendmailper = false;

            using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities())
                    org = (from o in entity.Organizations
                           where o.Code == Userinfo.OrganizationName
                           select o).FirstOrDefault();
                catch (Exception)
                if (org != null)
                    Userdata = (from u in entity.UserInfoes
                                where u.OrganizationID == org.Id &&
                                u.LogInId == Userinfo.LogInId &&
                                u.UserPassword == Userinfo.UserPassword
                                select u).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Userdata != null)
                        Userrole = (from ro in entity.UserRoles
                                    where ro.OrganizationID == org.Id &&
                                    ro.UserId == Userdata.Id &&
                                    ro.RowState == true
                                    select ro).FirstOrDefault();
                    var checkformail = (from mc in entity.EMailConfigurations
                                        where mc.OrganizationId == org.Id
                                        select mc).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (checkformail != null)
                        if (checkformail.AfterLoginMail == true)
                            sendmailper = true;
            if (Userdata != null && Userrole != null)
                CustomPrincipalSerializeModel serializeModel = new CustomPrincipalSerializeModel();
                //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Userdata.LogInId, true);

                serializeModel.OrgId = org.Id;
                //Session["OrgId"] = org.Id;

                // Session["OrgName"] = org.Name;
                serializeModel.OrgName = org.Name;

                //Session["UserId"] = Userdata.Id;
                serializeModel.UserId = Userdata.Id;

                //Session["UserName"] = Userdata.Name;
                serializeModel.UserName = Userdata.Name;

                //Session["ISApplicant"] = Userdata.IsApplicant;
                serializeModel.ISApplicant = Userdata.IsApplicant.ToString();

                if (Userrole != null)
                    //Session["RoleId"] = Userrole.RoleId;
                    serializeModel.RoleId = Userrole.RoleId;
                string userData = serializer.Serialize(serializeModel);
                //FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Userdata.LogInId, true);
                FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
                string     encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(GetAuthTicket(GetAuthTicket1(authTicket: authTicket)));
                HttpCookie faCookie  = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, GetEncTicket(encTicket));
                Response.Cookies.Add(cookie: faCookie);
                int cookieSize = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(faCookie.Values.ToString());
                if (sendmailper == true)
                    //getting client ip address
                    string ipAddress = Request.UserHostAddress.ToString();

                    //getting client browser name
                    string browserName = Request.Browser.Browser.ToString();

                    //getting client browser version

                    string body    = "Hi,Just now someone login to youe acocunt with IP:" + ipAddress + ",Browser:" + browserName + Request.Browser.Version.ToString() + ",If not you please contact us.";
                    string heading = "User login Details:";
                    if (Userdata.Email != null || Userdata.Email != "")
                        bool sendmail = SendMail(Userdata.Email, heading, body, null);

                //var log = new logWriter("Login Successful for user:"******"UserHome"));
                Session["InvalidUser"] = true;
        public JsonResult SaveOrganization(EPortal.Models.Organization orgdata)
            string errormsg = "";
            int    result   = 0;

            if ((orgdata.Code != "" || orgdata.Code != null) && (orgdata.Name != "" || orgdata.Name != null))
                // validation = EPortal.Utility.Utility.ValidateProperty(orgdata.Code, "Required");
                EPortal.Models.RoleMaster        roleadmin              = new RoleMaster();
                EPortal.Models.RoleMaster        roleapplicant          = new RoleMaster();
                EPortal.Models.UserInfo          Userforadmin           = new UserInfo();
                EPortal.Models.UserRole          Userroleforadmin       = new UserRole();
                EPortal.Models.Previleage        Previleageforadmin     = null;
                List <EPortal.Models.Previleage> Previleageforadminlist = new List <Previleage>();
                List <EPortal.Models.Page>       getPage = new List <Page>();

                using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities())
                    if (orgdata.Operation == "Create")
                        orgdata.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                        #region Create AdminUser for This Organization
                        roleadmin.Id             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        roleadmin.Code           = "admin";
                        roleadmin.Name           = "admin";
                        roleadmin.OrganizationID = orgdata.Id;
                        roleadmin.RowState       = true;
                        roleadmin.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;

                        #region Create ROle for This User
                        roleapplicant.Id             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        roleapplicant.Code           = "Applicant";
                        roleapplicant.Name           = "Applicant";
                        roleapplicant.OrganizationID = orgdata.Id;
                        roleapplicant.RowState       = true;
                        roleapplicant.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;


                        Userforadmin.Id             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        Userforadmin.Code           = "Admin";
                        Userforadmin.Name           = "Admin";
                        Userforadmin.LogInId        = "admin";
                        Userforadmin.UserPassword   = "******";
                        Userforadmin.UserType       = "50";
                        Userforadmin.OrganizationID = orgdata.Id;
                        Userforadmin.RowState       = true;
                        Userforadmin.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;

                        Userroleforadmin.Id             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                        Userroleforadmin.UserId         = Userforadmin.Id;
                        Userroleforadmin.RoleId         = roleadmin.Id;
                        Userroleforadmin.OrganizationID = orgdata.Id;
                        Userroleforadmin.RowState       = true;
                        Userroleforadmin.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;


                        #region Get All Page
                        getPage = (from p in entity.Pages
                                   where p.Code != "Organization" &&
                                   p.ForAdmin == true
                                   select p).ToList();
                        if (getPage.Count() > 0)
                            //foreach (Page item in getPage)
                            //    Previleageforadmin = new Previleage();
                            //    Previleageforadmin.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            //    Previleageforadmin.RoleId = roleadmin.Id;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.PageId = item.Id;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.OperationId = string.Empty;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.PCreate = true;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.PUpdate = true;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.PDelete = true;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.PView = true;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.OrganizationID = orgdata.Id;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.RowState = true;
                            //    Previleageforadmin.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                            //    Previleageforadminlist.Add(Previleageforadmin);

                        entity.Entry(orgdata).State          = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        entity.Entry(roleadmin).State        = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        entity.Entry(roleapplicant).State    = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        entity.Entry(Userforadmin).State     = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        entity.Entry(Userroleforadmin).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;

                        //foreach (Previleage item in Previleageforadminlist)
                        //    entity.Entry(item).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        //    entity.Previleages.Add(item);
                            result = entity.SaveChanges();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        orgdata.Code      = orgdata.Code;
                        orgdata.Name      = orgdata.Name;
                        orgdata.ContactNo = orgdata.ContactNo;
                        orgdata.ESTDate   = orgdata.ESTDate;
                        orgdata.PhoneNo   = orgdata.PhoneNo;
                        orgdata.Email     = orgdata.Email;
                        orgdata.Address   = orgdata.Address;
                        orgdata.Country   = orgdata.Country;
                        orgdata.OrgState  = orgdata.OrgState;
                        orgdata.Location  = orgdata.Location;
                        orgdata.Pin       = orgdata.Pin;

                        entity.Entry(orgdata).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                        result = entity.SaveChanges();
                if (orgdata.Code != "" || orgdata.Code != null)
                    errormsg = "Please enter Code.";
                if (orgdata.Name != "" || orgdata.Name != null)
                    errormsg = "Please enter Name.";

            return(Json(new { result = result > 0 ? true : false, errormsg = errormsg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public JsonResult GetprivilegeInfo(EPortal.Models.Organization org)
            string orgid = org.Id;
            List <OrganizationPageList> organpagelist = new List <OrganizationPageList>();
            List <ModuleNameList>       listmodule    = new List <ModuleNameList>();

            using (EPortalEntities entity = new EPortalEntities())
                organpagelist = (from m in entity.Modules
                                 join mp in entity.ModulePages on m.Id equals mp.ModuleId
                                 join p in entity.Pages on mp.PageId equals p.Id
                                 join op in entity.OrganizationPages on new
                    Orgid = orgid,
                    pageid = p.Id
                                 equals new
                    Orgid = op.OrganizationID,
                    pageid = op.PageId
                } into j1
                                 from op in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                 where m.SequenceNo != null
                                 select new OrganizationPageList
                    ModuleidId = m.Id,
                    ModuleCode = m.Code,
                    ModuleName = m.Name,
                    moduleseq = m.SequenceNo,
                    PageId = p.Id,
                    PageCode = p.Code,
                    pageName = p.Name,
                    pageseq = p.SequenceNo,
                    PageSelected = op == null ? false : true

                if (organpagelist.Count() > 0)
                    listmodule = (from m in organpagelist
                                  group m by new { sequ = m.moduleseq, moduleid = m.ModuleidId, modulecode = m.ModuleCode, modulename = m.ModuleName }
                                  into j1
                                  select new ModuleNameList
                        Id = j1.Key.moduleid,
                        Code = j1.Key.modulecode,
                        Name = j1.Key.modulename,
                        SequenceNo = j1.Key.sequ,
                        modulepagelist = (from pa in organpagelist
                                          where pa.ModuleidId == j1.Key.moduleid
                                          select new ModulePagelist
                            Id = pa.PageId,
                            Code = pa.PageCode,
                            Name = pa.pageName,
                            SequenceNo = pa.pageseq,
                            Create = pa.PageSelected
                        }).OrderBy(x => x.SequenceNo).ToList()
                    }).OrderBy(x => x.SequenceNo).ToList();
            return(Json(listmodule, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));