private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => Clipboard.SetText(EOV4.baseEncode(HWIDGen.Value()), TextDataFormat.Text)); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //Set the thread to STA thread.Start(); thread.Join(); //Wait for the thread to end MessageBox.Show("Copied to clipboard!", "EOV4 HWID Handler", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); }
private async void EOV4UI_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var motd = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("value", "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE `setting`='motd' LIMIT 1"); label1.Text = "HWID: " + EOV4.baseEncode(HWIDGen.Value()); label3.Text = "Current MOTD: " + motd; string adminlevel = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("admin", "SELECT * FROM whitelisted WHERE `HWID`='" + EOV4.baseEncode(HWIDGen.Value()) + "' LIMIT 1"); if (adminlevel == "1") { label2.Text = "isAdmin: true"; } else { label2.Text = "isAdmin: false"; } }
static async void load() { var version = ""; WebClient client = new WebClient(); if (await EOV4.CheckkeyAsync(HWIDGen.Value()) == true) { Console.WriteLine("You are whitelisted :)"); WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer wplayer = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer(); string username = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("username", "SELECT * FROM whitelisted WHERE `HWID`='" + EOV4.baseEncode(HWIDGen.Value()) + "' LIMIT 1"); wplayer.URL = "startup.mp3";; Thread.Sleep(6000); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Checking for updates..."); var onver = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("value", "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE `setting`='version' LIMIT 1"); if (onver == version) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You're on the latest version :D"); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.Clear(); Console.Title = "EOV4 //\\ Private Alpha //\\"; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to EOV4, " + username + " //\\ Private Alpha //\\"); Console.Write(">"); String command; Boolean quitNow = false; var ccolor = ConsoleColor.White; while (!quitNow) { command = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("<"); switch (command) { case "help": Console.WriteLine("Current Commands are:" + "\n" + "motd -- outputs current MOTD to console" + "\n" + "ui -- Opens a new winform with the user's basic info" + "\n" + "ping -- outputs pong" + "\n" + "quit -- Closes EOV4 out" + "\n" + "cls -- Clears screen to original screen" + "\n" + "clear -- Clears the console of all text" + "\n" + "red -- Changes text color to red" + "\n" + "magenta -- Changes color to magenta" + "\n" + "calc -- Uses a normal text calculator" + "\n" + "normal -- Changes text color to normal" + "\n" + "calcui -- Opens a new winform with a calculator(WIP)" + "\n" + "updatelog -- Outputs current updatelog" + "\n" + "mario(Legacy) -- Plays mario theme song through beeps" + "\n" + "notepad -- Opens notepad.exe" + "\n" + "paint -- Opens mspaint.exe" + "\n" + "time -- outputs system's current time"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "motd": var motd = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("value", "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE `setting`='motd' LIMIT 1"); Console.WriteLine(motd); Console.Write(">"); break; case "ui": Console.WriteLine("Here is the UI"); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new EOV4UI()); Console.Write(">"); break; case "mario": Console.Beep(659, 125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Thread.Sleep(375); Console.Beep(392, 125); Thread.Sleep(375); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(392, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(330, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(440, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(494, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(466, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(440, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(392, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(880, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Console.Beep(494, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(392, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(330, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(440, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(494, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(466, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(440, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(392, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(880, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Console.Beep(494, 125); Thread.Sleep(375); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(415, 125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(625); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(415, 125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(1125); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(415, 125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(625); Console.Beep(784, 125); Console.Beep(740, 125); Console.Beep(698, 125); Thread.Sleep(42); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(659, 125); Thread.Sleep(167); Console.Beep(415, 125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Thread.Sleep(125); Console.Beep(440, 125); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(622, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(587, 125); Thread.Sleep(250); Console.Beep(523, 125); Console.WriteLine("Mario!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "notepad": Process.Start("notepad.exe"); Console.WriteLine("Notepad.exe was launched!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "paint": Process.Start("mspaint.exe"); Console.WriteLine("MSPAINT.EXE HAS BEEN LAUNCHED!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "time": Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); Console.Write(">"); break; case "ping": Console.WriteLine("Pong"); Console.Beep(); Console.Write(">"); break; case "quit": quitNow = true; break; case "cls": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to EOV4, " + username + " //\\ Private Alpha //\\"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "clear": Console.Clear(); Console.Write(">"); break; case "admin": string adminlevel = await SQLStuff.GetSQLResultAsync("admin", "SELECT * FROM whitelisted WHERE `HWID`='" + EOV4.baseEncode(HWIDGen.Value()) + "' LIMIT 1"); if (adminlevel == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Admin Panel :o"); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new AdminPanel()); Console.Write(">"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sorry you do not have access to this"); Console.Write(">"); } break; case "red": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; ccolor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Red!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "normal": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; ccolor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Back to normal!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "magenta": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; ccolor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.WriteLine("Magenta"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "calc": Console.WriteLine("Use ONLY 2 numbers or it will crash. ex: 2 + 2 not 2 + 2 * 3 or 2 + 2 + 2"); calccommand(); Console.Write(">"); break; case "github": Console.WriteLine(""); Process.Start(""); Console.WriteLine("Opened webbrowser!"); Console.Write(">"); break; case "updatelog": Console.WriteLine(client.DownloadString("")); Console.Write(">"); client.Dispose(); break; case "calcui": Console.WriteLine("Calculator UI!"); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.Run(new Calculator()); Console.Write(">"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown Command " + command); Console.Beep(); Console.Write(">"); break; } client.Dispose(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Update found! Please run EOUpdate.exe to get"); Thread.Sleep(3000); Environment.Exit(1); client.Dispose(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You are not whitelisted :("); Thread.Sleep(3000); Environment.Exit(1); client.Dispose(); } client.Dispose(); }