Example #1
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            // If the object is not of the same type then it cannot be equal
            if (!(obj is LineSegment2D))

            LineSegment2D s = (LineSegment2D)obj;

            return(this.m_p1.Equals(s.m_p1) && this.m_p2.Equals(s.m_p2));
Example #2
 public bool IsParallel(LineSegment2D seg2)
     // The two segments will be parallel if their line vectors are the same
     // or one is the negative of the other.
     EOFC.Vector2D v1 = GetVector();
     EOFC.Vector2D v2 = seg2.GetVector();
     if (v1.DotProduct(v2) == 1.0f)
Example #3
        public bool Intersects(LineSegment2D segment2, ref EOFC.Vector2D outISectPt)
            float t = 0.0f;

            if (!Intersects(segment2, ref t))

            // Fill the intersection point
            float dx1 = m_p2.X - m_p1.X;
            float dy1 = m_p2.Y - m_p1.Y;

            outISectPt.Set(m_p1.X + t * dx1, m_p1.Y + t * dy1);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether or not this segment intersects another. If the two segments
        /// do intersect, then t will be set to a value in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] indicating
        /// where the intersection occurs along this line, and true will be returned. If no
        /// intersection occurs, false is returned and t is not modified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the segments intersect, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Intersects(LineSegment2D segment2, ref float t)
            // Build directional vectors for both lines. Negate the ones for the
            // second segment by flipping the subtraction order.
            float dx1 = m_p2.X - m_p1.X;
            float dy1 = m_p2.Y - m_p1.Y;
            float dx2 = segment2.m_p1.X - segment2.m_p2.X;
            float dy2 = segment2.m_p1.Y - segment2.m_p2.Y;

            // Calculate determinate
            float det = (dx1 * dy2) - (dx2 * dy1);

            // If the determinate is zero then there is no intersection
            if (0.0f == det)

            // Calculate origin differences
            float ox = segment2.m_p1.X - m_p1.X;
            float oy = segment2.m_p1.Y - m_p1.Y;

            // Calculate t1 and test bounds
            float t1 = (ox * dy2 - dx2 * oy) / det;

            if (t1 < 0.0f || t1 > 1.0f)

            // Calculate t2 and test bounds
            float t2 = (dx1 * oy - ox * dy1) / det;

            if (t2 < 0.0f || t2 > 1.0f)

            // Both t-values are in range, fill output t value
            t = t1;

Example #5
 public LineSegment2D(LineSegment2D copyme)
     m_p1 = copyme.m_p1;
     m_p2 = copyme.m_p2;
     m_l  = (m_p2 - m_p1).Length;
 public bool IsParallel(LineSegment2D seg2)
     // The two segments will be parallel if their line vectors are the same
     // or one is the negative of the other.
     EOFC.Vector2D v1 = GetVector();
     EOFC.Vector2D v2 = seg2.GetVector();
     if (v1.DotProduct(v2) == 1.0f)
         return true;
     return false;
 public LineSegment2D(LineSegment2D copyme)
     m_p1 = copyme.m_p1;
     m_p2 = copyme.m_p2;
     m_l = (m_p2 - m_p1).Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether or not this segment intersects another. If the two segments 
        /// do intersect, then t will be set to a value in the range [0.0f, 1.0f] indicating 
        /// where the intersection occurs along this line, and true will be returned. If no 
        /// intersection occurs, false is returned and t is not modified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the segments intersect, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Intersects(LineSegment2D segment2, ref float t)
            // Build directional vectors for both lines. Negate the ones for the
            // second segment by flipping the subtraction order.
            float dx1 = m_p2.X - m_p1.X;
            float dy1 = m_p2.Y - m_p1.Y;
            float dx2 = segment2.m_p1.X - segment2.m_p2.X;
            float dy2 = segment2.m_p1.Y - segment2.m_p2.Y;

            // Calculate determinate
            float det = (dx1 * dy2) - (dx2 * dy1);

            // If the determinate is zero then there is no intersection
            if (0.0f == det)
                return false;

            // Calculate origin differences
            float ox = segment2.m_p1.X - m_p1.X;
            float oy = segment2.m_p1.Y - m_p1.Y;

            // Calculate t1 and test bounds
            float t1 = (ox * dy2 - dx2 * oy) / det;
            if (t1 < 0.0f || t1 > 1.0f)
                return false;

            // Calculate t2 and test bounds
            float t2 = (dx1 * oy - ox * dy1) / det;
            if (t2 < 0.0f || t2 > 1.0f)
                return false;

            // Both t-values are in range, fill output t value
            t = t1;

            return true;
        public bool Intersects(LineSegment2D segment2, ref EOFC.Vector2D outISectPt)
            float t = 0.0f;

            if (!Intersects(segment2, ref t))
                return false;

            // Fill the intersection point
            float dx1 = m_p2.X - m_p1.X;
            float dy1 = m_p2.Y - m_p1.Y;
            outISectPt.Set(m_p1.X + t * dx1, m_p1.Y + t * dy1);

            return true;