private void btnVerifyUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            string id = txtID.Text;
            Method obj = new Method();
            string msg = "";

            var user = obj.getRegisterUser(id);

            if(user == null)

                msg = "please check your id number ";
                idNum = txtID.Text;
                txtID.IsEnabled = false;
                btnUpdate.IsEnabled = true;
                txtEmail.IsEnabled = true;
                txtSurname.IsEnabled = true;
                txtCellNumber.IsEnabled = true;
                txtHomeAddress.IsEnabled = true;
                lblDisplayName.Text = user.Name;
                txtSurname.Text = user.Surname;
                txtEmail.Text = user.Email;
                //txtCellNumber.Text = user.CellNum;

        private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            string surname, email, cellNumber, homeAddress, province;

            surname = txtSurname.Text;
            email = txtEmail.Text;
            cellNumber = txtCellNumber.Text;
            homeAddress = txtHomeAddress.Text;
            province = "Guateng";

            Method obj = new Method();
            if(surname.Trim() != "" && email.Trim() != "" && cellNumber.Trim() != "" )
                obj.updateDetails(surname, cellNumber, email, homeAddress, idNum);
                messageBox("Your details has been updated");

                messageBox("fill all the field with data");

        private void btnReset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string id, password, rePassword;
            string msg = "";
            validation objValidate = new validation();
            Method obj = new Method();

            id = txtID.Text;
            password = txtPassword.Password;
            rePassword = txtReEnterPassword.Password;
                if (objValidate.validatePassword(password,rePassword) != "")
                    msg = "MAke sure your password match re- enter again";
                    msg = "Your password have been reset";

            catch(Exception ex)
                messageBox(msg + ex.Message);


        private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

           // this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(HomePage));
            string email, password;

            Method objM = new Method();

            email = txtEmail.Text;
            password = txtPassword.Password;

            var valid = objM.getLogIN(email, password);
            if(email.Trim() == "" && password.Trim() == "")
                messageBox("please enter yuor email and password");
                if (valid != null)
                    messageBox("you passsword and email dont match please rectify");

        public HomePage()
            Method obj = new Method();

            string locationName;

            lblDisplayName.Text = "wisani";
        private async void btnSendRequest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Method obj = new Method();

            Geolocator geolocator = new Geolocator();
            Geoposition currentPosition = await geolocator.GetGeopositionAsync();
            string address = "pretoria";
            MapLocationFinderResult result = await MapLocationFinder.FindLocationsAsync(
            address, currentPosition.Coordinate.Point, 5);
            myMap.Center = currentPosition.Coordinate.Point;

        private void btnResetPassword_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Method obj = new Method();
            string id = txtID.Text;
            string msg = "";

            var vali = obj.getRegisterUser(id);

            if(vali == null)
                msg = "the is no user with that id number please verify if id is correct";

        private void btnComment_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var objCom = new Method();

            string name, surname, email, comment, id, comOrcompl, date;
            int complainID = 0;

                email = txtEmail.Text;
                name = txtName.Text;
                surname = txtSurname.Text;
                comment = txtComments.Text;
                comOrcompl = "complains";
                date = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                var valid = objCom.getRegUser(name);
                if (valid != null)
                    id = valid.ID;
                    objCom.setComplains(complainID, id, name, surname, email, comment, comOrcompl);

                    messageBox("ID not found");
            catch (Exception ex)
                messageBox("error " + ex.Message);

            /*var objCom = new Method();
           var objValidate = new validation();
           string msg = "";

            string name,surname, email,comment, id,comOrcompl, date;
            int complainID = 0;

            email = txtEmail.Text;
            name = txtName.Text;
            surname = txtSurname.Text;
            comment = txtComments.Text;
            comOrcompl = "complains";
            date = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            //this valid variable will have access to get the id number of a user

            var valid = objCom.getRegUser(name);

            // validadate all variable and set the comment in table comment
                    msg = objValidate.validateString(name);
                    msg +=  objValidate.validateString(surname);
                    msg +=  objValidate.validateEmail(email);
               if (msg == "") 
                    id = valid.ID;
                    if(id== null)
                         messageBox("Please name sure that you enter your correct name");
                      objCom.setComplains(complainID, id, name, surname, email, comment, comOrcompl);
                       messageBox("Thanks you for commenting, your input will make us improve our service" + id);
            catch(Exception ex)
        private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
           var objvalidate = new validation();
           var objReg = new Method();
           var objRegister = new tblRegister();

            String IDnum,cell, name, surname, homeAddress, email, password, repassword, gender;
            string msg = "";
           // string n = "/n";
            int age;
            IDnum = txtID.Text;
            name = txtName.Text;
            homeAddress = txtHomeAddress.Text;
            email = txtEmail.Text;
            password = txtPassword.Password;
            repassword = txtRe_password.Password;
            surname = txtSurname.Text;
            cell = txtCellnumber.Text;


                if (IDnum == "" && name == "" && password == "" && surname == "" && cell == "" && email == "")
                  messageBox("all field must be fill with yuor correct details");
                   msg += objvalidate.IDValidation(IDnum); 
                   msg += objvalidate.validatePassword(password, repassword);

                       if (objReg.getRegisterUser(IDnum) == null)
                           gender = objvalidate.getGender(IDnum);
                           age = objvalidate.getAge(IDnum);
                           objReg.setRegister(IDnum, name, surname, email, cell, gender, age, password);

                           messageBox("Thanks you for registering for Emergency Medical Servise");

                               messageBox("user already registerd in the system");
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void btnView_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            string msg = "";

            Method obj = new Method();
            int comID = 0;
            var objCom = obj.getComment(comID);

            if (objCom == null)
                msg = "No record was found in the data base, you didnt make any comment about our servince ";
                while (objCom != null)
                    lstViewPreComm.Items.Add(objCom.Name + "  " + objCom.Comment);
                    comID = comID + 1;
                    objCom = obj.getComment(comID);
