/// <summary>
 /// Loads Active Movies to relate to a theater which use them.
 /// </summary>
 protected void poblarPeliculas() {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("poblarPeliculas Starts");
     List<DetallePeliculaDto> listaPeliculas = new Pelicula().getPeliculasActivas();
     listaPeliculas = listaPeliculas.OrderBy(x => x.nombrePelicula).ToList<DetallePeliculaDto>();
     checkBoxPeliculas.DataSource = listaPeliculas;
     checkBoxPeliculas.DataTextField = "nombrePelicula";
     checkBoxPeliculas.DataValueField = "idPelicula";
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("poblarPeliculas Ends ");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is named 'Horario.guardarProgramacion' and must be synced if needed.
        /// This method returns an int. That in Horario is void.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datosProgramacion">What to save</param>
        private int saveSchedule(DetalleProgramacion datosProgramacion) {
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("Executing saveSchedule");
            int rslt = 0;
            if (datosProgramacion == null) {
                return -1;
            Pelicula peliculaDao = new Pelicula();
            ProgramacionPeliculaDto programacionDto = null;
            foreach (var itemFechas in datosProgramacion.fs) {
                foreach (var itemFormatos in itemFechas.fms) {
                    programacionDto = new ProgramacionPeliculaDto();
                    programacionDto.idHorarioPelicula = itemFormatos.idh;
                    String[] hhmm = itemFormatos.h.Split(',');
                    List<string> hhmmList = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var shhmm in hhmm) {
                        if (shhmm != "00:00") {
                    programacionDto.horaMinutoPelicula = hhmmList.ToStringDelimited(",");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(programacionDto.horaMinutoPelicula) || programacionDto.idHorarioPelicula != 0) {
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemFechas.f)) {

                        DateTime fecha = itemFechas.f.DDMMYYYYToDateTime();
                        programacionDto.idFormato = itemFormatos.idf;
                        programacionDto.idPelicula = datosProgramacion.id;
                        programacionDto.idTeatro = idTheater;
                        programacionDto.mesHorarioPelicula = fecha.Month;
                        programacionDto.annoHorarioPelicula = fecha.Year;
                        programacionDto.diaHorarioPelicula = fecha.Day;
                        programacionDto.nombreDiaSemanaHorarioPelicula = Utils.getDayNameSpanish(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
                        programacionDto.frecuencia = Utils.getDayNameNumber(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
                        rslt = peliculaDao.createUpdateProgramacionPelicula(programacionDto);
                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                            log.Debug("createUpdateProgramacionPelicula rslt=["+ rslt + "] with data=[" + programacionDto.ToString() + "]");
                        programacionDto = null;
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("Executing saveSchedule End");
            return rslt;            
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads movies to use to make schedule on it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="teatro"></param>
 private void poblarPeliculas(int teatro) {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("poblarPeliculas Starts");
     Pelicula peliculaDao = new Pelicula();
     List<PeliculaDto> listaPeliculas = peliculaDao.getPeliculasPorTeatro(teatro);
     listaPeliculas = listaPeliculas.OrderBy(x => x.nombrePelicula).ToList<PeliculaDto>();
     ListBoxPeliculas.DataSource = listaPeliculas;
     ListBoxPeliculas.DataTextField = "nombrePelicula";
     ListBoxPeliculas.DataValueField = "idPelicula";
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("poblarPeliculas Ends");
        /// <summary>
        /// Load movies for selected theater to check which movies it has selected.
        /// </summary>
        protected void checkPeliculas() {
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("checkPeliculas Starts");
            int teatroSeleccionado = Convert.ToInt32(lbTeatros.SelectedValue);
            List<PeliculaDto> lstPeliculasPorTeatroMemoria =  new Pelicula().getPeliculasPorTeatro(teatroSeleccionado);

            foreach (var item in lstPeliculasPorTeatroMemoria) {
                foreach (ListItem pelicula in checkBoxPeliculas.Items) {
                    if (pelicula.Value.Equals(item.idPelicula.ToString())) {
                        pelicula.Selected = true;
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("checkPeliculas Ends");
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an object instance and save only one record.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int executeSaveScheduleSingleTest() {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("Executing executeSaveScheduleSingleTest");
     Pelicula peliculaDao = new Pelicula();
     ProgramacionPeliculaDto programacionDto = new ProgramacionPeliculaDto();
     int rslt = 0;
     DateTime fecha = DateTime.Now;
     programacionDto.idHorarioPelicula = 0;
     programacionDto.idFormato = 1;
     programacionDto.idPelicula = 14;
     programacionDto.idTeatro = idTheater;
     programacionDto.mesHorarioPelicula = fecha.Month;
     programacionDto.annoHorarioPelicula = fecha.Year;
     programacionDto.diaHorarioPelicula = fecha.Day;
     programacionDto.nombreDiaSemanaHorarioPelicula = Utils.getDayNameSpanish(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
     programacionDto.frecuencia = Utils.getDayNameNumber(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
     programacionDto.horaMinutoPelicula = "14:40,17:30,20:50";
     programacionDto.sala = 2;
     rslt = peliculaDao.createUpdateProgramacionPelicula(programacionDto);
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("executeSaveScheduleSingleTest rslt=[" + rslt + "] with data=[" + programacionDto.ToString() + "]");
         log.Debug("Executing executeSaveScheduleSingleTest Ends");
     return rslt;
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method to compute DB records to JSON files. All JSON files are stored in a
        /// configurable folder.
        /// </summary>
        public void CompileAllMoviesSchedule() {
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("CompileAllMoviesSchedule Starts");
            Pelicula movieDao = new Pelicula();
            List<MovieFullInfo> movieFullList = movieDao.updateBillboardAndGetMovieFullInfo();

            // Normalize image to conform to URI.
            movieFullList.ForEach(m => {
                if (!m.img.Contains("http")) {
                    m.img = imgPathUrl + m.img;

            // Create List of movies
            List<Movie> movieList = new List<Movie>();
            Movie movieInfo = null;
            MovieLocation movieLocationInfo = null;
            MovieFormat movieFormatInfo = null;
            MovieShow movieShowInfo = null;
            movieFullList.ForEach(mfInfo => {
                // Let's first find movie existence
                var movieExist = movieList.Where(x => x.id == mfInfo.id).FirstOrDefault<Movie>();
                if (movieExist != null) {
                    movieInfo = movieExist;
                else {
                    movieInfo = new Movie() {
                        id = mfInfo.id,
                        name = mfInfo.name,
                        img = mfInfo.img,
                        url = mfInfo.url,
                        active = mfInfo.active,
                        idGenre = mfInfo.idGenre,
                        genre = mfInfo.genre,
                        premiere = mfInfo.premiere,
                        createDate = mfInfo.createDate,
                        locations = new List<MovieLocation>()

                // Fill remaining data for movieInfo record
                // 1. Fill Location
                var movieLocationExist = movieInfo.locations.Where(x => x.id == mfInfo.idLocation).FirstOrDefault<MovieLocation>();
                if (movieLocationExist != null) {
                    movieLocationInfo = movieLocationExist;
                else {
                    movieLocationInfo = new MovieLocation() {
                        id = mfInfo.idLocation,
                        name = mfInfo.nameLocation,
                        branchName = mfInfo.branchName,
                        nameFull = mfInfo.nameFullLocation,
                        address = mfInfo.address,
                        formats = new List<MovieFormat>()

                // 2. Fill Format
                var movieFormatExist = movieLocationInfo.formats.Where(x => x.id == mfInfo.idFormat).FirstOrDefault<MovieFormat>();
                if (movieFormatExist != null) {
                    movieFormatInfo = movieFormatExist;
                else {
                    movieFormatInfo = new MovieFormat() {
                        id = mfInfo.idFormat,
                        name = mfInfo.nameFormat,
                        shows = new List<MovieShow>()

                // 3. Fill Show
                var movieShowExist = movieFormatInfo.shows.Where(x => x.id == mfInfo.idShow).FirstOrDefault<MovieShow>();
                if (movieShowExist != null) {
                    movieShowInfo = movieShowExist;
                else {
                    movieShowInfo = new MovieShow() {
                        id = mfInfo.idShow,
                        dt = mfInfo.dt,
                        hours = movieDao.getMovieShowHoursFor(mfInfo.idShow)
                movieFormatInfo.shows = movieFormatInfo.shows.OrderBy(x => x.dt).ToList<MovieShow>();
            movieList = movieList.OrderByDescending(x => x.premiere).ThenBy(x => x.name).ToList<Movie>();

            // Up to this point we have all movies gathered, now we build the movie Catalog in order
            // to ease search manipulation when required and to speed data processing.
            // The following steps must be fullfilled in order to gather all of the movie Catalog.
            // 1. Load Movie Name list
            // 2. Movie Formats Name list
            // 3. Movie Genre Name list
            // 4. Load all theaters referenced in the schedule.
            // 5. Load All Theater Name List and its associated movies.
            // 6. Load Movie Name List and its associated theaters where each movie is being shown.

            // Let's start.
            MovieCatalog mc = new MovieCatalog();
            mc.theaters = new List<MovieLocationShort>();
            mc.formats = new List<MovieFormatShort>();
            mc.movies = new List<MovieShortFormat>();
            mc.genres = new List<MovieGenreShort>();

            // 1. Load Movie Name list
            movieList.ForEach(movie => {
                MovieShortFormat movieShort = new MovieShortFormat() {
                    id = movie.id,
                    name = movie.name,
                    premiere = movie.premiere,
                    formats = new List<MovieFormatShort>()

                // Now load formats 
                movie.locations.ForEach(movieLocation =>
                    movieFormat => {
                        var formatExist = movieShort.formats.Where(x => x.id == movieFormat.id).FirstOrDefault<MovieFormatShort>();
                        if (formatExist == null) {
                            movieShort.formats.Add(new MovieFormatShort() { id = movieFormat.id, name = movieFormat.name });
                movieShort.formats = movieShort.formats.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList<MovieFormatShort>();
            mc.movies = mc.movies.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList<MovieShortFormat>();
            // End 1.Load Movie Name List

            // 2. Movie Formats Name list and 3. Movie Genre Name list and 4. Load all theaters referenced in the schedule.
            movieFullList.ForEach(movie => {
                var movieFormatExist = mc.formats.Where(x => x.id == movie.idFormat).FirstOrDefault<MovieFormatShort>();
                if (movieFormatExist == null) {
                    mc.formats.Add(new MovieFormatShort() { id = movie.idFormat, name = movie.nameFormat });

                var movieGenreExist = mc.genres.Where(x => x.id == movie.idGenre).FirstOrDefault<MovieGenreShort>();
                if (movieGenreExist == null) {
                    mc.genres.Add(new MovieGenreShort() { id = movie.idGenre, name = movie.genre });

                var movieTheaterExist = mc.theaters.Where(x => x.id == movie.idLocation).FirstOrDefault<MovieLocationShort>();
                if (movieTheaterExist == null) {
                    mc.theaters.Add(new MovieLocationShort() { id = movie.idLocation, name = movie.nameLocation, branchName = movie.branchName, nameFull = movie.nameFullLocation });
            mc.formats = mc.formats.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList<MovieFormatShort>();
            mc.genres = mc.genres.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList<MovieGenreShort>();
            mc.theaters = mc.theaters.OrderBy(x => x.nameFull).ToList<MovieLocationShort>();
            // End 2. Movie Formats Name list and 3. Movie Genre Name List and 4. Load all theaters referenced in the schedule.

            // 5. Load All Theater Name List and its associated movies.

            // Initialize 
            Dictionary<int, List<MovieLocationShort>> movieInTheaters = new Dictionary<int, List<MovieLocationShort>>();
            movieList.ForEach(movie => movieInTheaters.Add(movie.id, new List<MovieLocationShort>()));

            // Now fill locations per movie.
            movieList.ForEach(movie => {
                var movieTheaterSelected = movieInTheaters[movie.id];
                movie.locations.ForEach(loc => movieTheaterSelected.Add(new MovieLocationShort() { id = loc.id, name = loc.name, branchName = loc.branchName, nameFull = loc.nameFull }));
                movieTheaterSelected = movieTheaterSelected.OrderBy(x => x.nameFull).ToList<MovieLocationShort>();

            // Now store in catalog.
            mc.movieInTheaters = movieInTheaters;
            // End 5. Load All Theater Name List and its associated movies.

            // 6. Load Movie Name List and its associated theaters where each movie is being shown.

            // Initialize theaterMovies for computation.
            // Here we use theaterMoviesDictionary temporary variable so in the process it can be build orderd both
            // its keys and the values it contains.
            Dictionary<string, List<MovieShortFormat>> theaterMoviesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<MovieShortFormat>>();

            // Initialize theaterMoviesDictionary with keys ordered by name.
            List<string> theaterNameList = new List<string>();

            mc.theaters.ForEach(t => theaterNameList.Add(t.nameFull));
            theaterNameList = theaterNameList.OrderBy(t => t).ToList<string>();

            // Now that we have a theaterNameList  and ordered, we can now start building the Dictionary values.
            // Initialize theaterMoviesDictionary dictionary for further processing.
            theaterNameList.ForEach(t => theaterMoviesDictionary.Add(t, new List<MovieShortFormat>()));

            // Let's add values to theaterMoviesDictionary
            movieList.ForEach(movie => {
                movie.locations.ForEach(location => {
                    // Retrieve theater item from dictionary
                    var theaterItem = theaterMoviesDictionary[location.nameFull];
                    var existMovie = theaterItem.Where(x => x.id == movie.id).FirstOrDefault<MovieShortFormat>();
                    if (existMovie == null) {
                        // WARNING!: At this point and supported by mc.movies (which must be already compiled at this point.
                        var movieFormats = mc.movies.Where(x => x.id == movie.id).FirstOrDefault();
                        theaterItem.Add(new MovieShortFormat() { id = movie.id, premiere = movie.premiere, name = movie.name, formats = movieFormats.formats });

            // Now it is time to copy contents from theaterMoviesDictionary to mc.theaterMovies
            // When traversing its contents the list is sorted as well by name.
            mc.theaterMovies = new Dictionary<string, List<MovieShortFormat>>();
            foreach (var pair in theaterMoviesDictionary) {
                mc.theaterMovies.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value.OrderBy(m => m.name).ToList<MovieShortFormat>());

            // End 6. Load Movie Name List and its associated theaters where each movie is being shown.

            // Serialize
            string movieLookupJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(movieList);
            string movieCatalogJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mc);

            // Now that we have just  gathered all the information, create static JSON versions
            // Now there are two files to consume the feed

            // Full movie catalog (mapped from origin).
            string fileName = moviesFileName;
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName)) {

            fileName = catalogNameFileName;
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName)) {
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("Info compiled");
                log.Debug("movieLookupJSON=[" + movieLookupJSON + "]");
                log.Debug("movieCatalogJSON=[" + movieCatalogJSON + "]");
                log.Debug("CompileAllMoviesSchedule Ends");
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Operation to create or update a record in database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operacion">1: create, 2: update</param>
        /// <returns>0 if successful</returns>
        protected int CrearPelicula(int operacion) {
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("CrearPelicula Starts");
                log.Debug("Selected operation [" + operacion + "]");
            Pelicula peliculaDao = new Pelicula();
            DetallePeliculaDto datosPelicula = new DetallePeliculaDto();
            if (operacion == 1) {
                datosPelicula.fechaCreacionPelicula = DateTime.Now.MapToLocalTimeColombia();
            if (operacion == 2) {
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                    log.Debug("id to update [" + grdInfo.DataKeys[grdInfo.SelectedIndex].Value + "]");
                datosPelicula = peliculaDao.getPelicula(Convert.ToInt32(grdInfo.DataKeys[grdInfo.SelectedIndex].Value));

            // The following code has no effect if you use Updatepanel.
            // to upload an image it must be sent first to server and then somehow referenced for inserting/updating record.
            // Left here for compatibility.
            if (imgUpload.HasFile) {
                string imgFolder = Settings.ImageFolderSave;
                string imgName = imgFolder + @"\" + imgUpload.FileName;

                datosPelicula.imagenCartelera = imgUpload.FileName;
            else {
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(posterImageName.Value)) {
                    datosPelicula.imagenCartelera = posterImageName.Value;

            datosPelicula.nombrePelicula = nombre.Text;
            datosPelicula.idUsuarioCreador = 1;
            datosPelicula.idGeneroPelicula = Convert.ToInt32(listGenero.SelectedValue);
            datosPelicula.sinopsis = sinopsis.Text;
            datosPelicula.urlArticuloEc = url.Text;
            if (checkEnCartelera.Checked) {
                datosPelicula.enCartelera = "S";
            else {
                datosPelicula.enCartelera = "N";
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("Record data [" + datosPelicula.ToString() + "]");
            int resultado = peliculaDao.createPelicula(datosPelicula, operacion);
            if (resultado == -1) {
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                    log.Debug("Record not created");
                registerToastrMsg(MessageType.Error, "Registro no creado con éxito.");
            txtBuscar.Text = "";
            if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                log.Debug("CrearPelicula Ends");
                log.Debug("Result is [" + resultado + "]");
            return resultado;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads Movies into Grid View
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Objet which sends event</param>
 /// <param name="e">event parameteres</param>
 private void CargarGridInfoData(string filtro = null, Object newPage = null) {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("CargarGridInfoData Starts");
     var listaPeliculas = new Pelicula().getPeliculas();
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro)) {
         listaPeliculas = listaPeliculas.Where(x => x.nombrePelicula.ToLower().Contains(filtro.ToLower())).ToList();
     if (listaPeliculas.Count > 0) {
         btnActualizar.Visible = false;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro)) {
             if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                 log.Debug("Search used with filter=[" + filtro + "] with " + listaPeliculas.Count + " matches found");
             registerToastrMsg(MessageType.Info, string.Format("Se encontraron <b>{0}</b> con el criterio de búsqueda: <b>{1}</b> ", listaPeliculas.Count, filtro.ToString()));
     else {
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro)) {
             if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
                 log.Debug("No records matched");
             registerToastrMsg(MessageType.Info, "No hay películas con el criterio de búsqueda: " + filtro.ToString());
     grdInfo.DataSource = listaPeliculas;
     if (newPage != null) {
         grdInfo.PageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(newPage);
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("CargarGridInfoData Ends");
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Saves all information about the schedule for movie/theater back to disk.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="datosProgramacion">An object representing the information to save from JSON format</param>
 private void guardarProgramacion(DetalleProgramacion datosProgramacion) {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("guardarProgramacion Starts");
     if (datosProgramacion == null) {
         if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
             log.Debug("Supplied parameter is not set");
     Pelicula peliculaDao = new Pelicula();
     ProgramacionPeliculaDto programacionDto = null;            
     foreach (var itemFechas in datosProgramacion.fs) {
         foreach (var itemFormatos in itemFechas.fms) {
             programacionDto = new ProgramacionPeliculaDto();
             programacionDto.idHorarioPelicula = itemFormatos.idh;
             String[] hhmm = itemFormatos.h.Split(',');
             List<string> hhmmList = new List<string>();
             foreach (var shhmm in hhmm) {
                 if (shhmm != "00:00") {
             programacionDto.horaMinutoPelicula = hhmmList.ToStringDelimited(",");
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(programacionDto.horaMinutoPelicula) || programacionDto.idHorarioPelicula != 0) {
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemFechas.f)) {
                 DateTime fecha = itemFechas.f.DDMMYYYYToDateTime();                        
                 programacionDto.idFormato = itemFormatos.idf;
                 programacionDto.idPelicula = datosProgramacion.id;
                 programacionDto.idTeatro = Convert.ToInt32(teatroSeleccionado.Value.ToString());
                 programacionDto.mesHorarioPelicula = fecha.Month;
                 programacionDto.annoHorarioPelicula = fecha.Year;
                 programacionDto.diaHorarioPelicula = fecha.Day;
                 programacionDto.nombreDiaSemanaHorarioPelicula = Utils.getDayNameSpanish(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
                 programacionDto.frecuencia = Utils.getDayNameNumber(fecha.DayOfWeek.ToString());
                 programacionDto = null;
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("guardarProgramacion Starts");
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the schedule so far for the supplied parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idPelicula">Movie Id</param>
 /// <param name="idTeatro">Theater Id</param>
 /// <returns>A list of PeliculaFullInfoDto</returns>
 private List<PeliculaFullInfoDto> obtenerProgramacion(int idPelicula, int idTeatro) {
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("obtenerProgramacion Starts");
         log.Debug("idPelicula=[" + idPelicula + "]");
         log.Debug("idTeatro=[" + idTeatro + "]");
     infoProgramacion.Value = ListBoxPeliculas.SelectedValue;
     List<PeliculaFullInfoDto> listResultado = new Pelicula().getProgramacionPelicula(idPelicula, idTeatro);
     if (log.IsDebugEnabled) {
         log.Debug("obtenerProgramacion Ends");
     return listResultado;            