public ActionResult UpdateGrid(string hiddenSchoolFilter, string schoolYearFilter) { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); modelService = new ModelServices(); ViewBag.SchoolYearList = schoolService.DropDownDataSchoolYear(schoolYearFilter); int schoolYearId = modelService.GetSchoolYearId(Convert.ToInt32(schoolYearFilter)); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, hiddenSchoolFilter, siteUser.RoleDesc, schoolYearId); return View("Index", userService.GetViewData(schoolYearFilter, hiddenSchoolFilter, "")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); } }
public ActionResult Index() { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); modelService = new ModelServices(); int schoolYearId = modelService.SchoolYearId(); string currentSchoolYear = schoolService.GetCurrentSchoolYear(); ViewBag.SchoolYearList = schoolService.DropDownDataSchoolYear(currentSchoolYear); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, string.Empty, siteUser.RoleDesc, schoolYearId); return View(userService.GetViewData(currentSchoolYear, "", "")); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); //throw; } }
public ActionResult Edit(tblUserExt tblUserExtended) { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); modelService = new ModelServices(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); int userAssignedDistrict = siteUser.Districts[0].Id; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (tblUserExtended.SelectedSchools != null && tblUserExtended.SelectedSchools.Count() > 0) { bool isEmailAddressExist = db.tblUsers.Where(x => x.UserEmail == tblUserExtended.UserEmail && x.UserId != tblUserExtended.UserId).Count() > 0 ? true : false; bool isStateIdExist = db.tblUsers.Where(x => x.StateId == tblUserExtended.StateId && x.UserId != tblUserExtended.UserId).Count() > 0 ? true : false; if ((!isEmailAddressExist) && (!isStateIdExist)) { userService.UpdateUser(tblUserExtended); HelperService.UpdateSiteUserProfile(siteUser, db); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { if (isEmailAddressExist) ModelState.AddModelError("UserEmail", "Duplicate email - please choose a unique email."); if (isStateIdExist) ModelState.AddModelError("StateId", "Duplicate state id - please choose a unique state."); } } else { ViewBag.SchoolMessage = "Required"; } } tblUserExtended.Schools = userService.GetSelectedSchoolCheckBoxes(tblUserExtended); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, string.Empty, siteUser.RoleDesc, tblUserExtended.SchoolYearId); FillUserExtendedCommanData(modelService, tblUserExtended); return View(tblUserExtended); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int? id, int schoolYearId) { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); modelService = new ModelServices(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); //tblUserExt tbluserExtended = null; if (id == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } tblUser tbluser = db.tblUsers.Find(id); if (tbluser == null) { return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } var context = new Models.ApplicationDbContext(); var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context)); string aspNetUserName = "******"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbluser.AspNetUserId)) { ApplicationUser aspNetUser = userManager.FindById(tbluser.AspNetUserId); if (aspNetUser != null) { aspNetUserName = aspNetUser.UserName; } } //Get RoleId from tblUserDistrict instead of tblUser int roleId = userService.GetRoleId(id, schoolYearId); tblUserExt tbluserExtended = new tblUserExt() { UserId = tbluser.UserId, UserName = aspNetUserName, FirstName = tbluser.FirstName, LastName = tbluser.LastName, UserEmail = tbluser.UserEmail, StateId = tbluser.StateId, Schools = tbluser.Schools, SchoolYearId = schoolYearId, RoleId = roleId }; //Check that edited user's school must be from EDSUser schools or edsUser must have permissions to view user school bool isUserHasPermissionForSchool = userService.IsUserHasPermissionForSchool(tbluserExtended); if (!isUserHasPermissionForSchool) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } //Get User schools tbluserExtended.Schools = userService.GetUserSchoolWithCheckBoxes(tbluserExtended); var dropDownEmpty = Enumerable.Repeat(new SelectListItem { Value = "", Text = "" }, count: 1); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, string.Empty, siteUser.RoleDesc, schoolYearId); FillUserExtendedCommanData(modelService, tbluserExtended); return View(tbluserExtended); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); } }
public async Task<ActionResult> Create(tblUserExt tblUserExtended) { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); modelService = new ModelServices(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); int userAssignedDistrict = siteUser.Districts[0].Id; string currentSchoolYear = schoolService.GetCurrentSchoolYear(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (tblUserExtended.SelectedSchools != null && tblUserExtended.SelectedSchools.Count() > 0) { var context = new Models.ApplicationDbContext(); var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context)); // 1. Create ASPNET user string userName = tblUserExtended.UserName; string password = tblUserExtended.Password; var isPasswordValid = password != null && password.Length >= 6 ? true : false; var isUserNameExist = userManager.FindByName(userName); bool isEmailAddressExist = db.tblUsers.Where(x => x.UserEmail == tblUserExtended.UserEmail).Count() > 0 ? true : false; bool isStateIdExist = db.tblUsers.Where(x => x.StateId == tblUserExtended.StateId).Count() > 0 ? true : false; if ((isUserNameExist == null) && (!isEmailAddressExist) && (!isStateIdExist) && (isPasswordValid)) { var user = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = userName }; var result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, password); if (result.Succeeded) { // 2. Create EDS user ApplicationUser newAspNetUser = userManager.FindByName(userName); if (newAspNetUser != null) { userService.CreateEdsUser(newAspNetUser.Id, tblUserExtended); } } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("ERROR: {0}", result.Errors)); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { if (isUserNameExist != null) ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", "Duplicate name - please choose a unique name."); if (isEmailAddressExist) ModelState.AddModelError("UserEmail", "Duplicate email - please choose a unique email."); if (isStateIdExist) ModelState.AddModelError("StateId", "Duplicate state id - please choose a unique state."); if (!isPasswordValid) ModelState.AddModelError("Password", "Please enter password at least 6 characters."); } } else { ViewBag.SchoolMessage = "Required"; } } tblUserExtended.Schools = userService.GetSelectedSchoolCheckBoxes(tblUserExtended); ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(modelService.GetRolesForRole((int)(siteUser.Role)), "RoleId", "RoleDesc", tblUserExtended.RoleId); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, string.Empty, siteUser.RoleDesc, tblUserExtended.SchoolYearId); return View(tblUserExtended); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); } }
// GET: /User/Create public ActionResult Create() { try { db = new dbTIREntities(); siteUser = ((SiteUser)Session["SiteUser"]); modelService = new ModelServices(); schoolService = new SchoolService(siteUser, db); userService = new UserService(siteUser, db); int userAssignedDistrict = siteUser.Districts[0].Id; int schoolYearId = modelService.SchoolYearId(); tblUserExt userExtended = new tblUserExt(); userExtended.SchoolYearId = schoolYearId; userExtended.Schools = userService.GetSchoolWithCheckBoxes(userExtended); ViewBag.RoleId = new SelectList(modelService.GetRolesForRole((int)(siteUser.Role)), "RoleId", "RoleDesc"); FillViewBagValues(siteUser.Districts[0].Name, string.Empty, siteUser.RoleDesc, schoolYearId); return View(userExtended); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging log = new Logging(); log.LogException(ex); return View("GeneralError"); } }