private void PrintStatusMessage(EPICommand cmd) { if (statusMessageWriter != null) { statusMessageWriter.WriteLine("Status: {0}", cmd[CommandFields.Responses.S.MessageText]); } }
public string DecodeCommand(EPICommand cmd) { if (cmd == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("cmd"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd.CMDWord) || cmd.CMDWord.Length > 3) { throw new EPIException("epi command word is invalid", cmd); } StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); line.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{2}", cmd.CMDWord, fldSep, cmd.ActionId); foreach (String field in cmd) { line.Append(fldSep); line.Append(field); } if (cmd.Completed) { line.Append(fldSep); } return(line.ToString()); }
private void Enqueue(EPICommand cmd) { if (!channels.ContainsKey(cmd.ActionId)) { throw new EPIException($"The response contains an unknown action id (${cmd.ActionId}) and can't assigned to a channel", cmd); } channels[cmd.ActionId].Enqueue(cmd); }
public string GetOptionValue(string name) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); } EPICommand sho = new CommandBuilder() .SetCMDWord(CommandWords.Session.ShowOptions) .SetActionId(ActionId) .AddField(name) .AddField("0") // mit Metadaten? .Build(); stream.Write(sho); if (stream.Read() != EPIResponseType.Data) { throw new EPIException("edp option could'nt be received", stream.ResultMessage); } bool valueReaded = false; string value = String.Empty; while (stream[ActionId].Count > 0) { EPICommand cmd = stream[ActionId].Dequeue(); if (CommandWords.Responses.Data == cmd.CMDWord) { if (valueReaded) { throw new EPIException("server responses with an unexpected data command", cmd); } if (cmd.Fields.Length < 1) { throw new EPIException("server responses with an empty data command", cmd); } value = cmd[1]; valueReaded = true; } if (CommandWords.Responses.EndOfData == cmd.CMDWord) { if (!valueReaded) { throw new EPIException("server response contains no data about the requested option value"); } return(value); } } throw new EPIException("server response contains no data about the requested option value"); }
private void HandleEPICommand(EPICommand cmd) { switch (cmd.CMDWord) { case CommandWords.Responses.StatusMessage: PrintStatusMessage(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.Acknowledge: resultMessage = cmd; break; case CommandWords.Responses.NegativeAcknowledge: resultMessage = cmd; break; case CommandWords.Responses.BeginOfData: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.ChangeNotification: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.Data: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.DataContinuation: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.EndOfData: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.End: resultMessage = cmd; break; case CommandWords.Responses.MetaData: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.ProgressMessage: Enqueue(cmd); break; case CommandWords.Responses.Error: throw new EPIException("server responses an error: " + cmd[CommandFields.Responses.E.MessageText], cmd); } }
public static EPIResponseType GetTypeOf(EPICommand cmd) { if (cmd == null) { return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); } // Antworten wie Status oder Daten werden nie alleine gesendet, sondern es folgt // immer eine abschließende Antwort. Daher ist bei diesen Kommandos der Typ noch undefiniert. switch (cmd.CMDWord) { case CommandWords.Responses.StatusMessage: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.Acknowledge: return(EPIResponseType.Acknowledge); case CommandWords.Responses.NegativeAcknowledge: return(EPIResponseType.NegativeAcknowledge); case CommandWords.Responses.BeginOfData: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.ChangeNotification: return(EPIResponseType.ChangeNotification); case CommandWords.Responses.Data: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.DataContinuation: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.EndOfData: return(EPIResponseType.Data); case CommandWords.Responses.End: return(EPIResponseType.End); case CommandWords.Responses.MetaData: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.ProgressMessage: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); case CommandWords.Responses.Error: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); default: return(EPIResponseType.Undefined); } }
/// <summary> /// Sendet einen EPI-Kommando an den Server. Der Aufruf löscht die aktuelle Warteschlange der zuletzt empfangenen Nachrichten. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmd">EPI-Kommando</param> public void Write(EPICommand cmd) { if (!channels.ContainsKey(cmd.ActionId)) { AddChannel(cmd.ActionId); } channels[cmd.ActionId].Clear(); string request = DecodeCommand(cmd); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("request: " + request); #endif byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(request); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // linefeed senden zum Ausführen des Kommandos stream.Write(new byte[] { Convert.ToByte(endCommandSign) }, 0, 1); }
/// <summary> /// Öffnet die Verbindung über das Netzwerk und meldet sich am ERP-Server an. /// </summary> public void Open() { if (connected) { Close(); } ResetActionId(); try { client = new TcpClient(host, port); } catch (SocketException e) { throw new EPIException("connection has been refused", e); } stream = new EPIStream(client.GetStream()) { Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(DefaultEDPEncoding), FieldSeparator = DefaultFieldSeparator, MaxBufferSize = DefaultMaxBufferSize }; // Server sendet als erstes eine Status-Message, welche abgeholt werden kann, wird sie nicht // abgeholt, wird sie mit dem nächsten Befehl empfangen EPICommand status = stream.ReadNextCommand(); stream.Write(CreateChangeMandantCommand()); if (stream.Read() != EPIResponseType.Acknowledge) { throw new EPIException("change mandant failed", stream.ResultMessage); } stream.Write(CreateLogOnCommand()); if (stream.Read() != EPIResponseType.Acknowledge) { throw new EPIException("logon failed", stream.ResultMessage); } connected = true; }
/// <summary> /// Wartet bzw. liest solange EPI-Kommandos vom Server ein, bis eine abschließenden Antwort, /// z.B. ein Acknowledge, eintrifft und liefert das Ergebnis der Abfrage zurück. /// </summary> /// <returns>Abschließende Antwortyp des Servers</returns> public EPIResponseType Read() { EPIResponseType type = EPIResponseType.Undefined; resultMessage = CommandBuilder.CreateEmptyCommand(); do { string response = ReadLine(); // im Response können 1 bis n Nachrichten enthalten sein int offset = 0; int index = -1; do { index = response.IndexOf(endCommandSign, offset); if (index >= 0) { EPICommand cmd = ReadResponse(response, offset, index); HandleEPICommand(cmd); if (type == EPIResponseType.Undefined) { type = EPIResponseTypeHelper.GetTypeOf(cmd); } } offset = index + 1; } while (offset > 0 && offset < response.Length); // weiterlesen, wenn noch keine abschließende Antowort vom Server gesendet wurde } while (type == EPIResponseType.Undefined); return(type); }
/// <summary> /// Instanziert einen neuen EPI-Stream mit Standardeinstellungen. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Netzwerkstream, dieser muss vorher geöffnet werden. Geschlossen wird der Stream automatisch oder über Aufruf der Close-Methode.</param> public EPIStream(NetworkStream stream) { = stream ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); resultMessage = CommandBuilder.CreateEmptyCommand(); channels = new Dictionary <uint, Channel>(); }
public EPIException(String message, EPICommand cmd, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { this.Cmd = cmd; }
public EPIException(String message, EPICommand cmd) : base(message) { this.Cmd = cmd; }