Example #1
        //Function to create body of receiveing advice
        private int ReceivingAdviceMaker(List <String> segments)
            int    SEcount = 0;
            String asnNum  = segments[2];

            // builds the BRA
            Globals.outputText += "BRA*" + asnNum +
                                  "*20" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + "*06*8~\r\n";
            // builds the REF
            Globals.outputText += "REF*SI*" + asnNum + "~\r\n";
            // builds the DTM
            Globals.outputText += "DTM*999" + "*20" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + "~\r\n";

            int    lineCount = 0;
            String tempLIN;
            String tempQty;
            String poNum = "";

            //Loop runs for each line item in ASN and creates appropriate RC segment. Ends when it reaches the CTT segment
            while (segments[0] != "CTT")
                if (segments[0] == "~")
                    if (segments[1] == "PRF")
                        poNum = segments[2];
                    else if (segments[1] == "LIN")
                        tempLIN             = StringModifiers.PutBackTogether(segments.GetRange(1, 7));
                        tempQty             = segments[10];
                        Globals.outputText += "RCD**" + tempQty + "*ST~\r\n";
                        Globals.outputText += tempLIN + "PRF*" + poNum + "~\r\n";

            Globals.outputText += "CTT*" + lineCount.ToString() + "~\r\n";

            SEcount = lineCount * 3 + 6; // this is the complex forumla we deduced for the se01

Example #2
        //Main function for converting ASN to RC
        private void Engine(List <String> words)
            List <String> envelope      = new List <String>();
            List <String> bottomEnvVals = new List <String>();
            Boolean       flag          = true;

            int SE01;

                // 32 is the size of the envelope
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
            catch (Exception e)
                Globals.outputText  = "Please ensure your ASN is in the proper format.";
                OutputBox.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                flag = false;

            if (flag)
                //Grab top envelope from ASN and covert for RC
                envelope = Envelope.TopEnvelope(envelope, OriginatorBox.ValueMember, 856);

                //Getting the values for the bottom envelope.
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

                //Adds top envelpope to output text
                Globals.outputText += StringModifiers.PutBackTogether(envelope);

                //Sets body of RC while returning value for SE01
                SE01 = ReceivingAdviceMaker(words);

                //Add bottom envelope to output text
                bottomEnvVals.Insert(0, SE01.ToString());
Example #3
        public String CreateCompany2PO()
            String PO        = "";
            int    productID = 111111111;

            //Blank top envelope for function parameter. If can overload funciton please fix this
            List <String> topEnvelope = new List <string>();

            PO += StringModifiers.PutBackTogether(Envelope.TopEnvelope(topEnvelope, "Company 2", 850));

            PO += "BEG*00*SA*";
            PO += POnumber;
            PO += "**20" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + "~\r\n";
            PO += "CUR*BY*USD~\r\n";
            PO += "REF*IA*ANGE01~\r\n";
            PO += "REF*19*Company 2~\r\n";
            PO += "REF*11*4458809~\r\n";
            PO += "PER*BD*John Doe*TE*555-555-5555*EM*[email protected]~\r\n";
            PO += "PER*DC*Tom Doe*TE*555-555-5555*EM*[email protected]~\r\n";
            PO += "PER*SU*Test Supplier*TE*555-555-5555*EM*[email protected]~\r\n";

            if (headerSACvalues[0] != "false")
                if (headerAllowance) // these need to be radio buttons
                    PO += "SAC*A*";
                else if (headerCharge)
                    PO += "SAC*C*";

                // headerSACvalues: [code, amount, percentage] -- the one that doesn't exitst between amt and per will be -1
                // unless the user doesnt wants a header SAC: [false, null, null]

                if (headerSACvalues[0] == "none")
                    PO = "Please enter values in all required SAC fields.";
                    PO += headerSACvalues[0].Substring(0, 4) + "***"; // the allowance/charge code
                if (headerSACvalues[2] == "-1")                       // they want an amount
                    int decimalLocation = headerSACvalues[1].Length - 3;
                    headerSACvalues[1] = headerSACvalues[1].Remove(decimalLocation, 1);
                    PO += headerSACvalues[1] + "*3**";
                else if (headerSACvalues[1] == "-1") // they want a percent
                    PO += "*3*" + headerSACvalues[2];
                    PO = "Please enter values in all required SAC fields.";

                PO += "********Discount\r\n";

            if (ITDneeded)
                PO += "ITD*08*15*" + ITDpercent + "**10**30*****Sample Discount~\r\n";

            PO += "DTM*002*20" + deliveryDate.ToString("yyMMdd") + "~\r\n";
            PO += "DTM*010*20" + deliveryDate.AddDays(-2).ToString("yyMMdd") + "~\r\n";
            PO += "DTM*118*20" + deliveryDate.ToString("yyMMdd") + "~\r\n";

            PO += "TD5*****UPS~\r\n";
            PO += "TXI*GS*2~\r\n";
            PO += "N9*L1*GEN~\r\n";
            PO += "MTX**Test Note.~\r\n";
            PO += "N1*ST*Company 2*92*94~\r\n";
            PO += "N2*Company 2~\r\n";
            PO += "N3*3501 TEST ROAD*Suite 1000~\r\n";
            PO += "N3*1st Floor*Last door on the right~\r\n";
            PO += "N4*DAVIE*FL*12345*US~\r\n";
            PO += "N1*VN*Test Vendor Name*92*1234~\r\n";
            PO += "N2*Test Supplier Name~\r\n";
            PO += "N3*123 Test Street*Address2~\r\n";
            PO += "N3*Address 3*Address 4~\r\n";
            PO += "N4*Omaha*NE*12345*US~\r\n";

            for (int i = 1; i <= numOfItems; i++)
                PO += "PO1*" + i + "*5*EA" + i + ".99**BP*BPN" + i + i + i + "*VN*VPN" + i + i + i + "*UP*" + productID++ + "~\r\n";
                PO += "CTP********" + (i * (i + 0.99)) + "~\r\n";
                PO += "PID*F*08***Test Item Description " + i + "~\r\n";
                PO += "PO4*5****G*2*LB*2*IN~\r\n";

            PO += "CTT*" + numOfItems + "~\r\n";

            PO += "SE|38|0047~\r\n";
            PO += "GE|1|47~\r\n";
            PO += "IEA|1|161~";

Example #4
        //Function to create a Company 1 PO
        public String createCompany1PO()
            String PO = "";

            //Create the top envelope
            List <String> topEnvelope = new List <string>();

            PO += StringModifiers.PutBackTogether(Envelope.TopEnvelope(topEnvelope, "Company 1", 850));

            //Generate the static portion of the PO
            PO += "BEG|00|SA|";
            PO += POnumber;
            PO += "||20" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd") + "||AC`\r\n";
            PO += "CUR|II|";
            PO += currency + "`\r\n";

            PO += "REF|PG|100`\r\nREF|PC|1010`\r\n";
            PO += "REF|BC|1010`\r\nREF|ZZ|PRODUCTION`\r\n";
            PO += "PER|SU|Test Vendor Company|TE|123-123-1234|FX|5874 5896`\r\n";
            PO += "PER|BD|Test User|TE|123456789|||EM|[email protected]|DF|||01|EXW|CI|SINGAPORE`\r\n";
            PO += "ITD|||||||30|||||Within 30 days due net`\r\n";
            PO += "N1|SE|Vendor Factory|92|0000100123`\r\n";
            PO += "N3|123 Test Ave #54321`\r\n";
            PO += "N4|SINGAPORE||12345|SG`\r\n";
            PO += "N1|BT|Company 1|92|1010`\r\n";
            PO += "N3|2 Test Avenue`\r\n";
            PO += "N4|Singapore||123456|SG`\r\n";
            PO += "N1|ST|Company 1|92|1010`\r\n";
            PO += "N3|166 Test Circle`\r\n";
            PO += "N4|Singapore||123456|SG`\r\n";

            //Generate the PO1 loop based on selected tax amounts
            if (tax0needed && tax7needed)
                for (int i = 1; i <= numOfItems; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 1)
                        PO += "PO1|" + lineItemGenerator(i) + "|10|ST|100.99||BP|" + itemNumber + "`\r\n";
                        PO += "PID|F||||DemoItem" + i + "`\r\n";
                        PO += "TXI|P4||0|||||||GST on import-MES 0%`\r\n";
                        PO += "SCH|10|EA|POA|POA|017|" + deliveryDate + "||002|" + deliveryDate + "`\r\n";
                        PO += "PO1|" + lineItemGenerator(i) + "|10|ST|100.99||BP|" + itemNumber + "`\r\n";
                        PO += "PID|F||||DemoItem" + i + "`\r\n";
                        PO += "TXI|P1||7|||||||Standard - rated 7 %`\r\n";
                        PO += "SCH|10|EA|POA|POA|017|" + deliveryDate + "||002|" + deliveryDate + "`\r\n";
            else if (tax7needed)
                for (int i = 1; i <= numOfItems; i++)
                    PO += "PO1|" + lineItemGenerator(i) + "|10|ST|100.99||BP|" + itemNumber + "`\r\n";
                    PO += "PID|F||||DemoItem" + i + "`\r\n";
                    PO += "TXI|P1||7|||||||Standard - rated 7 %`\r\n";
                    PO += "SCH|10|EA|POA|POA|017|" + deliveryDate + "||002|" + deliveryDate + "`\r\n";
            else if (tax0needed)
                for (int i = 1; i <= numOfItems; i++)
                    PO += "PID|F||||DemoItem" + i + "`\r\n";
                    PO += "TXI|P4||0|||||||GST on import-MES 0%`\r\n";
                    PO += "SCH|10|EA|POA|POA|017|" + deliveryDate + "||002|" + deliveryDate + "`\r\n";
                for (int i = 1; i <= numOfItems; i++)
                    PO += "PO1|" + lineItemGenerator(i) + "|10|ST|100.99||BP|" + itemNumber + "`\r\n";
                    PO += "PID|F||||DemoItem" + i + "`\r\n";
                    PO += "SCH|10|EA|POA|POA|017|" + deliveryDate + "||002|" + deliveryDate + "`\r\n";

            PO += "CTT|" + numOfItems.ToString() + "|" + (numOfItems * 10).ToString() + "`\r\n";
            PO += "SE|38|0047`\r\n";
            PO += "GE|1|47`\r\n";
            PO += "IEA|1|161`";
