Example #1
 public static void ReplaceSystemsTable()
     using (var slock = new SQLiteConnectionSystem.SchemaLock())
         using (var conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
             using (var txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                 SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Systems");
                 SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS EdsmSystems");
                 SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS SystemNames");
                 SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE EdsmSystems_temp RENAME TO EdsmSystems");
                 SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE SystemNames_temp RENAME TO SystemNames");
             SQLiteDBClass.ExecuteQuery(conn, "VACUUM");
Example #2
 public static void ReplaceSystemsTable()
     using (var slock = new SQLiteConnectionED.SchemaLock())
         using (var conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
             using (var txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                 ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Systems");
                 ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS EdsmSystems");
                 ExecuteQuery(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS SystemNames");
                 ExecuteQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE EdsmSystems_temp RENAME TO EdsmSystems");
                 ExecuteQuery(conn, "ALTER TABLE SystemNames_temp RENAME TO SystemNames");
             ExecuteQuery(conn, "VACUUM");
Example #3
        private static long DoParseEDSMUpdateSystemsReader(JsonTextReader jr, ref string date, ref bool outoforder, SQLiteConnectionSystem cn, EDDiscoveryForm discoveryform, Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> reportProgress, bool useCache = true, bool useTempSystems = false)
            DateTime maxdate;

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(date, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out maxdate))
                maxdate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);

            Dictionary<long, EDDiscovery2.DB.InMemory.SystemClassBase> systemsByEdsmId = useCache ? GetEdsmSystemsLite(cn) : new Dictionary<long, EDDiscovery2.DB.InMemory.SystemClassBase>();
            int count = 0;
            int updatecount = 0;
            int insertcount = 0;
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int[] histogramsystems = new int[50000];
            string sysnamesTableName = useTempSystems ? "SystemNames_temp" : "SystemNames";
            string edsmsysTableName = useTempSystems ? "EdsmSystems_temp" : "EdsmSystems";
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            while (!cancelRequested())
                bool jr_eof = false;
                List<JObject> objs = new List<JObject>();

                while (!cancelRequested())
                    if (jr.Read())
                        if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)

                            if (objs.Count >= 10000)
                        jr_eof = true;

                using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                    DbCommand updateNameCmd = null;
                    DbCommand updateSysCmd = null;
                    DbCommand insertNameCmd = null;
                    DbCommand insertSysCmd = null;
                    DbCommand selectSysCmd = null;
                    DbCommand selectNameCmd = null;

                        updateNameCmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE SystemNames SET Name=@Name WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn);
                        updateNameCmd.AddParameter("@Name", DbType.String);
                        updateNameCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        updateSysCmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE EdsmSystems SET X=@X, Y=@Y, Z=@Z, UpdateTimestamp=@UpdateTimestamp, VersionTimestamp=@VersionTimestamp, GridId=@GridId, RandomId=@RandomId WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@X", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@Y", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@Z", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@UpdateTimestamp", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@VersionTimestamp", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@GridId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@RandomId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        insertNameCmd = cn.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO " + sysnamesTableName + " (Name, EdsmId) VALUES (@Name, @EdsmId)", txn);
                        insertNameCmd.AddParameter("@Name", DbType.String);
                        insertNameCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        insertSysCmd = cn.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO " + edsmsysTableName + " (EdsmId, X, Y, Z, CreateTimestamp, UpdateTimestamp, VersionTimestamp, GridId, RandomId) VALUES (@EdsmId, @X, @Y, @Z, @CreateTimestamp, @UpdateTimestamp, @VersionTimestamp, @GridId, @RandomId)", txn);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@X", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@Y", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@Z", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@CreateTimestamp", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@UpdateTimestamp", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@VersionTimestamp", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@GridId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertSysCmd.AddParameter("@RandomId", DbType.Int64);

                        selectSysCmd = cn.CreateCommand("SELECT Id, X, Y, Z, GridId, RandomId FROM EdsmSystems WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId");
                        selectSysCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        selectNameCmd = cn.CreateCommand("SELECT Name FROM SystemNames WHERE EdsmId = @EdsmId");
                        selectNameCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        IEnumerator<JObject> jo_enum = objs.GetEnumerator();

                        while (!cancelRequested())
                            if (!jo_enum.MoveNext())
                                reportProgress(-1, $"Syncing EDSM systems: {count} processed, {insertcount} new systems, {updatecount} updated systems");

                                if (jr_eof)
                                    date = maxdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                    Console.WriteLine($"Import took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

                                    for (int id = 0; id < histogramsystems.Length; id++)
                                        if (histogramsystems[id] != 0)
                                            Console.WriteLine("Id " + id + " count " + histogramsystems[id]);

                                    return updatecount + insertcount;


                            JObject jo = jo_enum.Current;

                            JObject coords = (JObject)jo["coords"];

                            if (coords != null && (coords["x"].Type == JTokenType.Float || coords["x"].Type == JTokenType.Integer))
                                double x = coords["x"].Value<double>();
                                double y = coords["y"].Value<double>();
                                double z = coords["z"].Value<double>();
                                long edsmid = jo["id"].Value<long>();
                                string name = jo["name"].Value<string>();
                                int gridid = GridId.Id(x, z);
                                int randomid = rnd.Next(0, 99);
                                DateTime updatedate = jo["date"].Value<DateTime>();

                                if (updatedate > maxdate)
                                    maxdate = updatedate;
                                else if (updatedate < maxdate - TimeSpan.FromHours(1))
                                    outoforder = true;

                                EDDiscovery2.DB.InMemory.SystemClassBase dbsys = null;

                                if (!useTempSystems)
                                    if (useCache && systemsByEdsmId.ContainsKey(edsmid))
                                        dbsys = systemsByEdsmId[edsmid];

                                    if (!useCache)
                                        selectSysCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                        using (DbDataReader reader = selectSysCmd.ExecuteReader())
                                            if (reader.Read())
                                                dbsys = new EDDiscovery2.DB.InMemory.SystemClassBase
                                                    id = (long)reader["id"],
                                                    id_edsm = edsmid

                                                if (System.DBNull.Value == reader["x"])
                                                    dbsys.x = double.NaN;
                                                    dbsys.y = double.NaN;
                                                    dbsys.z = double.NaN;
                                                    dbsys.x = ((double)(long)reader["X"]) / XYZScalar;
                                                    dbsys.y = ((double)(long)reader["Y"]) / XYZScalar;
                                                    dbsys.z = ((double)(long)reader["Z"]) / XYZScalar;

                                                dbsys.id_edsm = edsmid;
                                                dbsys.gridid = reader["GridId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)((long)reader["GridId"]);
                                                dbsys.randomid = reader["RandomId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)((long)reader["RandomId"]);

                                        if (dbsys != null)
                                            selectNameCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                            using (DbDataReader reader = selectNameCmd.ExecuteReader())
                                                if (reader.Read())
                                                    dbsys.name = (string)reader["Name"];

                                if (dbsys != null)
                                    // see if EDSM data changed..
                                    if (!dbsys.name.Equals(name))
                                        updateNameCmd.Parameters["@Name"].Value = name;
                                        updateNameCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;

                                    if (Math.Abs(dbsys.x - x) > 0.01 ||
                                        Math.Abs(dbsys.y - y) > 0.01 ||
                                        Math.Abs(dbsys.z - z) > 0.01 ||
                                        dbsys.gridid != gridid)  // position changed
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@X"].Value = (long)(x * XYZScalar);
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@Y"].Value = (long)(y * XYZScalar);
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@Z"].Value = (long)(z * XYZScalar);
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@UpdateTimestamp"].Value = updatedate.Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@VersionTimestamp"].Value = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@GridId"].Value = gridid;
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@RandomId"].Value = randomid;
                                        updateSysCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                else                                                                  // not in database..
                                    insertNameCmd.Parameters["@Name"].Value = name;
                                    insertNameCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@X"].Value = (long)(x * XYZScalar);
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@Y"].Value = (long)(y * XYZScalar);
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@Z"].Value = (long)(z * XYZScalar);
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@CreateTimestamp"].Value = updatedate.Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@UpdateTimestamp"].Value = updatedate.Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@VersionTimestamp"].Value = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@GridId"].Value = gridid;
                                    insertSysCmd.Parameters["@RandomId"].Value = randomid;

                        if (updateNameCmd != null) updateNameCmd.Dispose();
                        if (updateSysCmd != null) updateSysCmd.Dispose();
                        if (insertNameCmd != null) insertNameCmd.Dispose();
                        if (insertSysCmd != null) insertSysCmd.Dispose();
                        if (selectSysCmd != null) selectSysCmd.Dispose();

            if (cancelRequested())
                throw new OperationCanceledException();

            return updatecount + insertcount;
Example #4
        public static void RemoveHiddenSystems(string json)
            JsonTextReader jr = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(json));

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn2 = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                using (DbTransaction txn = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                    DbCommand infoinscmd = null;
                    DbCommand infodelcmd = null;
                    DbCommand namedelcmd = null;

                        infoinscmd = cn2.CreateCommand("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO SystemAliases (name, id_edsm, id_edsm_mergedto) VALUES (@name, @id_edsm, @id_edsm_mergedto)", txn);
                        infoinscmd.AddParameter("@name", DbType.String);
                        infoinscmd.AddParameter("@id_edsm", DbType.Int64);
                        infoinscmd.AddParameter("@id_edsm_mergedto", DbType.Int64);
                        infodelcmd = cn2.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM EdsmSystems WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn);
                        infodelcmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);
                        namedelcmd = cn2.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM SystemNames WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn);
                        namedelcmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);

                        while (jr.Read())
                            if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                                long edsmid = (long)jo["id"];
                                string name = (string)jo["system"];
                                string action = (string)jo["action"];
                                long mergedto = 0;

                                if (jo["mergedTo"] != null)
                                    mergedto = (long)jo["mergedTo"];

                                Console.Write("Remove " + edsmid);
                                infodelcmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;
                                namedelcmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = edsmid;

                                if (mergedto > 0)
                                    infoinscmd.Parameters["@name"].Value = name;
                                    infoinscmd.Parameters["@id_edsm"].Value = edsmid;
                                    infoinscmd.Parameters["@id_edsm_mergedto"].Value = mergedto;

                        if (infoinscmd != null) infoinscmd.Dispose();
                        if (infodelcmd != null) infodelcmd.Dispose();
                        if (namedelcmd != null) namedelcmd.Dispose();
Example #5
        public static long ParseEDDBUpdateSystems(string filename, Action<string> logline)
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);         // read directly from file..

            if (sr == null)
                return 0;

            JsonTextReader jr = new JsonTextReader(sr);

            if (jr == null)
                return 0;

            int updated = 0;
            int inserted = 0;

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                DbCommand selectCmd = null;
                DbCommand insertCmd = null;
                DbCommand updateCmd = null;
                DbCommand updateSysCmd = null;

                using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        selectCmd = cn.CreateCommand("SELECT EddbId, Population, EddbUpdatedAt FROM EddbSystems WHERE EdsmId = @EdsmId LIMIT 1", txn);   // 1 return matching ID
                        selectCmd.AddParameter("@Edsmid", DbType.Int64);

                        insertCmd = cn.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO EddbSystems (EdsmId, EddbId, Name, Faction, Population, GovernmentId, AllegianceId, State, Security, PrimaryEconomyId, NeedsPermit, EddbUpdatedAt) " +
                                                                      "VALUES (@EdsmId, @EddbId, @Name, @Faction, @Population, @GovernmentId, @AllegianceId, @State, @Security, @PrimaryEconomyid, @NeedsPermit, @EddbUpdatedAt)", txn);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@EddbId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@Name", DbType.String);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@Faction", DbType.String);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@Population", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@GovernmentId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@AllegianceId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@State", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@Security", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@PrimaryEconomyId", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@NeedsPermit", DbType.Int64);
                        insertCmd.AddParameter("@EddbUpdatedAt", DbType.Int64);

                        updateCmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE EddbSystems SET EddbId=@EddbId, Name=@Name, Faction=@Faction, Population=@Population, GovernmentId=@GovernmentId, AllegianceId=@AllegianceId, State=@State, Security=@Security, PrimaryEconomyId=@PrimaryEconomyId, NeedsPermit=@NeedsPermit, EddbUpdatedAt=@EddbUpdatedAt WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@EddbId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@Name", DbType.String);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@Faction", DbType.String);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@Population", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@GovernmentId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@AllegianceId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@State", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@Security", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@PrimaryEconomyId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@NeedsPermit", DbType.Int64);
                        updateCmd.AddParameter("@EddbUpdatedAt", DbType.Int64);

                        updateSysCmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE EdsmSystems SET EddbId=@EddbId WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId");
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@EdsmId", DbType.Int64);
                        updateSysCmd.AddParameter("@EddbId", DbType.Int64);

                        int c = 0;
                        int hasinfo = 0;
                        int lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                        while (jr.Read())
                            if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                                JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                                SystemClass system = new SystemClass(jo, SystemInfoSource.EDDB);

                                if (system.HasEDDBInformation)                                  // screen out for speed any EDDB data with empty interesting fields

                                    selectCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = system.id_edsm;     // EDDB carries EDSM ID, so find entry in dB

                                    //DEBUGif ( c > 30000 )  Console.WriteLine("EDDB ID " + system.id_eddb + " EDSM ID " + system.id_edsm + " " + system.name + " Late info system");

                                    long updated_at = 0;
                                    long population = 0;
                                    long eddbid = 0;

                                    using (DbDataReader reader1 = selectCmd.ExecuteReader())         // if found (if not, we ignore EDDB system)
                                        if (reader1.Read())                                     // its there.. check its got the right stuff in it.
                                            eddbid = (long)reader1["EddbId"];
                                            updated_at = (long)reader1["EddbUpdatedAt"];
                                            population = (long)reader1["Population"];

                                    updateSysCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = system.id_edsm;
                                    updateSysCmd.Parameters["@EddbId"].Value = system.id_eddb;

                                    if (eddbid != 0)
                                        if (updated_at != system.eddb_updated_at || population != system.population)
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@EddbId"].Value = system.id_eddb;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@Name"].Value = system.name;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@Faction"].Value = system.faction;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@Population"].Value = system.population;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@GovernmentId"].Value = system.government;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@AllegianceId"].Value = system.allegiance;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@State"].Value = system.state;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@Security"].Value = system.security;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@PrimaryEconomyId"].Value = system.primary_economy;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@NeedsPermit"].Value = system.needs_permit;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@EddbUpdatedAt"].Value = system.eddb_updated_at;
                                            updateCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = system.id_edsm;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@EdsmId"].Value = system.id_edsm;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@EddbId"].Value = system.id_eddb;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@Name"].Value = system.name;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@Faction"].Value = system.faction;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@Population"].Value = system.population;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@GovernmentId"].Value = system.government;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@AllegianceId"].Value = system.allegiance;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@State"].Value = system.state;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@Security"].Value = system.security;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@PrimaryEconomyId"].Value = system.primary_economy;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@NeedsPermit"].Value = system.needs_permit;
                                        insertCmd.Parameters["@EddbUpdatedAt"].Value = system.eddb_updated_at;
                                    //Console.WriteLine("EDDB ID " + system.id_eddb + " EDSM ID " + system.id_edsm + " " + system.name + " No info reject");

                                if (++c % 10000 == 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("EDDB Count " + c + " Delta " + (Environment.TickCount - lasttc) + " info " + hasinfo + " update " + updated + " new " + inserted);
                                    lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                        MessageBox.Show("There is a problem using the EDDB systems file." + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Please perform a manual EDDB sync (see Admin menu) next time you run the program ", "EDDB Sync Error");
                        if (selectCmd != null) selectCmd.Dispose();
                        if (updateCmd != null) updateCmd.Dispose();
                        if (insertCmd != null) insertCmd.Dispose();

            return updated + inserted;
Example #6
        private static long ParseEDSMUpdateDistancesReader(JsonTextReader jr, ref string date , bool removenonedsmids, Func<bool> cancelRequested, Action<int, string> reportProgress)
            List<DistanceClass> toupdate = new List<DistanceClass>();
            List<DistanceClass> newpairs = new List<DistanceClass>();
            DateTime maxdate = DateTime.Parse(date, new CultureInfo("sv-SE"));

            bool emptydatabase = GetTotalDistances() == 0;            // if empty database, we can skip the lookup

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                int c = 0;

                DbCommand cmd = null;

                int lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                    cmd = cn.CreateCommand("select * from Distances where id_edsm=@id limit 1");   // 1 return matching

                    while (jr.Read() && !cancelRequested())
                        if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                            JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                            DistanceClass dc = new DistanceClass(jo);

                            if (dc.CreateTime.Subtract(maxdate).TotalSeconds > 0)
                                maxdate = dc.CreateTime;

                            if (++c % 10000 == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Dist Count " + c + " Delta " + (Environment.TickCount - lasttc) + " newpairs " + newpairs.Count + " update " + toupdate.Count());
                                reportProgress(-1, $"Reading EDSM distances: {c} processed, {newpairs.Count} new, {toupdate.Count} to update");
                                lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                            if (emptydatabase)                                                  // empty DB, just store..
                                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("id", dc.id_edsm);

                                using (DbDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader())              // see if ESDM ID is there..
                                    if (reader1.Read())                                          // its there..
                                        DistanceClass dbdc = new DistanceClass(reader1);

                                        // see if EDSM data changed..
                                        if (!dbdc.NameA.Equals(dc.NameA) || !dbdc.NameB.Equals(dc.NameB) || Math.Abs(dbdc.Dist - dc.Dist) > 0.05)
                                            dbdc.NameA = dc.NameA;
                                            dbdc.NameB = dc.NameB;
                                            dbdc.Dist = dc.Dist;
                                    else                                                                  // not in database..
                                        //Console.WriteLine("Add new system " + system.name);
                    MessageBox.Show("There is a problem using the EDSM distance file." + Environment.NewLine +
                                    "Please perform a manual EDSM distance sync (see Admin menu) next time you run the program ", "ESDM Sync Error");
                    if (cmd != null) cmd.Dispose();

            if (cancelRequested())
                return 0;

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn2 = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                if (toupdate.Count > 0)
                    reportProgress(-1, $"Updating EDSM distances: {toupdate.Count} distances to update");
                    using (DbTransaction transaction = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (DistanceClass dc in toupdate)
                            dc.Update(cn2, transaction);


                if (cancelRequested())
                    return toupdate.Count();

                if (newpairs.Count > 0)
                    int count = 0;

                    while (count < newpairs.Count())
                        using (DbTransaction transaction = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                            while (count < newpairs.Count())
                                newpairs[count].Store(cn2, transaction);

                                if (++count % 10000 == 0)

                            reportProgress(count * 100 / newpairs.Count, $"Adding EDSM distances: {count} added");
                            Console.WriteLine("EDSM Dist Store Count " + count);

                        if (cancelRequested())
                            return toupdate.Count() + count;

                if (removenonedsmids)                            // done on a full sync..
                    reportProgress(-1, "Removing distances without an ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("Delete old ones");
                    using (DbCommand cmddel = cn2.CreateCommand("Delete from Distances where id_edsm is null"))
                        SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn2, cmddel);

            date = maxdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return toupdate.Count + newpairs.Count;
Example #7
        public static void RemoveHiddenSystems(string json)
            JsonTextReader jr = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(json));

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn2 = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                using (DbTransaction txn = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                    while (jr.Read())
                        if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                            JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                            long edsmid = (long)jo["id"];
                            string name = (string)jo["system"];
                            string action = (string)jo["action"];
                            long mergedto = 0;

                            if (jo["mergedTo"] != null)
                                mergedto = (long)jo["mergedTo"];

                            Console.Write("Remove " + edsmid);
                            using (DbCommand cmd = cn2.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM EdsmSystems WHERE EdsmId=@EdsmId", txn))
                                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@EdsmId", edsmid);

                            if (mergedto > 0)
                                using (DbCommand cmd = cn2.CreateCommand("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO SystemNames (Name, EdsmId) VALUES (@Name, @EdsmId)", txn))
                                    cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Name", name);
                                    cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@EdsmId", edsmid);
                                using (DbCommand cmd = cn2.CreateCommand("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO SystemAliases (name, id_edsm, id_edsm_mergedto) VALUES (@name, @id_edsm, @id_edsm_mergedto)", txn))
                                    cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@name", name);
                                    cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@id_edsm", edsmid);
                                    cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@id_edsm_mergedto", mergedto);

Example #8
        private static long ParseEDSMUpdateDistancesReader(JsonTextReader jr, ref string date, bool removenonedsmids, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress, Action <string> logline)
            List <DistanceClass> toupdate = new List <DistanceClass>();
            List <DistanceClass> newpairs = new List <DistanceClass>();
            DateTime             maxdate  = DateTime.Parse(date, new CultureInfo("sv-SE"));

            bool emptydatabase = GetTotalDistances() == 0;                   // if empty database, we can skip the lookup

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem()) // open the db
                int c = 0;

                DbCommand cmd = null;

                int lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                    cmd = cn.CreateCommand("select * from Distances where id_edsm=@id limit 1");   // 1 return matching

                    while (jr.Read() && !cancelRequested())
                        if (jr.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
                            JObject jo = JObject.Load(jr);

                            DistanceClass dc = new DistanceClass(jo);

                            if (dc.CreateTime.Subtract(maxdate).TotalSeconds > 0)
                                maxdate = dc.CreateTime;

                            if (++c % 10000 == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Dist Count " + c + " Delta " + (Environment.TickCount - lasttc) + " newpairs " + newpairs.Count + " update " + toupdate.Count());
                                reportProgress(-1, $"Reading EDSM distances: {c} processed, {newpairs.Count} new, {toupdate.Count} to update");
                                lasttc = Environment.TickCount;

                            if (emptydatabase)                                                  // empty DB, just store..
                                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("id", dc.id_edsm);

                                using (DbDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader())              // see if ESDM ID is there..
                                    if (reader1.Read())                                         // its there..
                                        DistanceClass dbdc = new DistanceClass(reader1);

                                        // see if EDSM data changed..
                                        if (!dbdc.NameA.Equals(dc.NameA) || !dbdc.NameB.Equals(dc.NameB) || Math.Abs(dbdc.Dist - dc.Dist) > 0.05)
                                            dbdc.NameA = dc.NameA;
                                            dbdc.NameB = dc.NameB;
                                            dbdc.Dist  = dc.Dist;
                                    else                                                                  // not in database..
                                        //Console.WriteLine("Add new system " + system.name);
                    logline("There is a problem using the EDSM distance file." + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Please perform a manual EDSM distance sync (see Admin menu) next time you run the program ");
                    if (cmd != null)

            if (cancelRequested())

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn2 = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())  // open the db
                if (toupdate.Count > 0)
                    reportProgress(-1, $"Updating EDSM distances: {toupdate.Count} distances to update");
                    using (DbTransaction transaction = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (DistanceClass dc in toupdate)
                            dc.Update(cn2, transaction);


                if (cancelRequested())

                if (newpairs.Count > 0)
                    int count = 0;

                    while (count < newpairs.Count())
                        using (DbTransaction transaction = cn2.BeginTransaction())
                            while (count < newpairs.Count())
                                newpairs[count].Store(cn2, transaction);

                                if (++count % 10000 == 0)

                            reportProgress(count * 100 / newpairs.Count, $"Adding EDSM distances: {count} added");
                            Console.WriteLine("EDSM Dist Store Count " + count);

                        if (cancelRequested())
                            return(toupdate.Count() + count);

                if (removenonedsmids)                            // done on a full sync..
                    reportProgress(-1, "Removing distances without an ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("Delete old ones");
                    using (DbCommand cmddel = cn2.CreateCommand("Delete from Distances where id_edsm is null"))
                        SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn2, cmddel);

            date = maxdate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return(toupdate.Count + newpairs.Count);